RefNo | Title | Date |
NLB/7/945 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 1 June 1893 |
IM/005864 | Ward, Harry Marshall | September 2002 |
IM/Maull/004789 | Ward, Harry Marshall | nd |
IM/Maull/004788 | Ward, Harry Marshall | nd |
NLB/26/585 | Copy letter from Sir Michael Foster to, Professor Harry Marshall Ward, [Fellow of the Royal Society] | 24 April 1903 |
RR/9/99 | Referee's report by Daniel Oliver, on a paper 'On the morphology and the development of the meliola, a genus of tropical epiphyllous fungi' by Harry Marshall Ward | 22 December 1882 |
NLB/26/145 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to, Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 30 January 1903 |
NLB/1/450 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to the Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company | 6 May 1887 |
NLB/4/213 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward | 13 March 1890 |
NLB/4/196 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, The Laurels, Englefield Green, Staines | 10 March 1890 |
NLB/4/190 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward | 7 March 1890 |
NLB/2/1024 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 31 January 1889 |
NLB/10/288 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Messrs West, Newman & Company | 5 November 1894 |
NLB/6/733 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 4 July 1892 |
NLB/6/223 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 28 March 1892 |
NLB/6/684 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Messrs Harrison & Sons | 28 June 1892 |
NLB/6/677 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 24 June 1892 |
NLB/6/681 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 24 June 1892 |
NLB/5/449 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 12 June 1891 |
NLB/6/730 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Michael Foster, care of Professor Purser[?] | 4 July 1892 |
NLB/6/755 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Albert Julius Otto Penzig, Orto Botanico dell'Università di Genova | 8 July 1892 |
NLB/6/736 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 6 July 1892 |
NLB/6/758 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Albert Julius Otto Penzig, Orto Botanico dell'Università di Genova | 9 July 1892 |
NLB/6/753 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Isaac Bayley Balfour, Fellow of the Royal Society | 8 July 1892 |
NLB/6/1128 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 29 October 1892 |
NLB/6/1146 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Michael Foster | 1 November 1892 |
NLB/5/344 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 21 May 1891 |
NLB/6/1133 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward | 31 October 1892 |
NLB/6/1139 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Michael Foster | 31 October 1892 |
NLB/5/536 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 8 July 1891 |
NLB/7/407 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward | 9 February 1893 |
NLB/7/727 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to the Assistant Secretary, Royal Microscopical Society, 20 Hanover Square, W. | 14 April 1893 |
NLB/7/540 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Percy Faraday Frankland, Fellow of the Royal Society | 9 March 1893 |
NLB/7/659 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Francis Gaskell, Royal Commission on Metropolitan Water Supply | 6 April 1893 |
NLB/7/732 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Messrs Harrison & Sons | 14 April 1893 |
NLB/8/140 | Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Professor Isaac Bayley Balfour, Fellow of the Royal Society | 20 July 1893 |
NLB/10/344 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Henry De La Hooke, Clerk to the London County Council | 12 November 1894 |
NLB/10/284 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to H De la Hooke, Clerk to the London County Council, Spring Gardens, S.W. | 5 November 1894 |
NLB/8/325 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Henry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society, The Laurels, Engelfield Green, Surrey | 2 October 1893 |
NLB/10/71 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Michael Foster, Grand Hotel, Venice | 21 September 1894 |
NLB/10/571 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 20 December 1894 |
NLB/10/961 | Copy letter from Michael Foster, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward | 15 March 1895 |
NLB/8/522 | Copy letter from Michael Foster, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 9 November 1893 |
NLB/10/298 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Henry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 6 November 1894 |
NLB/8/682 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 8 December 1893 |
NLB/30/464 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 28 March 1905 |
NLB/8/1000 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 9 February 1894 |
NLB/8/935 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Mr C Worsfield,"Nature" Office, 29 Bedford Street, Strand, W.C. | 26 January 1894 |
NLB/9/679 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Messrs West, Newman & Company | 28 June 1894 |
NLB/11/46 | Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Mr Collings, 172 Strand | 5 April 1895 |
NLB/18/593 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 7 April 1899 |
NLB/11/154 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 3 May 1895 |
NLB/11/85 | Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Mr Collings, 172 Strand | 11 April 1895 |
NLB/11/81 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Michael Foster | 11 April 1895 |
NLB/9/371 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Michael Foster, Secretary, Royal Society | 7 May 1894 |
NLB/9/740 | Copy letter from Michael Foster, to Harry Marshall Ward, [Fellow of the Royal Society] | 9 July 1894 |
NLB/11/188 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Michael Foster, Secretary, Royal Society | 10 May 1895 |
NLB/11/335 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 6 June 1895 |
NLB/9/488 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 28 May 1894 |
NLB/9/469 | Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Mr Collings | 21 May 1894 |
NLB/11/634 | Copy letter from A H White, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 21 August 1895 |
NLB/11/645 | Copy letter from A H White, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward | 23 August 1895 |
NLB/11/650 | Copy letter from A H White, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward | 26 August 1895 |
NLB/13/456 | Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 15 September 1896 |
NLB/9/775 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Messrs West, Newman & Company | 11 July 1894 |
NLB/13/311 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 23 July 1896 |
NLB/13/833 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Michael Foster, Secretary, Royal Society | 4 December 1896 |
NLB/13/827 | Copy letter from Michael Foster, to the members of the Water Research Committee | 4 December 1896 |
NLB/12/170 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 23 December 1895 |
NLB/26 | New Letter Book volume 26, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration | 13 January 1903-13 June 1903 |
NLB/14/627 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, 12 April 1897 | 12 April 1897 |
NLB/14/537 | Copy letter from Michael Foster, to Professor Sydney Howard Vines, Fellow of the Royal Society | 25 March 1897 |
RR/16/135 | Referee's report by John Bretland Farmer, on a paper 'The histology of Uredo dispera, Erikss, and the 'Mycoplasm' Hypothesis' by Harry Marshall Ward | March 1903 |
RR/16/134 | Referee's report by Francis Darwin, on a paper 'The histology of Uredo dispera, Erikss, and the 'Mycoplasm' Hypothesis' by Harry Marshall Ward | March 1903 |
NLB/29/659 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 21 November 1904 |
RR/16/223 | Referee's report by Harry Marshall Ward, on a paper 'The action of wood on a photographic plate in the dark' by William James Russell | July 1904 |
NLB/16/46 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to W T Thiselton-Dyer, Fellow of the Royal Society | 18 January 1898 |
NLB/16/39 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor H Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 18 January 1898 |
NLB/15/767 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society, Botanical Laboratory, Cambridge | 3 December 1897 |
NLB/15/853 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Harry Marhsall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 23 December 1897 |
NLB/31/388 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 1 September 1905 |
NLB/17/580 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 22 November 1898 |
NLB/18/71 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Marshall Ward | 9 January 1899 |
NLB/17/725 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 13 December 1898 |
NLB/18/1 | Copy letter from [Robert William Frederick Harrison], to Professor [H] Marshall Ward | 21 December 1898 |
NLB/19/369 | Copy letter from A H White, to Sir Michael Foster, Fellow of the Royal Society | 31 August 1899 |
NLB/18/339 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor H Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 24 February 1899 |
NLB/21/343 | Copy letter from Michael Foster, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 1 November 1900 |
NLB/19/699 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor William Dobinson Halliburton, Fellow of the Royal Society | 27 November 1899 |
NLB/26/638 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to, Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 4 May 1903 |
NLB/21/746 | Copy telegram from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Harry Marshall Ward, [Fellow of the Royal Society], Botanical Laboratory, New Museums, Cambridge | 23 January 1901 |
NLB/23/2/491 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 3 June 1904 |
NLB/23/2/395 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society, and others | 11 November 1903 |
NLB/24/243 | Copy letter from unknown correspondent, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 10 April 1902 |
NLB/23/1/875 | Copy letter from Michael Foster, to Marshall Ward, [Fellow of the Royal Society] | 7 February 1902 |
NLB/26/317 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to, Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 28 February 1903 |
NLB/25/439 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 6 November 1902 |
NLB/26/437 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to, Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 20 March 1903 |
NLB/25/530 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 14 November 1902 |
NLB/25/746 | Copy letter from Michael Foster, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, [Fellow of the Royal Society] | 18 December 1902 |
NLB/27/118 | Copy telegram from an unknown correspondent, to Harry Marshall Ward, [Fellow of the Royal Society], Botanical Laboratory, New Museums, Cambridge | [6 July 1903] |
NLB/26/321 | Copy telegram from Royal Society to, Harry Marshall Ward, New Museums, Cambridge | [February 1903] |
NLB/27/197 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 17 July 1903 |
NLB/26/358 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to, Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 6 March 1903 |
NLB/26/794 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to, Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | [May 1903] |
NLB/28/95 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to R Gregory, care of Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 8 January 1904 |
NLB/26/740 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to, Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 21 May 1903 |
NLB/30/16 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 17 January 1905 |
NLB/30/14 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Harry Marhsall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Botany Committee | 11 January 1905 |
NLB/30/123 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 1 February 1905 |
NLB/30/189 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Botany Sectional Committee | [7 February 1905] |
NLB/29/93 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 4 July 1904 |
NLB/30/326 | Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Botany Sectional Committee | 4 March 1905 |
NLB/30/404 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 20 March 1905 |
NLB/30/529 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 10 April 1905 |
NLB/30/392 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 17 March 1905 |
NLB/30/450 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Botany Committee | 25 March 1905 |
NLB/29/206 | Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Botany Committee | 30 July 1904 |
NLB/30/714 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 10 May 1905 |
NLB/30/595 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 14 April 1905 |
NLB/30/803 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 25 May 1905 |
NLB/29/292 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society, Birch Cottage, Kincraig, Invernesshire | 8 September 1904 |
NLB/29/285 | Copy letter from Archibald Geikie, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, [Fellow of the Royal Society] | 3 September 1904 |
NLB/29/555 | Copy letter from Archibald Geikie, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 2 November 1904 |
NLB/31/399 | Copy letter from Archibald Geikie, to [Harry Marshall] Ward, [Fellow of the Royal Society] | 7 September 1905 |
NLB/28/914 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 13 June 1904 |
NLB/29/568 | Copy letter from Archibald Geikie, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, [Fellow of the Royal Society] | 5 November 1904 |
NLB/29/762 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 7 December 1904 |
NLB/29/912 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Botany Committee | 11 January 1905 |
MC/19/831 | Letter from [?], Botanical Laboratory, Cambridge, to the Royal Society | 10 August 1904 |
MC/20/459 | Letter from [Harry] Marshall Ward, Cabridge, to [Robert William Frederick] Harrison | 11 April 1905 |
NLB/54/236 | Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Carl Hamilton] Browning, FRS | 10 March 1917 |
RR/10/282 | Referee's report by Harry Marshall Ward, on a paper 'Mode of branching in Oscillatoriaceae' by Macdonald | 17 October 1889 |
RR/11/84 | Referee's report by Harry Marshall Ward, on a paper 'Contributions to the chemical bacteriology of sewage' by Henry Enfield Roscoe and Joseph Lunt | 9 July 1891 |
RR/9/98 | Referee's report by Miles Joseph Berkeley, on a paper 'On the morphology and the development of the meliola, a genus of tropical epiphyllous fungi' by Harry Marshall Ward | 13 December 1882 |
RR/11/233 | Referee's report by Harry Marshall Ward, on a paper 'Madura foot' by Rubert William Boyce and Surveyon | 13 April 1893 |
RR/9/193 | Referee's report by Miles Joseph Berkeley, on a paper 'On the morphology and the development of the meliola, a genus of tropical epiphyllous fungi' by Harry Marshall Ward | 13 February 1883 |
RR/9/415 | Referee's report by Sidney Howard Vines, on a paper 'On the structure and life-history of Entyloma Ranunculi (bonorden)' by Harry Marshall Ward | 16 December 1886 |
RR/10/107 | Referee's report by Isaac Bayley Balfour, on a paper 'On the tubercular swellings on the roots of Vicia faba' by Harry Marshall Ward | 12 August 1887 |
RR/11/68 | Referee's report by Harry Marshall Ward, on a paper 'On the demonstration of the presence of iron in chromatin by micro-chemical methods' by Archibald Byron Macallum | 6 June 1891 |
RR/11/85 | Letter from Harry Marshall Ward, on a paper 'Contributions to the chemical bacteriology of sewage' by Henry Enfield Roscoe and Joseph Lunt | 24 July 1891 |
RR/13/305 | Referee's report by George Robert Milne Murray, on a paper 'On the biology of stereum hirsutum (Fr.)' by Harry Marshall Ward | 29 November 1897 |
RR/11/232 | Referee's report by Harry Marshall Ward, on a paper 'Upon the action of gravity on bacterium zopfii' by Rubert William Boyce and A Ernest Evans | 13 April 1893 |
RR/12/206 | Referee's report by Harry Marshall Ward, on a paper 'On the influence of certain natural agents on the virulence of the tubercle-bacillus' by Arthur Ransome and Sheridan Delépine | 5 May 1894 |
RR/14/60 | Referee's report by Harry Marshall Ward, on a paper 'On apogamy and the development of sporangia upon fern prothalli' by William Henry Lang | 7 March 1898 |
RR/9/416 | Referee's report by Isaac Bayley Balfour, on a paper 'On the structure and life-history of Entyloma Ranunculi (bonorden)' by Harry Marshall Ward | 20 December 1886 |
RR/11/216 | Referee's report by Horace Tabberer Brown, on a paper 'The ginger-beer plant, and the organisms composing it: a contribution to the study of fermentation-yeasts and bacteria' by Harry Marshall Ward | 29 January 1892 |
RR/13/306 | Referee's report by Sydney Howard Vines, on a paper 'On the biology of stereum hirsutum (Fr.)' by Harry Marshall Ward | 3 December 1897 |
RR/12/259 | Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'The action of light on bacteria.—III' by Harry Marshall Ward | 16 April 1894 |
RR/13/308 | Referee's report by Dukinfield Henry Scott, on a paper 'On the biology of stereum hirsutum (Fr.)' by Harry Marshall Ward | 7 December 1897 |
RR/12/258 | Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, to John William Strutt, 3rd Baron Rayleigh, regarding a paper 'The action of light on bacteria.—III' by Harry Marshall Ward | 16 April 1894 |
RR/14/44 | Referee's report by Harry Marshall Ward, on a paper 'Contributions to our knowledge of the Fucaceae: their life-history and cytology' by John Bretland Farmer and John Lloyd Williams | 21 June 1898 |
RR/14/267 | Referee's report by Walter Gardiner, on a paper 'Onygena equina, Willd., a horn-destroying fungus' by Harry Marshall Ward | nd [May 1899] |
RR/14/200 | Referee's report by Harry Marshall Ward, on a paper 'Observations on the morphology of the blastomycetes found in carcinomata' by Keith W Monsarrat | [December 1899] |
RR/13/307 | Letter from Robert Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society, on a paper 'On the biology of stereum hirsutum (Fr.)' by Harry Marshall Ward to William Turner Thiselton-Dyer | 4 December 1897 |
RR/14/266 | Referee's report by George Robert Milne Murray, on a paper 'Onygena equina, Willd., a horn-destroying fungus' by Harry Marshall Ward | nd [May 1899] |
RR/11/43 | Referee's report by Harry Marshall Ward, on a paper 'On the demonstration by staining of the pathogenic fungus of malaria, its artificial cultivation, and the results of inoculation of the same' by J Fenton Evans | 6 April 1891 |
RR/10/106 | Referee's report by William Turner Thiselton-Dyer, on a paper 'On the tubercular swellings on the roots of Vicia faba' by Harry Marshall Ward | 4 July 1887 |
MM/19/123 | Humourous botanical drawings by Harry Marshall Ward | 19th-20th century |
NLB/3/285 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Michael Foster, [Royal Society] | [30 April 1889] |
NLB/10/144 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 6 October 1894 |
NLB/8/703 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 11 December 1893 |
NLB/8/867 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 12 January 1894 |
NLB/11/155 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Michael Foster, Secretary, Royal Society | 3 May 1895 |
NLB/13/612 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr Edward Frankland, Fellow of the Royal Society | 16 October 1896 |
NLB/19/338 | Copy letter from A H White, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 11 August 1899 |
NLB/18/383 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr D H Scott, Fellow of the Royal Society | 2 March 1899 |
NLB/30/194 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 10 February 1905 |
NLB/30/318 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 3 March 1905 |
NLB/30/604 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 17 April 1905 |
NLB/30/716 | Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Botany Committee | May 1905 |
NLB/32/19 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Botany Sectional Committee | 12 December 1905 |
NLB/32/95 | Copy letter from [Robert William Frederick Harrison], to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society | 22 December 1905 |
RR/12/257 | Referee's report by William Turner Thiselton-Dyer, on a paper 'The action of light on bacteria.—III' by Harry Marshall Ward | 11 February 1894 |
IM/005865 | Ward, Harry Marshall | September 2002 |
EC/1888/24 | Ward, Harry Marshall: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
NLB/10/162 | Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Messrs Harrison & Sons | 10 October 1894 |
NLB/11/57 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Michael Foster, Secretary, Royal Society | 8 April 1895 |
NLB/14/501 | Copy letter from Michael Foster, to Sir William Hely-Hutchinson | 11 March 1897 |
NLB/30/749 | Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Botany Sectional Committee | 16 May 1905 |
NLB/30/809 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Botany Sectional Committee | 25 May 1905 |
NLB/31/32 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Botany Sectional Committee | 9 June 1905 |
NLB/31/34 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Harry Marshall Ward, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Botany Sectional Committee | 9 June 1905 |
RR/11/215 | Referee's report by William Turner Thiselton-Dyer, on a paper 'The ginger-beer plant, and the organisms composing it: a contribution to the study of fermentation-yeasts and bacteria' by Harry Marshall Ward | 23 January 1892 |
NLB/30 | New Letter Book volume 30, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration | 14 January 1905-6 June 1905 |
RR/15/102 | Referee's report by Harry Marshall Ward, on a paper 'On a bacterial disease in turnips' by M G Potter | 6 November 1900 |
PP/14/35/1 | Manuscript, 'On the tubercles on the roots of leguminous plants, with special reference to the pea and the bean' by Harry Marshall Ward | 1889 |
RR/13/125 | Referee's report by Henry Marshall Ward, on a paper 'The healing of incisions in vegetable tissues' by Samuel George Shattock | 15 January 1896 |
PP/15/28 | Paper, 'On some relations between host and parasite in certain epidemic diseases of plants' by Harry Marshall Ward | 1890 |
PP/10/41 | Paper, 'The tubercular swellings on the roots of the Leguminoseae' by H [Harry] Marshall Ward | 1887 |
PP/14/35 | Paper, 'On the tubercles on the roots of leguminous plants, with special reference to the pea and the bean' by Harry Marshall Ward | 1889 |
PP/14/35/2 | Figures, 'Root-hairs of the pea in process of being infected' by Harry Marshall Ward | 1889 |
PP/15/28/1 | Manuscript, 'On some relations between host and parasite in certain epidemic diseases of plants' by Harry Marshall Ward | 1890 |
PP/15/28/2 | Figure, 'The "disease-spots"' by Harry Marshall Ward | 1890 |
PP/18/13 | Paper, 'The "ginger-beer plant", and the organisms composing it: a contribution to the study of fermentation-yeasts and bacteria' by Harry Marshall Ward | 1891 |
RR/14/201 | Detailed referee's report by Harry Marshall Ward, on a paper 'Observations on the morphology of the blastomycetes found in carcinomata' by Keith W Monsarrat | 10 December 1899 |
PP/24/25 | Paper, 'Third report to the Royal Society Water Research Committee' by Percy Faraday Frankland and Harry Marshall Ward | 1894 |
PP/17/40 | Paper, 'Note on Dr Fenton Evans’ paper on the pathogenic fungus of malaria' by William Turner Thiselton-Dyer | 1891 |
MC/16/67 | Letter from [Harry] Marshall Ward, Coopers Hill, to the Royal Society | 12 November 1893 |
RR/13/293 | Referee's report by Harry Marshall Ward, on a paper 'Coleothrix methystes, a micro-organism in Rum' by Victor Herbert Veley and Lilian J Veley | 17 January 1898 |
MC/16 | Volume 16 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1893-1896 |
MC/18/170 | Memoranda to Dr [Henry Forster] Morley, International Catalogue Bureau | 13 January 1903 |
MC/17 | Volume 17 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1897-1899 |
MC/21 | Volume 21 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1906 |
MC/21/609 | Letter from William Turner Thiselton-Dyer, The Ferns, Witcombe, Gloucester, to the Royal Society | 27 October 1906 |
MC/19 | Volume 19 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1904 |
MC/18 | Volume 18 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1903 |