Authorised form of name | Skempton; Sir; Alec Westley (1914 - 2001) |
Dates | 1914 - 2001 |
Nationality | British |
Place of birth | Northampton, Northamptonshire, England |
Date of birth | 04/06/1914 |
Date of death | 09/08/2001 |
Activity | Education: Northampton Grammar School; City and Guilds College, London (1932). PhD Career: Staff, Building Research Station (BRS) (1936); worked on reinforced concrete; staff, soil mechanics laboratory, BRS (1937-1946); his work included Waterloo Bridge, Gosport Dockyard, Eau Brink Cut channel of the River Ouse near King's Lynn; established Soil Mechanics course, Imperial College, London (1945); Senior Lecturer (1946); established post-graduate Soil Mechanics course (1950); Professor of Soil Mechanics (1955); Head of Department (1957-1976); Professor of Civil Engineering (from 1957); Professor Emeritus and Senior Research Fellow (from 1981); edited work on John Smeaton (FRS 1753); played the flute and croquet Honours: Kt 2000 Memberships: MICE (Vice-President 1974-1976)
Membership category | Fellow |
Date of election | 16/03/1961 |
Age at election | 46 |
Relationships | Married Mary Wood (known as Nancy) (she died 1993); two daughters |
Source | Obituaries: Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 2003 vol 49 pp 509-520, plate, by Richard J Chandler |
Code | NA7835 |
Archives associated with this Fellow
RefNo | Title | Date |
EC/1961/24 | Skempton, Alec Westley: certificate of election to the Royal Society | 16 March 1961 |
IM/GA/WRS/9251 | Skempton, Alec Westley | nd |