Authorised form of name | St John; Oliver (c 1691 - 1743) |
Other forms of name | Oliver St |
Other forms of surname | John |
Dates | c 1691 - 1743 |
Nationality | British |
Date of birth | c. 1691 |
Date of death | 26 November 1743 |
Occupation | Barrister |
Activity | Education: Benjamin Morland's (FRS 1707) school at Hackney, Middlesex; Trinity College, Cambridge (admitted 1708); Lincoln's Inn (admitted 1710) Career: Called to the Bar
Membership category | Fellow |
Date of election | 25/02/1720 |
Proposer | James Jurin |
Martin Folkes |
Relationships | Son of Oliver St John of Tonragee, Co Antrim or Tonrogee, Armagh |
Source | Sources: Bulloch's Roll; Venn; LI References: Obituary, 'Gentleman's Magazine' (1743), p613; obituary, 'London Magazine' (1743), p621 Notes: GM describes him as 'Oliver St John of Lincoln's Inn, Esq'. In printed list until 1749 |
Code | NA7723 |
Archives associated with this Fellow
RefNo | Title | Date |
RBO/16/55 | Concerning an 'arcuccio' from a letter by Oliver St John | 1731 |
CLP/17/53 | Letter extract, regarding an 'arcuccio' from Oliver St John to unknown recipient | [1731] |
CLP/17/53/1 | Manuscript, regarding an 'arcuccio' from Oliver St John to unknown recipient | [1731] |
CLP/17/53/2 | Figure, arcutio by Oliver St John | [1731] |