
Authorised form of nameBanks; Sir; Joseph (1744 - 1820); naturalist
Dates1744 - 1820
Place of birthArgyle Street, London, England
Date of birth13 February 1744
Place of deathHis house at Spring Grove, Isleworth
Date of death19 June 1820
Parish church, Isleworth
Research fieldBotany
By private tutor then Harrow School; Eton School; entered Christ Church College, Oxford in 1760 where his interest in botany prompted him to procure a teacher in this field for the students. Matriculated as gentleman commoner from Christ Church, Oxford (1760) but left without taking a degree. DCL (1771, Oxon)
Made a botanical expedition collecting plants and other specimens with his Etonian friend Lieutenant Constantine Phipps RN to Labrador and Newfoundland (1766); took part in Captain James Cook's first great expedition to view the Transit of Venus and subsequent circumnavigation of the world in HMS Endeavour. Voyaged to Iceland (1772).
Sailed with Cook's expedition in the "Endeavour", with Daniel Solander (FRS 1764) as one of his assistants (1768-1771) to explore the unchartered lands of the South Pacific, circumnavigating the globe visiting South America, Tahiti, New Zealand, Australia and Java; in New Zealand (1769-1770), collecting specimens including vines, fruit trees, melberry trees for silk worms; Banks and Solander visited the Hebrides and Iceland together (1772); Privy Councillor (1797). His collections and library passed to the then British Museum after his death.
Freemason, member, 1767, Old Horn Lodge No 2 at Fleece Tavern, Tothill Street, London, later Royal Somerset House and Inverness Lodge No 4(1766)
Bt 1781; KCB 1795
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election01/05/1766
RSActivityRoyal Society roles:
PRS 1778-1820
RelationshipsSon of William Banks of Revesby Abbey, Lincolnshire; grandson of Joseph Banks (FRS 1730)
Bulloch's Roll; DNB; DSB
Gudrun Richardson, 'A Norfolk Network within the Royal Society' in NR 2002 vol 56 pp 27-39, plate
Marta Cavazza, 'The Institute of Science of Bologna and the Royal Society in the eighteenth century' in NR 2002 vol 56 pp 3-25, plate
Sir John Craig, 'The Royal Society and the Royal Mint' in NR 1964 vol 19 pp 156-167
Sir Gavin de Beer and Max H Hey, 'The First Ascent of Mont Blanc' in NR 1954-55 vol 11 pp 236-255
R K Bluhm, 'A Note on the Origin of the Society's Conversaziones' in NR 1958 vol 13 pp 61-63
R E W Maddison and Raymond E Maddison, 'Spring Grove, the Country House of Sir Joseph Banks, Bart., PRS' in NR 1954-55 vol 11 pp 91-99
L F Gilbert, 'The Election to the Presidency of the Royal Society in 1820' in NR 1954-55 vol 11 pp 256-279
John Thomas, 'Josiah Wedgwood's Portrait Medallions of Fellows of the Royal Society' in NR 1963 vol 18 pp 45-53, plate
G R de Beer, 'The Relations between Fellows of the Royal Society and French Men of Science when France and Britain were at War' in NR 1952 vol 9 pp 244-299, plate
A D Atkinson, 'Dr Johnson and the Royal Society' in NR 1953 vol 10 pp 131-138
David E Allen, 'Man of the World', review of R E R Banks et al, eds, Sir Joseph Banks: A Global Perspective in NR 1995 vol 49 pp 336-337, plate
Garry J Tee, 'Relics of Davy and Faraday in New Zealand' in NR 1998 vol 52 pp 93-102
Harold B Carter, 'The Royal Society and the Voyage of HMS Endeavour 1768-71' in NR 1995 vol 49 pp 245-260
Marie Boas Hall, 'The Enlightening of Science', review of John Gascoigne, Joseph Banks and the English Enlightenment: Useful Knowledge and Polite Culture in NR 1996 vol 50 pp 258-260, plate
Milo Keynes, 'The Portland Vase: Sir William Hamilton, Josiah Wedgwood and the Darwins' in NR 1998 vol 52 pp 237-259, plate
Neil Chambers, 'Letters From the President: the Correspondence of Sir Joseph Banks' in NR 1999 vol 53 pp 27-57, plate
Patricia Fara, 'The Royal Society's Portrait of Joseph Banks' in NR 1997 vol 51 pp 199-210, plate
Sarah Meer, 'Servant of the State, Promoter of Empire', review of John Gascoigne, Science in the Service of Empire: Joseph Banks, the British State and the Uses of Science in the Age of Revolution in NR 1999 vol 53 pp 372-373
M Yakup Bektas and Maurice Crosland, 'The Copley Medal: the Establishment of a Reward System in the Royal Society, 1731-1839' in NR 1992 vol 46 pp 43-76
Frank A J L James, review of Marie Boas Hall, All Scientists Now: the Royal Society in the Nineteenth Century in NR 1990 vol 44 pp 133-134
David E Allen, 'Banks in Full Flower', essay review in NR 1990 vol 44 pp 119-124
A W Skempton, 'The Publication of Smeaton's Reports' in NR 1971 vol 26 pp 135-155
Averil Lysaght, 'A Letter From Sydney Parkinson in Batavia to Dr John Fothergill' in NR 1981-82 vol 36 pp 79-81
Averil M Lysaght, 'Joseph Banks at Skara Brae and Stennis, Orkney, 1772' in NR 1973-4 vol 28 pp 221-234
Averil M Lysaght, 'Some Early Letters from Joseph Banks (1743-1820) to William Phelp Perrin (1742-1820)' in NR 1974-5 vol 29 pp 91-99
Egon H Kodicek and Frank G Young, 'Captain Cook and Scurvy' in NR 1969 vol 24 pp 43-63
G N Cantor, 'Thomas Young's Lectures at the Royal Institution' in NR 1970 vol 25 pp 87-112
Garland Cannon, 'Sir William Jones, Sir Joseph Banks, and the Royal Society' in NR 1974-5 vol 29 pp 205-230
Maurice Crosland, 'Explicit Qualifications as a Criterion for Membership of the Royal Society: A Historical Review' in NR 1982-83 vol 37 pp 167-187
Sir Raphael Cilento, 'Sir Joseph Banks, FRS, and the Naming of the Kangaroo' in NR 1971 vol 26 pp 157-161
T E Allibone, 'Edmond Halley and the Clubs of the Royal Society' in NR 1973-4 vol 28 pp 195-205
T E Allibone, 'The Thursday's Club Called the Club of the Royal Philosophers, and its Relation to the Royal Society Club' in NR 1971 vol 26 pp 73-80
Trevor H Levere, 'Dr Thomas Beddoes and the Establishment of His Pneumatic Institution: A Tale of Three Presidents' in NR 1977-8 vol 32 pp 41-49
Trevor H Levere, 'Friendship and Influence: Martinus van Marum, FRS' in NR 1970 vol 25 pp 113-120
William T Stearn, 'A Royal Society Appointment with Venus in 1769: the Voyage of Cook and Banks in the Endeavour in 1768-1771 and its Botanical Results' in NR 1969 vol 24 pp 64-90
Patricia Fara, 'Letters from a scientific emperor', review of Neil Chambers, 'The letters of Sir Joseph Banks: a selection 1768 - 1829' in NR 2002 vol 56 pp 264-265
A Cook, 'A Roman tercentenary' by A Cook in NR 2002 vol 56 p273
L B Glyn, 'Israel Lyons: a short but starry career. The life of an eighteenth-century Jewish botanist and astronomer' in NR 2002 vol 56 pp 275-305
R W Home, 'The Royal Society and the Empire: the colonial and Commonwealth Fellowship. Part 1. 1731-1847' in NR 2002 vol 56 pp 307-332
K K Schwarz, 'Faraday and Babbage' in NR 2002 vol 56 pp367-381
J Corden, 'Web of Science History' project in NR 2002 vol 56 pp 383-388
N G Coley, 'George Pearson MD, FRS (1751-1828): 'The greatest chemist in England'? in NR 2003 vol 57 pp
W P Griffith and P J T Morris, 'Charles Hatchett FRS (1765 - 1847), chemist and discoverer of niobium' in NR 2003 vol 57 pp 299 - 316
D Carr Agnew, 'Robert Fitzroy and the myth of 'Marsden Square': Transatlantic rivalries in early marine meteorology' in NR 2004 vol 58 pp 21-46
T Fulford, D Lee and P J Kitson, 'Sir Joseph Banks and his networks' in 'Literatue, Science and Exploration in the Romantic Era: Bodies of Knowledge' (CUP), 2004
M Crosland, 'Relationships between the Royal Society and the Academie des Sciences in the late eighteenth century' in NR 2005 vol 59 pp 25-34
S G Perceval 'Journal of an Excursion to Eastbury adn Bristol etc in May and June 1767' in Proceedings of the Bristol Naturalists Society, NS 9 (1899) page 6 et seq.
N A Chambers 'The So ciety of Arts and Joseph Banks: a first step in London's learned society' NR 2007 vol 61 pp313-326
'Freemasons and the Royal Society: Alphabetical List of Fellows of the Royal Society who were Masons' Library and Museum of Freemasonry, 2010, page 7

Deposited papers:
Cambridge University Library, Department of Manuscripts and University Arvhives - 2 journals in a volume of 94 folios, entitled 'Journal of an Excursion to Eastbury and Bristol etc in May and June 1767' and 'Journal of an excursion to Wales etc 1767-8' Ref. MS.Add.6294. Volume sold at Sotheby's in 1886. Bought from the original purchaser, John W Ford of Enfiled in 1887 by Spencer George Perceval and presented to CUL in 1921.
Virtual International Authority File
Archives associated with this Fellow
MM/6/70Botanical notes by Joseph Banks, titled 'A List of Fruits cultivated in the gardens of Rome in the time of Pliny'nd
MM/11/21Instrument by Joseph Banks appointing George Douglas, 16th Earl of Morton, Deputy President of the Royal Society21 January 1796
MM/2/48Letter from Joseph Saunders, St Petersburg, to Sir Joseph Banks2/13 August 1802
L&P/10/31Letter, 'Of the new comet' from Nevil Maskelyne to Joseph Banks19 January 1793
MM/6/24Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Lincoln, to Samuel Tyssen21 September 1805
DM/4/15Copy of a letter from Sir Joseph Banks to Lord CamarthenFebruary 1787
MM/7/53'List of the Property of the Board [of Longitude] in my Possession'c.1783
MM/3/43Letter from John Parkinson, Asparby, to Sir Joseph Banks23 November 1795
MM/2/51Letter from T Leweston, Bedford Square, to Sir Joseph Banks14 September 1802
MM/1/25Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square [to John Monson, 3rd Baron Monson]15 April 1801
MM/2/52Letters relating to the Duke of Bedford's Statue Committee, mostly suggestions for Inscriptions to the Statue1802-1809
IM/000240Banks, Sir Joseph2000
MM/2/29Draft Letter from Joseph Banks, for the Duke of Bedford's Statue Committee, Soho Square, to Messrs Hammersley25 April 1803
MM/3/5Draft letter from Joseph Banks, Soho Square, to Henry de Burgh, 12th Earl of Clanricarde20 March 1784
MM/3/62Draft letter from Sir Joseph Banks, London, to RM Crewe7 February 1799
MM/3/4Draft letter from Joseph Banks, Soho Square, to Henry de Burgh, 12th Earl of Clanricarde[1783]
CB/1/1/122Letter from Charles Blagden to Sir Joseph Banks25 April 1797
DM/4/43Letter from Edward Williams, London, to Sir Joseph Banks30 May 1795
MM/6/23Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Revesby Abbey, to Samuel Tyssen17 September 1805
MM/6/39Letter from Robert Wissett, East India Company, to Sir Joseph Banks26 February 1791
MM/7/27'A List of the Commissioners of Longitude'1782
MM/2/40Letter from John Samuel Agar, Stafford Place, to Sir Joseph Banks11 June 1816
EC/1766/04Banks, Sir Joseph: certificate of election to the Royal Society
MM/1/20Letter from John Symmons, Paddington House, to Sir Joseph Banks22 August 1814
MM/2/45Letter from Samuel Percy to Sir Joseph Banks[1802]
MM/2/27Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, for the Duke of Bedford's Statue Committee, on the actions of a sub-group to the main committee25 April 1803
MM/2/3Letter from Richard Saunders, Spring Gardens, to Joseph Banks31 December 1783
MM/3/3Letter from Henry de Burgh, 12th Earl of Clanricarde, Ireland, to Sir Joseph Banks9 June 1784
MM/3/51Letter from George Shuckburgh-Evelyn, London, to Sir Joseph Banks20 June 1795
MM/7/11Letter from Nevil Maskelyne to Joseph Banks8 July 1779
MM/2/11ACard from Lord Hardwich, St James Square, to Joseph Banks7 January 1784
MM/3/47Letter from J Collins, Devizes, to Sir Joseph Banks26 January 1795
MM/1/21Letter from John Symmons, Paddington House, to Sir Joseph Banks 31 August 1814
MM/8/9Short note by Joseph Banks14 June 1790
MM/1/48Draft notes made by Sir Joseph Banks1783-1784
MM/6/27Letter from Sir Joseph Banks to Samuel Tyssen1805
MM/6/52Rough Botanical notes by Joseph Banksnd
MM/6/68Botanical notes by Joseph Banks
MM/1/24Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square, to Thomas Polfield 28 December 1778
MM/3/2Letter from Henry de Burgh, 12th Earl of Clanricarde, Ireland, to Sir Joseph Banks9 March 1784
MM/7/30A fragment in Joseph Banks's hand, 'Papers sent to Mr Parker, August 29 1782'1782
MM/6/48Minute of meeting of the Horticultural Society14 March 1804
MM/6/47Botanical notes by Joseph Banksnd
MM/1/46Draft notes made by Sir Joseph Banksc.1784
MM/6/62Letter from Colonel Robert Kyd to Sir Charles William Boughton-Rouse4 May 1790
MM/1/23Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square, to Thomas Polfield14 December 1778
MM/7/73ALetter from Georg Wolff, 16 America Square, to Sir Joseph Banks1 July 1790
CB/1/1/133Letter from Charles Blagden to Sir Joseph Banks28 August 1814
MM/7/65ADraft letter from Joseph Banks to Mr Tullock17 October 1788
MM/2/56Accounts of the funds for the Duke of Bedford's Statue Committee 1802-1803
MM/2/13Draft invitation from Joseph Banks, Soho Square1 April 1802
MM/2/38Letter from John Samuel Agar, Stafford Place, to Sir Joseph Banks5 March 1816
MM/1/38Letter from Henry Charles Englefield to Sir Joseph Banksnd
MM/6/14Draft letter from Sir Joseph Banks to John Birch, Secretary of the St Anne's Association17 June 1794
MM/7/72Draft letter from Joseph Banksnd
MM/2/43Rough Notes from the Duke of Bedford's Statue Committee1802-1804
CB/2/628Copy of a letter from Charles Blagden to Joseph Banks13 March 1792
MM/7/20Letter from the Board of Longitude about the premium offered for making flint glass, for use in telescopesnd
MM/6/35Draft Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho SquareApril 1815
MM/2/25List of the members of the Duke of Bedford's Statue Committee3 April 1802
MM/12/145A note of the rent received from the Mablethorpe Estate, 1691-1720, by Joseph Banks18th-19th century
MM/2/23Card from the Duke of Bedford's Statue Committee requesting George Lambert to attend a meeting of the Committee on 5th May 180230 April 1804
CB/2/281Copy of a letter from Charles Blagden to Joseph Banks7 August 1789
MM/6/56Charter party between James Hunter and Joseph Banks in respect of the Ship 'Sir Lawrence'4 July 1772
MM/7/66Rough notes by Sir Joseph Banksc.1789
MM/7/48Letter from Sir Harry Parker, Commissioners of Longitude, Admiralty, to Sir Joseph Banks, Nevil Maskelyne and Anthony Shepherd29 August 1784
MM/1/36Letter from Sir John Call, Old Burlington Street, to Sir Joseph Banks15 May 1800
MM/6/18Draft letter from Sir Joseph Banks to Baron Louis Costaz7 June 1802
MM/2/16Letter from Hugh Inglis, Bedford Mews, to Sir Joseph Banks1 April 1802
CB/2/711Copy of a letter from Charles Blagden to Joseph Banks25 October 1791
MM/6/54Some notes on Gum by Joseph Banks1790
MM/8/75Letter from Jose de Mendoza Rios, Foley Street, to Sir Joseph Banks3 March 1814
CB/2/74Copy of a letter from Charles Blagden to Joseph Banks12 September 1787
MM/2/31Draft Letter from Joseph Banks, for the Duke of Bedford's Statue Committee, Soho Square28 April 1803
MM/3/46Draft letter from Sir Joseph Banks to Lady Jones7 February 1795
MM/6/20Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square, to Samuel Tyssen26 April 1805
MM/6/9Draft letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square2 March 1787
MM/7/110Draft by Joseph Banks of 'Observations on Mr Mudge's Application to Parliament for a Reward for his Time-keepers, which, agreeably to the Act of Parliament of 14th of George III had been unanimously denied him by the Board of Longitude'March 1793
MM/6/21Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square, to Samuel Tyssen26 May 1805
MM/3/58Letter from Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford, Munich, to Sir Joseph Banks20 April 1797
MM/2/55Subscription lists and correspondence with subscribers to the Duke of Bedford's Statue Committee 1802-1804
MM/2/49Letter from Laurence Gahagan, Bentnick Street, to Sir Joseph Banks10 May 1802
MM/16/105Rough draft of a letter from Sir Joseph Banks to G Rose27 November 1797
MM/2/32Letter from Joseph Banks to Richard Payne Knight18 May 1803
MM/6/36Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, letter to the Society of Antiquariesnd
MM/2/20Rough notes of Minutes of the Duke of Bedford's Statue Committee3 April 1802
CB/2/361Copy of a letter from Charles Blagden to Joseph Banks5 September 1787
L&P/10/114Letter, 'Observations on the grafting of trees' from Thomas Andrew Knight to Joseph Banks13 April 1795
IM/000235Banks, Sir Joseph2001
MM/2/24Letter from Charles Townley, Park Street, Westminster, to Sir Joseph Banks18 June 1803
MM/7/159Letter from Lord Spencer, Wimbledon Park, to Sir Joseph Banks4 December 1796
MM/2/54Subscription lists and correspondence with subscribers to the Duke of Bedford's Statue Committee 1802-1803
MM/7/95Letter from William Mason to Sir Joseph Banksnd
MM/14/147Bond in the sum of £500 for the good performance of Jonas Dryander's duties as Librarian to the Royal Society1785
MM/6/43Letter from Lucius O'Brien, Dublin, to Sir Joseph Banks11 December 1787
MM/2/15Letter from John Fordyce, Whitehall, to Sir Joseph Banks2 April 1802
MM/3/27Letter from Rev Robert Nicholl, Tetbury, to Sir Joseph Banks30 January 1790
MM/6/57Draft letter from Joseph Banks, Soho Square, to Messrs Vezey, Bradney and Roebuck, Merchants30 May 1782
MM/6/31Draft letter from Sir Joseph Banks to John Churchmannd
MM/6/12Short note in Sir Joseph Banks's hand29 January 1794
MM/3/1Letter from John Smith de Burgh, 11th Earl of Clanricarde, Ireland, to Sir Joseph Banks21 October 1778
DM/2/42Letter from Alexander Aubert, Austin Friars, to Sir Joseph Banks22 August 1787
MM/7/113Letter from Anne Copard to Sir Joseph Banks22 January 1793
MM/2/17Letter from C Willoughby, Berners Street, to Sir Joseph Banks[April 1802]
MM/2/8Letter from Matthew Duane to Joseph Banks31 December 1783
MM/11/23Instrument by Joseph Banks appointing Sir William Hamilton, Deputy President of the Royal Society18 December 1800
MM/11/22Instrument by Joseph Banks appointing Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford, Deputy President of the Royal Society18 May 1799
MM/3/24Letter from Thomas Townsend, 1st Viscount Sydney, Whitehall, to Sir Joseph Banks31 March 1789
MM/8/13Letter from Pearson & Loggon, Basinghall Street, to Sir Joseph Banks21 December 1798
MM/8/41'Memorandum by Sir Joseph Banks on the question of Mr Earnshaw's chronometers'c.1804
MM/6/59Letter from Mary Watson-Wentworth, Marchioness of Rockingham, to Sir Joseph Banks21 December 1785
MM/6/34Draft letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square, to Dr Charles Combe[April 1790]
MM/6/26Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Revesby Abbey, to Edward Home22 October 1805
MM/6/11Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square13 April 1793
MM/3/42Letter from J Brackenbury, Spilsby, to Sir Joseph Banks22 November 1794
MM/2/22BCard from the Duke of Bedford's Statue Committee requesting Mr Northen to a meeting of the Committee on 25 April 1802April 1802
MM/8/55Joseph Banks, 'Protest against a vote of the Board of Longitude Granting to Mr Earnshaw a Record for the Merit of his Time-keepers'
MM/2/19Minutes of meeting of the Duke of Bedford's Statue Committee3 April 1802
MM/8/58Letter from 'A Mechanic' to Sir Joseph Banks12 March 1804
MM/2/9Letter from Owen Salusbury Brereton to Joseph Banksc.1783
MM/6/50"A list of persons who have promoted...views for the improvement of Botany"Early 19th century
MM/2/18Letter from Sir John Sinclair, Gordon's Cockspur Street. to Sir Joseph Banks3 April 1802
MM/7/157ADraft of a letter from Joseph Banks27 June [1796]
MM/2/53Subscription lists and correspondence with subscribers to the Duke of Bedford's Statue Committee 1802
MM/2/39Letter from John Dixon, Tottenham Street, to Sir Joseph Banks4 March 1816
MM/8/19Letter from Pearson & Loggon, Basinghall Street, to Sir Joseph Banks11 January 1799
MM/3/48Letter from Mr Sloper, Bolton Street, to Sir Joseph Banks16 February 1795
MM/1/47Draft notes made by Sir Joseph Banks1783-1784
MM/6/28Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square, to Sir George StauntonMarch 1807
MM/7/97Letter from Sir Harry Parker, Commissioners of Longitude, Admiralty, to Sir Joseph Banks, Nevil Maskelyne and Anthony Shepherd5 December 1792
MM/2/22ACard from the Duke of Bedford's Statue Committee requesting the Earl of Thanet to attend a meeting of the Committee on 5th May 1802April 1802
DM/4/30Letter from Edward Williams to Sir Joseph Banks11 August 1791
MM/1/19Letter from John Symmons, Paddington House, to Sir Joseph Banks31 July 1814
MM/3/50Letter from Lt Col Edward Williams, Royal Artillery, to Sir Joseph Banks13 June 1795
MM/6/15Draft letter from Sir Joseph Banks22 November 1798
MM/6/69Botanical notes by Joseph Banks
MM/3/29Letter from Thomas Williams, London, to Sir Joseph Banks
MM/6/2Letter from Joseph Banks, Soho Square, to James Keir14 February 1780
MM/6/6Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square, to Wiliam Marsden5 January 1808
MM/3/61Letter from Capt Wiliiam Mudge to Sir Joseph Banks15 November 1798
MM/6/42Rough notes for a letter from Joseph Banks to John Hope10 November 1782
MM/6/8Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square, to Sir George Staunton24 January 1807
MM/6/81Letter from William Ricketts, Lenham, Kent, to Sir Joseph Banks7 July 1811
MM/6/7Draft letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square, to the East India Company3 April 1790
MM/2/6Letter from Sir Lucas Pepys, Upper Brook Street, to Joseph Banks1 January 1784
MM/7/42William Fuller, George Street, London, to Sir Joseph Banks6 March 1784
MM/1/33Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square29 March 1784
MM/7/36Letter from Sir Harry Parker, Secretary, Board of Longitude, Admiralty Office, to Sir Joseph Banks, Nevil Maskelyne and Anthony Shepherd3 March 1783
MM/6/33Draft letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square[12 August 1820]
MM/6/22Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square, to Samuel Tyssen8 September 1805
MM/2/41Letter from John Samuel Agar, Stafford Place, to Sir Joseph Banks17 June 1816
MM/6/25Draft letter from Sir Joseph Banks to Jan Deutz[May 1781]
MM/7/149Letter from Thomas Hurst, Hanford, to Sir Joseph Banks2 October 1795
MM/7/43Mr Brown, Temple, London, to Sir Joseph Banks9 March 1784
MM/6/32Draft letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Squarend
MM/6/66Letter from the Margaret Bentinck, Duchess of Portland, Burlington House, to Sir Joseph BanksJune 1785
MM/6/13Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square, to William Marsden25 May 1794
MM/6/3Letter from Joseph Banks, Soho Square, to James Keir17 February 1780
MM/1/39Letter from an unnamed Fellow of the Royal Society to Sir Joseph Banks, commenting on Henry Charles Englefield's letter to Sir Joseph Banks, on the person being awarded the Copley Medal being mentioned in 'Philosophical Transactions'nd
MM/1/26Mutilated manuscript given by Sir Joseph Banks, 6 January 1779c.1779
MM/6/63Letter from John Gray, Sierra Leone, to Sir Joseph Banks12 November 1794
MM/7/69Extract from minutes of meeting of the Board of Longitude5-6 March 1790
MM/8/51Letter from 'A Mechanic' to the 'President of the Board of Longitude'17 November 1803
MM/8/70Letter from William Lax to Sir Joseph Banks16 November 1813
MM/9/4Letter from Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford, Munich, to Sir Joseph Banks6 July 1784
MM/7/133Letter from Nevil Maskelyne, Greenwich, to Sir Joseph Banks24 April 1793
MM/8/37Letter from John Jervis, Earl St Vincent, Admiralty to Sir Joseph Banks25 April 1802
MM/8/68Letter from William Mason, Lombard Street, to Sir Joseph Banks12 July 1812
MM/8/14Letter from Nevil Maskelyne, Greenwich, to Sir Joseph Banks28 December 1798
MM/7/87Letter from Sir Harry Parker, Commissioners of Longitude, Admiralty, to Sir Joseph Banks, Nevil Maskelyne and Anthony Shepherd14 December 1791
MM/8/17Letter from Nevil Maskelyne, Greenwich, to Sir Joseph Banks4 February 1799
MM/2/35Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Spring Grove, to Mr Durham10 June 1818
MM/8/48Draft letter from Joseph Banks4 April 1803
MM/7/106Letter from George Shuckburgh-Evelyn to Sir Joseph Banks2 May
MM/7/135Letter from Nevil Maskelyne, Greenwich, to Sir Joseph Banks21 May 1793
MM/7/136A short note from Nevil Maskelyne, Greenwich, to Sir Joseph Banksc.1793
MM/7/131Copy of a letter from Joseph Banks, Soho Square22 April 1793
MM/7/132Letter from William Wilbraham to Sir Joseph Banks24 April 1793
MM/7/54Letter from Samuel Smethurst, Liverpool, to Sir Joseph Banks12 July 1786
MM/7/150Letter from Thomas Hurst, Hanford, to Sir Joseph Banks28 October 1795
MM/7/93Draft of a letter from Joseph Banks, Soho Square8 June 1792
MM/7/127Letter from George Shuckburgh-Evelyn to Sir Joseph Banks19 April 1793
MM/7/107Draft of a letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square, to William Windham MP 6 May [1793]
MM/8/31Letter from Joseph de Mandoza Rios, Paddington, to Sir Joseph Banks2 June 1801
MM/7/120Copy of a letter from Joseph Banks, Soho Square, to Thomas Mudge13 March 1793
MM/7/138Draft of a letter from Joseph Banks to William Pitt MP16 June 1793
MM/8/11ALetter from James Johnston, Portsmouth, to Sir Joseph Banks15 November 1798
CB/2/565Copy of a letter from Charles Blagden to Joseph Banks8 September 1791
MM/8/67Letter from Nevil Maskelyne, Soho Square, to Sir Joseph Banks26 May 1809
MM/20/53Two poems, 'Winter' and 'Summer' 3 December 1754
MM/6/41Draft agreement between Sir Joseph Banks (and others) and William Smith1 June 1801
MM/8/65Letter from J Duncan to Sir Joseph Banks3 June 1805
MM/8/6Letter from Thomas Earnshaw, 119 High Holborn, to Sir Joseph Banks27 November 1797
MM/8/5Letter from John Syeds, Rotherhithe, to Sir Joseph BanksOctober 1797
MM/9/42Letter from John Parkinson, Caiston, to Sir Joseph Banks1 November 1791
MM/16/104Rough drafts of a letter from Sir Joseph Banks to G Rose and James Wyatt19 October 1797
MM/6/61Draft letter from Sir Joseph Banks to Anton Pantaleon Hove1787
MM/6/73Letter from Humphry Davy, Geneva, to Henry Warburton21 July 1814
AP/6/18/2Unpublished drawings, electrical experiments by unknown artist[1788]
MM/3/45Copy of letter from Sir William Jones, Calcutta, to Sir Joseph Banks29 January 1792
MM/6/38Letter from Robert Wissett, East India Company, to Sir Joseph Banks8 March 1790
MM/1/22Note by Sir Joseph Banks on his correspondence with John Symmons concerning the work of Sir William Adams (MM/1/19 - MM/1/21)[1 August 1814]
DM/4/31Letter from Edward Williams to Sir Joseph Banks
MM/16/103Letter from James Wyatt, Queen Anne Street, to Sir Joseph Banks17 October 1797
L&P/11/132Letter, 'Of the lunar atmosphere' from Timothy Lane to Joseph Banks13 May 1800
MM/6/16Draft petition from Sir Joseph Banks to the Privy Council10 March 1799
MM/2/44Specification and Estimate of Statue for the Duke of Bedford's Statue Committee
MM/13/44Receipt from Nevil Maskelyne for some apparatus, including an object case by Huyghens of 210 ft focal length, borrowed from the Royal Society17 December 1778
MM/1/32Further notes by Sir Joseph Banks on the dispute in the Royal Society re Dr Charles Hutton5 March [1784]
MM/1/31Further notes by Sir Joseph Banks on the dispute in the Royal Society re Dr Charles Huttonc.1784
L&P/11/14Letter, 'Observations made on board the Chatham on a trip to the North West coast of America' from J Johnstone to Joseph Banks16 December 1796
DM/4/29Letter from Edward Williams, Mr Mudge, Mr Dalby to Sir Joseph Banks8 August 1791
DM/2/16Letter from William Chambers, Berners Street, to Joseph Banks11 December 1780
DM/4/37Letter from Duke of Richmond & Gordon, St James's Square, to Sir Joseph Banks12 January 1792
MM/7/58Letter from Sir Harry Parker, Commissioners of Longitude, Admiralty, to Sir Joseph Banks, Nevil Maskelyne and Anthony Shepherd9 March 1787
DM/4/36Letter from Duke of Richmond & Gordon, St James's Square, to Sir Joseph Banks11 January 1792
MM/2/37Letter from John Fitzpatrick, 2nd Earl of Upper Ossory, Grosvenor Place to Sir Joseph Banksnd
MM/7/64Letter from T Morse, Chancery Lane, to Sir Joseph Banks19 February 1789
MM/6/58Draft letter from Joseph Banks to Jean Nicholas Sebastian Allamand12 August 1781
MM/6/29Draft letter from Sir Joseph Banks to Robert Stewart, Viscount Castlereagh24 February 1808
MM/1/35Copy of a Resolution from Nine Fellows of the Royal Society, deprecating Presidential influence in the election of Fellowsc.1784
MM/7/139Letter from Nevil Maskelyne, Greenwich, to Sir Joseph Banks7 July 1793
MM/7/108Letter from George Shuckburgh-Evelyn to Sir Joseph Banks7 May [1793]
MM/7/128Copy of a letter from Joseph Banks, Soho Square, to William Windham MP20 April 1793
MM/8/16Letter from Pearson & Loggen, Basinghall Street, to Sir Joseph Banks2 February 1799
DM/2/118Letter from Lord Southampton, Stanhope Street, to Sir Joseph Banks22 February 1784
DM/3/136Receipt for £100 and a letter of credit for £200, from Sir Joseph Banks to Henry Kater18 June 1818
DM/2/121Letter from Lord Southampton, Fitzroy Farm, to Sir Joseph Banks13 July 1784
DM/4/13Letter from Woodhouse, Bridewell Hospital, to Sir Joseph Banks28 May 1786
CB/2/556Copy of a letter from Charles Blagden to Joseph Banks24 August 1791
MM/7/118Copy of a letter from Joseph Banks, Soho Square, to William Windham MP13 March 1793
DM/2/12Letter from Edward Bridgen to Joseph Banks26 August 1780
MM/2/36Letter from Messrs Hammersley, Pall Mall, to Sir Joseph Banks1803-1809
DM/2/23Draft letter in Joseph Banks's handc.1780
DM/2/117Fragmentary notes by Joseph Banksc.1789
MM/7/88Letter from Nevil Maskelyne to Sir Joseph Banks23 April 1792
MM/7/89Letter from George Shuckburgh-Evelyn to Sir Joseph Banks24 April 1792
MM/7/100'Observations on Mr Mudge's Application to Parliament for a Reward for his Time-keepers, which, agreeably to the Act of Parliament of 14th of George III had been unanimously denied him by the Board of Longitude', by Joseph Banks27 March 1793
MM/7/122Copy of a letter from Joseph Banks, Soho Square, to William Windham MP15 March 1793
DM/2/19Draft letter from Joseph Banks, Soho Square, to Sir William Chambers13 January 1781
DM/2/20Draft letter from Joseph Banks, Soho Square, to Sir William Chambers19 January 1781
DM/2/41Letter from Browne (for Westminster Fire Office), Bedford Street, Covent Garden, to Sir Joseph Banks31 August 1787
MC/1/45Letter from Henry Jan Dooren, Breda, to Sir Joseph Banks, President of the Royal Society 11 February 1815
DM/2/21Letter from William Chambers to Joseph Banks25 January 1781
DM/2/17Letter from William Chambers to Joseph Banks14 December 1780
DM/4/41Letter from Edward Williams, London, to Sir Joseph Banks5 March 1794
DM/4/33Letter from Edward Williams, Woolwich, to Sir Joseph Banks25 December 1791
DM/3/135Bill and Receipt, Royal Society and Thomas Jones, Instrument Maker, £68.18.6June 1818-March 1819
DM/4/23General William Roy, "Major General Roy's Account of the Expenditure of £2,000 received by him from Sir Joseph Banks, Bart, for carrying on the Trigonometrical Operation"c.1789
DM/4/32Letter from Edward Williams, Woolwich, to Sir Joseph Banks14 December 1791
DM/3/133Bill and Receipt, John Pond, Sir Joseph Banks and P & G Dollond, £115.0.013 March 1818
DM/4/28Letter from Edward Williams, Mr Mudge, Mr Dalby to Sir Joseph Banks8 August 1791
DM/3/126Receipt for paymemts to William Cary, Mathematical Instrument Maker 30 May 1817
DM/4/1Letter from Charles James Fox, St James's, to Sir Joseph Banks8 October 1783
DM/4/7Letter from Lord Carmarthen, St James's, to Sir Joseph Banks8 April 1784
DM/4/39Letter from Mr Cotton, Treasury, to Sir Joseph Banks21 February 1793
DM/4/38Letter from James Livingstone, Sheperton, to Sir Joseph Banks16 May 1792
DM/4/115Letter from J Sargent, Board of Ordnance, to Sir Joseph Banks19 March
DM/4/8Copy of a letter from Lord Carmarthen, St James's, to Sir Joseph Banks8 April 1784
DM/4/12Letter from General William Roy, Argyll Street, to Sir Joseph Banks28 June 1784
CB/1/1/117Letter from Charles Blagden to Sir Joseph Banks[18 April 1797]
DM/4/40Letter from Cotton, Treasury Chambers, to Sir Joseph Banks23 February 1793
DM/4/27Letter from Edward Williams, Hounslow Heath, to Sir Joseph Banks1 August 1791
RSL/1/26Letter from Daniel Mackenzie, Chester, to Sir Joseph Banks26 October 1783
DM/4/112Letter from RH Crew, Board of Ordnance, to Sir Joseph Banks10 March 1796
DM/4/113Draft letter from Sir Joseph Banks (to RH Crew, Board of Ordnance)12 March
CB/1/1/123Letter from Charles Blagden to Sir Joseph Banks25 April 1797
CB/1/1/125Letter from Sir Joseph Banks to Charles Blagden29 April 1797
CB/1/1/128Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Spring Grove to Charles Blagden, Front Row, Knightsbridge8 August 1806
CB/1/1/126Letter from Charles Blagden to Sir Joseph Banks29 April 1797
CB/1/1/100Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Spring Grove to Charles Blagden, King's Road, Bedford Row, London6 April 1784
MM/20/52Two poems, 'Musick's charms' and 'On Life'12 December 1753
CB/1/1/77Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Hertford to Charles Blagden at Mrs Nelmes, St James Churchyard, Bristol12 August 1774
CB/1/1/118Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden25 April 1797
CB/1/1/96Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Revesby Abbey to Charles Blagden29 October 1783
CB/1/1/111Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Overton to Charles Blagden15 September 1785
CB/1/1/157Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden3 September [1819]
DM/2/18Letter from William Chambers to Joseph Banks5 January 1781
DM/2/15Letter from William Chambers to Joseph Banks7 December 1780
S/0002Sculpture bust of Banks, Sir Joseph
RSL/3/47Letter from P Story, Pulo Penang, to Sir Joseph Banks22 February 1796
RSL/3/27Letter from Henry Ellis, Norfolk Street, London, to Sir Joseph Banks 1 August [1789]
RSL/3/25Letter from Henry Ellis, Norfolk Street, London, to Sir Joseph Banks 30 July [1789]
RSL/1/45Letter from Rowland Wetherald, Bishop Wearmouth, to Sir Joseph Banks10 June 1780
CB/1/2/7Letter from Charles Blagden to Joseph Banks, Hinchingbrook, near Huntingdon22 October 1774
RSL/1/24Letter from Philip Howard, Strasburg, to Sir Joseph Banks10 October 1783
CB/1/1/124Letter from Charles Blagden to Sir Joseph Banks[April 1797]
RSL/3/24Letter from Henry Ellis, Marseilles, to Sir Joseph Banks 6 April 1789
RSL/2/39Letter from James Smith, Paris, to Sir Joseph Banks5 October 1786
RSL/1/29Letter from Dr Maskelyne, Greenwich, to Sir Joseph Banks23 June 1783
RSL/3/50Letter from Robert Threlfall, Cockerham, to Sir Joseph Banks29 May 1788
RSL/3/26Letter from Henry Ellis, Norfolk Street, London, to Sir Joseph Banks 31 July 1789
RSL/3/23Letter from Henry Ellis, Marseilles, to Sir Joseph Banks 6 March 1789
RSL/1/40Letter from Nicholas Sanders, London, to Sir Joseph Banks18 October 1779
RSL/2/17Letter from J Goodhew, Deptford, to Sir Joseph Banks23 Dec 1786
RSL/1/35Copy of letter from Sir Joseph Banks to John Miller18 November 1783
RSL/1/37Letter from Samuel More, Broseley, Salop, Secretary, the Society of Arts to Sir Joseph Banks22 August 1783
RSL/2/26Letter from Jeaurat, Paris, to Sir Joseph Banks8 October 1784
CB/1/1/191Transcription by Charles Blagden of an inscription on memorial to Theodoro Paleologus, descendant of the Imperial Line of the last Christian Emperors of Greece, died 21 January 163621 July 1781
CB/1/1/87Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Revesby Abbey to Charles Blagden, King's Road, Bedford Row27 September 1783
CB/1/1/76Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, London to Charles Blagden at Mrs Nelmes, St James Churchyard, Bristol7 September 1773
CB/1/1/140Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden, Paris13 January 1815
CB/1/1/93Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Revesby Abbey to Charles Blagden15 October 1783
CB/1/1/155Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles BlagdenJune 1819
CB/1/1/120Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden27 April 1797
CB/1/1/115Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden, Alderley, Wooton under Edge, Gloucestershire31 July 1789
CB/1/1/89Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Revesby Abbey to Charles Blagden4 October 1783
CB/1/1/92Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Revesby Abbey to Charles Blagden, Great Ormond Street, King's Road13 October 1783
CB/1/1/108Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden28 July 1785
CB/1/1/97Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden7 November 1783
CB/1/1/86Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Revesby Abbey to Charles Blagden, King's Road, Bedford Row20 September 1783
CB/1/1/119Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden27 April 1797
CB/1/1/137Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden, Paris5 December 1814
CB/1/1/132Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden, Paris8 September 1814
CB/1/1/135Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden, Paris9 November 1814
CB/1/1/185Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, British Museum, London to Charles Blagden[11 March 1815]
CB/1/1/161Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden30 September [1819]
CB/1/1/174Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden1 March 1820
CB/1/1/184Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square, London to Charles Blagden1 May [1797]
CB/1/1/178Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Revesby Abbey to Charles Blagden[1 November 1782]
CB/1/1/129Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden, Paris26 January 1813
CB/1/1/180Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, [Revesby Abbey] to Charles Blagden21 October [1780]
CB/1/1/183Letter from Sir Joseph Banks to Charles Blagden[Oct 1774]
CB/1/1/176Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square, London to Charles Blagden[12 August 1806]
CB/1/1/149Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden12 January 1818
CB/1/1/192Draft of a letter from Blagden, London to Sir Joseph Banks26 October 1810
CB/1/1/186Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Spring Grove to Charles Blagden6 June [1816]
CB/1/1/142Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden20 February 1815
CB/1/2/10Letter from Charles Blagden, Paris to Joseph Banks, Soho Square, London27 June 1783
CB/1/1/145Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden8 March 1815
CB/1/1/164Letter from Sir Joseph Banks to Charles Blagden3 November 1819
RSL/3/52Letter from Josiah Wedgwood, Etruria, to Sir Joseph Banks26 December 1796
CB/1/1/81Draft of a letter from Charles Blagden, Plymouth Dock to Sir Joseph Banks19 July 1782
CB/1/1/136Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden, Paris25 November 1814
CB/1/1/113Letter from Charles Blagden to Sir Joseph Banks13 July 1789
CB/1/4/172Letter from Izquierdo to Joseph Banks7 April 1782
CB/2/40Copy of a letter from Charles Blagden to Joseph Banks5 October 1786
CB/2/574Copy of a letter from Charles Blagden to Joseph Banks8 October 1791
RSL/3/10Letter from James Calder, Maryland, to Sir Joseph Banks 10 January 1794
CB/1/1/83Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Revesby Abbey to Charles Blagden, Physician to the Army at Plymouth28 September 1782
CB/1/1/112Letter from Charles Blagden to Sir Joseph Banks2 February 1788
CB/1/1/189Copy of the report by John King and the committee appointed to advise the government on Robert Fulton's plan for submarine warfare[August 1806]
RSL/1/23Letter from John Hope, Craigie Hall, Edinburgh, to Sir Joseph Banks12 February 1782
MM/6/71Letter from Joseph Banks, Revesby Abbey20 October 1810
MM/10/6Letter from William Herschel to Sir Joseph Banks1785
CB/1/1/105Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Revesby Abbey to Charles Blagden, Gower Street, Bedford Square, London26 October 1784
RSL/1/1Letter from Jean Nicholas Sebastien Allamand, Leyden, to Sir Joseph Banks23 September 1783
RSL/1/11Letter from George Burton, Elden, Norfolk, to Sir Joseph Banks18 January 1780
RSL/2/35Letter from Gov Pownall, Bath, to Sir Joseph Banks22 February 1787
RSL/3/32Letter from Sir William Green, London, to Sir Joseph Banks1 May 1792
RSL/3/42Letter from Sir William Musgrave, London, to Sir Joseph Banks19 November 1789
RSL/3/49Letter from William Tassie, London, to Sir Joseph Banks6 October 1799
CB/2/450Copy of a letter from Charles Blagden to Joseph Banks23 September 1790
CB/1/1/177Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, [Llandovery] to Charles Blagden[25 July 1773]
CB/2/452Copy of a letter from Charles Blagden to Joseph Banks26 September 1790
MM/6/1Letter from Joseph Banks, Soho Square, to James Keir12 February 1780
CB/2/306Copy of a letter from Charles Blagden to Joseph Banks7 September 1789
CB/1/1/102Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Revesby Abbey to Charles Blagden, King's Road, Bedford Row, London22 September 1784
CB/1/1/85Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Revesby Abbey to Charles Blagden, 2 King's Road, Bedford Row14 September 1783
CB/1/1/130Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden, Paris2 January 1814
CB/1/1/98Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Spring Grove to Charles Blagden, King's Road, Gray's Inn Lane26 December 1783
CB/1/1/106Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Revesby Abbey to Charles Blagden, Gower Street, Bedford Square, London29 October 1784
CB/1/1/79Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Heston to Charles Blagden, Physician to the army at Plymouth16 June 1782
CB/1/1/80Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden, Physician to the Army at Plymouth14 July 1782
CB/1/1/114Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden15 July 1789
CB/1/1/168Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden7 December 1819
CB/1/1/101Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Lincoln to Charles Blagden, King's Road, Bedford Row, London9 September 1784
CB/1/1/141Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden14 February 1815
CB/1/4/183Letter from Charles Jenkinson, 1st Baron Hawkesbury and later 1st Earl of Liverpool, Fife House to Joseph Banks2 September 1808
CB/1/1/99Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden, Belmont, Bath6 March 1784
CB/1/1/147Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden24 December 1817
CB/1/1/169Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden20 December 1819
CB/1/1/150Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden3 February 1818
MM/6/17Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square, to Sir George Staunton27 July 1797
MM/3/25Letter from John Turnbull, London, to Sir Joseph Banks12 April 1789
CB/1/1/175Letter from Sir Joseph Banks to Charles Blagden[6 August 1806]
MM/7/111Letter from George Shuckburgh-Evelyn to Sir Joseph Banks12 May 1792
MM/2/28Draft Letter from Joseph Banks, for the Duke of Bedford's Statue Committee, Soho Square, to John Gregory25 April 1803
IM/005449Banks, Sir Josephnd
IM/000234Banks, Sir Josephnd
MM/2/10ACard from Lord Shuldham to Joseph Banks31 December 1783
RSL/1/25Letter from William Macintosh, London, to Sir Joseph Banks26 October 1782
AP/5/12Unpublished letter and drawings, on Henry Smeathman's designs for a flying vessel by [George] Cumberland4 March 1784
CB/1/1/91Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Revesby Abbey to Charles Blagden, King's Road, Great Ormond Street7 October 1783
MS/819Letter from Sir Charles Blagden to Sir Joseph Banks31 August 1790
L&P/8/145Letter, 'Rainfall at Gibraltar, 11 September 1783 to 10 May 1784 and other meteorological observations' from Thomas Davies to Joseph Banks1784
IM/000233Banks, Sir Josephnd
DM/4/26Minute of a meeting of the Council of the Royal Society29 July 1791
AP/7/9/1Unpublished letter, regarding an Orkney sea snake from Gilbert Meason to Sir Joseph Banks21 December 1808
CB/1/1/75Letter from Sir Joseph Banks to Charles Blagden at Mrs Nelmes, St James Churchyard, Bristol21 August 1773
NLB/8/644Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to A W Hutton, Librarian, National Liberal Club1 December 1893
MM/2/2Letter from John Coakley Lettsom, Sambrook House, to Joseph Banks30 December 1783
DM/4/42Letter from Edward Williams, Highclere Beacon nr Whitchurch Hants, to Sir Joseph Banks16 May 1794
DM/2/119Letter from Lord Southampton, Stanhope Street, to Sir Joseph Banks8 March 1784
MM/2/10CCard from Paul Jodrell, Berners Street to Sir Joseph Banks1 January 1784
MM/2/1Letter from Henry Stebbing, Gray's Inn, to Joseph Banks31 December 1783
CB/1/1/190Draft of a letter from Charles Blagden, Plymouth to Sir Joseph Banks17 July 1781
MM/2/4Letter from Rev Andrew Kippis, Crown Street, Westminster, to Joseph Banks31 December 1783
MM/2/11BCard from William Sharp, Old Jewry, to Joseph Banks31 December 1783
MM/2/7Letter from John Parker, 1st Baron Boringdon, to to Joseph Banks1 January 1784
NLB/37/343Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to S H Fitch, Elm Hurst, Romford, Essex5 March 1908
CB/1/1/84Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden, Physician to the Army, Plymouth Dock9 November 1782
PT/2/6Paper, 'On the inconvertibility of bark into alburnum' by Thomas Andrew Knight in a letter to Sir Jos [Joseph] Banks29 December 1807
NLB/35/743Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Douglas Freshfield, Wych Cross Place, Forest Row, Sussex11 July 1907
MC/25/121Letter from [Frederic George] Kenyon, British Museum, London, W.C, to Sir Archibald [Geikie], [Royal Society]25 October 1910
RSL/2/6Letter from Alexander Baxter, Odiham, to Sir Joseph Banks 12 August 1786
L&P/10/29Letters, 'Accounts of a new comet' from Stephen Lees, Daniel Moore and Edward Pigott to Joseph Banks14 January 1792
MC/2/30Letter from [August Wilhelm von] Schlegel, Brunswick Hotel, Jermyn Street, to [John George] Children, Secretary of the Royal Society20 March 1832
L&P/11/7Letter, 'Official report on the lightning conductors at Purfleet' from Henry Cavendish and Charles Blagden to Joseph Banks23 June 1796
L&P/9/106Letter, 'Description of three models of improvements in the steam engine' from T D Pearse to Joseph Banks13 February 1788
L&P/8/106Letter, 'On the prevention of turnip-fly' from Jonathan Watson to Joseph Banks17 November 1783
L&P/9/53Letter, 'Observations of a Lunar crater' from William Herschel to Joseph Banks20 May 1787
L&P/11/79Letter, 'Account of a storm of hail 31 July and 1 August 1797 at Leumeritz' from Theodor Augustin Mann to Joseph Banks1 May 1798
MC/1/51Letter from Pietro Pulli, Naples, to [Sir Joseph Banks], President of the Royal Society28 August 1817
CB/1/1/121Letter from Charles Blagden to Sir Joseph Banks25 April 1797
L&P/7/169Letter, 'Of the distemper among horned cattle' from Daniel Peter Layard to Joseph Banks8 April 1780
L&P/11/127Letter, 'Account of the earthquake at Caerhun, near Conway on 12 March 1800' from John Lloyd to Joseph Banks17 March 1800
NLB/66/432Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to J.F. Fulton Esq., Oxford8 May 1924
L&P/8/37Letter, 'On the hot-air balloon' from Benjamin Franklin to Joseph Banks8 October 1783
L&P/8/59Letter, 'On meteors' from Charles Blagden to Joseph Banks1783
L&P/9/129Letter, 'On the identity of the species of the dog, wolf and jackal' from John Hunter to Joseph Banks1789
L&P/12/117Letter, 'A comet in Aquarius' from William Herschel to Joseph Banks8 December 1805
L&P/7/104Letters, 'Of the health of seamen' from John Skiddy and George Conquest to G Collier and Joseph Banks25 November 1778
L&P/12/23Letter, 'Observations of a new planet discovered by Obers' from George Gilpin to Joseph Banks29 April 1802
L&P/6/44Letter, 'Of a stone identified as Quartzium fossils' from Joseph Banks to the Royal Society1774
L&P/7/254Letter, 'Of lunar irises' from Marmaduke Tunstall to Joseph Banks1 March 1782
L&P/7/229Letter, 'Experiments with Chinese hempseed' from Keane Fitzgerald to Joseph Banks17 December 1781
L&P/9/40Letter, 'An account of three volcanoes in the Moon' from William Herschel to Joseph Banks21 April 1787
L&P/7/84Letter, 'Some new observations by Messier on the Comet' from John Hyacinth de Magellan to Joseph Banks29 January 1779
L&P/7/70Letter, 'An account of Dr Gowin Knight's method of making artifical loadstones' from Benjamin Wilson to Joseph Banks1 December 1778
L&P/7/162Letter, 'Journal of the weather at Senegambia' from J F Schotte to Joseph Banks18 February 1780
L&P/12/29/1Letter, 'Two kinds of eyes observed in Gryllus gryllo talpa' from Anthony Carlisle to Joseph Banks1802
L&P/8/103Letter, 'On muscular irritability [Croonian Lecture for 1784]' from Samuel Foart Simmons to Joseph Banks9 May 1784
L&P/8/114Letter, 'On the screw' from William Hunter to Joseph Banks12 February 1784
L&P/7/129Letter, 'Description of eleven specimens of stones ejected by Vesuvius on 8 August 1779' from William Hamilton to Joseph Banks5 September 1779
L&P/8/117Letter, 'Of an earthquake in Cornwall in the autumn of 1783' from John Call to Joseph Banks31 January 1784
L&P/7/177Letter, 'Of the storm at Eastbourne on 17 September 1780' from Owen Salusbury Brereton to Joseph Banks1780
L&P/7/130/1Letter, 'Account of the eruption of Vesuvius on 8 August 1779' from William Hamilton to Joseph Banks1 October 1779
L&P/12/63Letter, 'The meteor of 13 November' from John Crosier to Joseph Banks21 November 1803
L&P/7/183Letter, 'Flagstaff struck by lightning' from Charles Blagden to Joseph Banks22 November 1780
L&P/8/189Letter, 'Of the currents in the Atlantic Ocean' from Thomas Pownall to Joseph Banks1786
L&P/9/162Letter, 'An account of the Tabasheer' from Patrick Russell to Joseph Banks26 November 1788
L&P/8/112Letter, 'On barrows in Greenwich Park' from James Douglas to Joseph Banks21 November 1784
L&P/7/207Letter, 'Phenomena observed in the island of Sumatra' from William Marsden to Joseph Banks24 February 1781
L&P/12/14Letter, 'Observations of Ceres Ferdinandea' from Franz Xaver Zach to Joseph Banks8 February 1802
L&P/9/125Letter, 'Observations on preventing cattle diseases' from Daniel Peter Layard to Joseph Banks12 March 1789
L&P/7/239/2Letter, 'Request for more information on the poor-hopuse affected by lightning' from Jeffrey Amherst, Charles Frederick, Strachey and J Kenrick to Joseph Banks22 December 1781
L&P/8/165Letter, 'On coating stone retorts' from Thomas Willis to Joseph Banks15 April 1785
L&P/12/9Letter, 'Observations of Ceres Ferdinandea' from Franz Xaver Zach to Joseph Banks30 January 1802
L&P/7/247/1Letter, 'New fundamental experiments upon the collision of bodies' from John Smeaton to Joseph Banks10 April 1782
L&P/7/199Letter, 'Appearance of the soil in opening a well at Hanby, Lincolnshire' from Henry Charles Englefield to Joseph Banks1781
L&P/10/91/1Letter, 'Account of an uncommonly large tumour of the scrotum' from Charles Kite to Joseph Banks15 April 1794
L&P/7/194/1Letter, 'Of a luminous appearance in the heavens' from Tiberius Cavallo to Joseph Banks28 March 1781
L&P/12/6Letter, 'Further observations of Ceres Ferdinandea at Greenwich on 4 February 1802' from Nevil Maskelyne to Joseph Banks11 February 1802
L&P/8/98Letter, 'On the anticipation of the discovery of the new planet by Herschel by Prof Meyer of Gottigen on 2/7/1756' from Johann Elert Bode to Joseph Banks2 April 1784
L&P/7/220Letter, 'Of the lumen boreale' from A Crocker to Joseph Banks11 August 1781
L&P/8/124Letter, 'A violent storm at sea, 5 December 1784' from William Cooper to Joseph Banks9 January 1785
L&P/11/55Letter, 'An account of an iron bridge over the Wear at Sunderland by Rowland Burdon' from Thomas Bowdler to Joseph Banks11 August 1796
L&P/8/118Letter, 'Of the earthquake in Cornwall in the autumn of 1783' from Jonathan Watson to Joseph Banks9 February 1784
L&P/12/5Letter, 'Observations of Cere Ferdinandea' from Nevil Maskelyne to Joseph Banks4 February 1802
L&P/8/110Letter, 'Of Asa foetida' from John Hope to Joseph Banks18 August 1784
L&P/11/78Letter, 'Some supposed vestiges of ancient volcanoes near Leutmeritz in Bohemia' from Theodor Augustin Mann to Joseph Banks10 November 1797
L&P/9/152Letter, 'Account of a luminous arch' from J Franklin to Joseph Banks25 February 1784
L&P/8/31Letter, 'Experiments on phlogiston' from Joseph Priestley to Joseph Banks21 April 1783
L&P/9/127/1Letter, 'Account of a monster 'Gentoo'[sic] boy' from Thomas Reichel to Joseph Banks28 February 1789
L&P/8/147Letter, 'Of the sensitive quality of the tree Averrhoa carambola' from Robert Bruce to Joseph Banks23 November 1783
L&P/12/93Letter, 'Account of Acarus scabiei and its effect on the human body' from Joseph Adams and Joseph Banks1805
L&P/9/141Letter, 'Concerning the birth of twins, one white, one 'negro' [sic]' from J Bush to Joseph Banks3 June 1789
L&P/9/16/1Letter, 'Halos and parhelia of the sun seen in North America in 1771' from Alexander Baxter to Joseph Banks12 August 1786
L&P/10/72/1Letters, 'Account of a method of measuring the comparative intensities of the light emitted by luminous bodies' from Benjamin Thompson to Joseph Banks1 March 1793
L&P/10/103/1Letters, 'Account of the late eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 1794' from William Hamilton to Joseph Banks2 September 1794
L&P/8/191/1Letter, 'An account of a new electrical fish' from William Paterson to Joseph Banks16 March 1786
L&P/8/186/1Letter, 'Of the eruption of Vesuvius which began November 1784 and continued until December 1785' from William Hamilton to Joseph Banks24 January 1786
L&P/9/29/1Letter, 'Experiments on the production of dephlogisticated air' from Benjamin Thompson to Joseph Banks1 September 1786
L&P/9/54Letter, 'An account of an experiment on heat' from George Fordyce to Joseph Banks1787
L&P/12/15Letter, 'Observations of Ceres Ferdinandea' from Franz Xaver Zach to Joseph Banks20 February 1802
L&P/11/66/1Paper, 'Description of an instrument for facilitating drawing in perspective' by William Stark, with covering letter from James Watt to Joseph Banks25 April 1798
L&P/9/45Letter, 'Experiments on the production of artifical cold' from Thomas Beddoes to Joseph Banks2 May 1787
L&P/9/20Letter, 'An account of the strata observed in sinking for water at Boston in Lincolnshire May 1783' from James Limbird to Joseph Banks28 November 1785
L&P/9/151Letter, 'Description of an Aurora Borealis' from Benjamin Hutchinson to Joseph Banks24 February 1784
L&P/9/112Letter, 'On the lack of rain in 1788' from Benjamin Hutchinson to Joseph Banks8 January 1789
L&P/10/14Letter, 'Description of an earthquake near Grantham on 25 February 1792' from Edmund Turnor to Joseph Banks10 March 1792
L&P/10/149Letter, 'Newton's binomial theorum legally demonstrated by algebra' from William Swell to Joseph Banks20 April 1796
L&P/11/152/1Letter, 'Account of the discovery of silver in Herland Copper Mine, Cornwall' from Malachy Hitchins to Joseph Banks27 May 1800
L&P/9/180Letter, 'Description of a new comet' from Caroline Herschel to Joseph Banks19 April 1790
L&P/10/20/1Letter, 'On the cause of the additional weight which metals acquire by being calcined' from George Fordyce to Joseph Banks1792
L&P/10/73Letter, 'Account of some experiments on coloured shadows' from Benjamin Thompson to Joseph Banks1 March 1793
L&P/10/11Letter, 'Further observations on the process for converting cast into malleable iron' from Thomas Beddoes to Joseph Banks1792
L&P/11/90Letter, 'Observations on the severe frosts of January 1789, January 1795 and December 1799' from Benjamin Hutchinson to Joseph Banks21 January 1799
L&P/12/11Letter, 'Observations of the new planet, Ceres Ferdinandea' from George Gilpin to Joseph Banks18 February 1802
L&P/10/133Letter, 'Mineralogical account of the native gold discovered in Ireland' from Abraham Mills to Joseph Banks21 November 1795
L&P/9/56Letter, 'A remarkable case of numerous births, with observations' from Maxwell Garthshore to Joseph Banks28 May 1787
L&P/12/7Letter, 'Observations of Cere Ferdinandea at Highbury House, 9 February 1802' from Alexander Aubert to Joseph Banks9 February 1802
L&P/11/30Letter, 'Account of the means to obtain an overflowing well' from Benjamin Vulliamy to Joseph Banks1797
L&P/12/10Letter, 'Observations of the new planet, Ceres Ferdinandea' from William Herschel to Joseph Banks14 February 1802
L&P/10/80Letter, 'Evidence of the uses of ganglions of nerves as proved by late experiments in animal electricity' from James Johnstone to Joseph Banks6 January 1794
L&P/12/128Letter, 'Account of a discovery of native minium' from James Smithson to Joseph Banks3 March 1806
L&P/12/104Letter, 'On the reproduction of buds' from Thomas Andrew Knight to Joseph Banks1805
L&P/8/36Letter, 'On the hydrogen balloon' from Benjamin Franklin to Joseph Banks30 August 1783
L&P/11/150/1Letter, 'Account of a monstrous lamb' from Anthony Carlisle to Joseph Banks28 March 1800
L&P/12/137Letter, 'Variation of the compass in Jamaica' from James Robertson to Joseph Banks1806
L&P/9/14Letter, 'Account of the earthquake felt in Northern England 11 August, 1786' from Samuel More to Joseph Banks22 August 1786
L&P/8/52Letter, 'Of the same meteor as observed at Hartlepool' from William Cooper to Joseph Banks19 August 1783
L&P/11/67Letter, 'Diurnal variation of the magnetic needle on the island of St Helena and Sumatra' from John MacDonald to Joseph Banks30 September 1798
L&P/10/27/1Letter, 'Account of the external appearances of the double horned rhinoceros of Sumatra' from William Bell to Joseph Banks9 March 1792
AP/9/24/2Unpublished letter, 'An account of a successful operation for the removal of a chronic lameness in a horse' from Wm [William] Sewell to [Sir Joseph Banks]14 May 1817
AP/5/12/6Unpublished drawing, 'A Montgolfier seen from above according to Smeathman' by [George Cumberland][1784]
MOB/041Terrestrial globe by W & TM Bardinc.1807
MM/6/82Draft letter from Joseph Banks, Soho Square, to William Ricketts28 January 1814
MM/7/142Letter from John Fitch to Sir Joseph Banks23 December 1793
MM/7/140Letter from Christian Carl Lous, Copenhagen, to Sir Joseph Banks9 July 1793
MM/8/74Letter from Jose de Mendoza Rios, Foley Street, to Sir Joseph Banks26 February 1814
MM/8/79Letter from Stephen Lee, Royal Society, to Sir Joseph Banks18 December 1815
MM/7/119Letter from Thomas Mudge, Lincoln's Inn, London to Sir Joseph Banks12 March 1793
MM/6/10Draft letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square, to William Marsden9 September 1790
MM/7/126Copy of a letter from Joseph Banks, Soho Square, to William Windham MP18 March 1793
CB/1/1/153Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden4 January [1819]
CB/1/1/103Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Revesby Abbey to Charles Blagden12 October 1784
CB/1/1/134Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Revesby Abbey to Charles Blagden, Paris16 October 1814
CB/1/1/139Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden, Paris22 December 1814
CB/1/1/179Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, [Revesby Abbey] to Charles Blagden[20 October 1784]
CB/1/1/151Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden29 May 1818
CB/1/1/173Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden23 February 1820
AP/12/23/4Unpublished diagrams, curvilinear diameters and interconnecting circles by Smith Swan[1826]
MM/2/50Letter from John Russell, Newman Street, to Sir Joseph Banks7 April 1802
MM/7/121Letter from William Windham MP, Hill Street, to Sir Joseph Banks14 March 1793
MM/6/83Letter from William Ricketts, Maidstone to Sir Joseph Banks30 January 1814
MM/7/40Letter from Peter Elmsley to Sir Joseph BanksMarch 1784
DM/2/2Fragment of an "address of condolence" in Sir Joseph Banks's hand1818
MM/1/44Letter from Sir John Call, Old Burlington Street, to Sir Joseph Banks15 May 1800
DM/4/24General William Roy, Receipts for various sums of money on account from Sir Joseph Banks during the progress of the Trigonometrical Survey1784-1787
MM/19/119Letter from Joseph Banks to George Douglas, 16th Earl of Morton9 August 1816
MM/2/46Letter from Rev James Smirnove, Upper Marylebone, to Sir Joseph Banks17 August 1802
MM/2/12Letter from George Ellis, St John's Wood to Secretary of the Royal Society (Michael Foster)31 May 1886
MM/2/10BCard from Robert Howth, Bishop of London, London House, to Joseph Banks7 January 1784
MM/6/37Letter from William Ramsay, Secretary, East India Company, to Sir Joseph Banks7 April 1806
MM/2/5Letter from Charles Rainsford to Joseph Banks31 December 1783
MM/7/59Extract from minutes of meeting of the Board of Longitude21 April 1787
AP/5/12/4Unpublished drawing, 'A Montgolfier in front according to Smeathman' by [George Cumberland][1784]
MM/6/46Holograph manuscript by Joseph Banks on "Coins and Tokens"17 November 1812
MM/6/64Draft letter from Sir Joseph Banks to Sir James Bland Burgess, Foreign Office 4 July 1795
MM/7/91Questionnaire about Banks and the business of Mudge's chronometers
MM/7/147Letter from Christian Carl Lous, Copenhagen, to Sir Joseph Banks9 March 1795
L&P/10/119Letter, 'On welding cast steel' from Thomas Frankland to Joseph Banks1795
MM/7/81Fragment of a note by Joseph Banks, 'List of Instruments the Property of the Board of Longitude"1791
MM/7/82Letter from Nevil Maskelyne to Sir Joseph Banks19 February 1791
MM/8/52Note by Joseph Banks on the composition of the Board of Longitudec.1803
MM/7/63Letter from B Talbot, Cannock, to Sir Joseph Banks4 January 1789
MM/7/117Copy of a letter from Joseph Banks, Soho Square, to William Windham MP12 March 1793
MM/7/115Extract from the Proceedings of the Board of Longitude2 March 1793
MM/8/35Draft of a letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square, to John Jervis, Earl of St Vincent24 April 1802
MM/7/90Letter from George Shuckburgh-Evelyn to Sir Joseph Banks29 April 1792
MM/7/125Copy of a letter from Joseph Banks, Soho Square, to William Windham MP17 March 1793
MM/8/10Letter from Nevil Maskelyne, Greenwich, to Sir Joseph Banks25 June 1798
MM/7/130Letter from George Shuckburgh-Evelyn to Sir Joseph Banks21 April 1793
MM/8/12Letter from William Wales, Christ's Hospital, to Sir Joseph Banks10 December 1798
MM/7/155Letter from Thomas Hurst, Hanford, to Sir Joseph Banks15 March 1796
MM/8/78Letter from John Pond to Sir Joseph Banks14 December 1815
MM/8/72Letter from Jose de Mendoza Rios, Brighton, to Sir Joseph Banks24 November 1813
MM/8/71Letter from Jose de Mendoza Rios, Foley Street, to Sir Joseph Banks16 October 1813
MM/8/82Draft by Joseph Banks of an amending Act re Board of Longitude
MM/9/7Letter from Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford, Dover, to Sir Joseph Banks21 September 1801
MM/7/144Letter from Wellmens to Sir Joseph BanksMay 1794
MM/6/30Draft letter from Sir Joseph Banks3 March 1808
MM/19/121Letter from Joseph Banks to George Leonard Staunton15 February 1794
MM/1/30Notes by Sir Joseph Banks on the dispute in the Royal Society re Dr Charles Hutton8 January 1784
MM/6/45Manuscripts of papers by Sir Joseph Banks, read before the Horticultural Society from 7 May 1805 to 4 April 18091805-1809
MM/8/66Letter from William Mason to Sir Joseph Banksc.1812
DM/2/122Letter from Dr Lockman, Wigmore Street, to Sir Joseph Banks23 January 1789
DM/4/116Copy of letter from Sir Joseph Banks18 March 1796
DM/4/10Letter from Thomas Hornsby, Oxford, to Sir Joseph Banks25 June 1784
MM/8/83Letter from Dr Thomas Young, Admiralty, to Sir Joseph Banks20 May 1819
L&P/11/11Letter, 'Account of an oak destroyed by lightning in 1773' from Nevil Maskelyne to Joseph Banks30 May 1796
MM/2/42Letter from Sir Richard Westmacott Senior to Sir Joseph Banks20 June 1816
CB/1/1/110Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Overton to Charles Blagden, Gower Street, Bedford Square, London13 September 1785
CB/1/1/94Letter from Sir Joseph Banks to Charles Blagden, King's Road, Great Ormond Street18 October 1783
CB/1/1/109Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden5 August 1785
CB/1/1/131Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden18 January 1814
CB/1/1/107Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Revesby Abbey to Charles Blagden, Gower Street, Bedford Square, London4 November 1784
RSL/3/53Letter from Rev Stephen Weston, London, to Sir Joseph Banks16 November 1792
CB/1/1/90Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Revesby Abbey to Charles Blagden6 October 1783
CB/1/1/182Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, [Soho Square] to Charles Blagden[2 March 1784]
CB/1/1/88Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Revesby Abbey to Charles Blagden, King's Road, Bedford Row29 September 1783
CB/1/1/95Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Revesby Abbey to Charles Blagden20 October 1783
CB/1/1/188Letter from Sir Joseph Banks to Charles Blagdennd
CB/1/1/138Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden, Paris13 December 1814
CB/1/1/166Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden16 November 1819
CB/1/1/187Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden[August 1818]
CB/1/2/13Copy of a letter from Charles Blagden to Sir Joseph Banks4 February [1788]
CB/1/1/181Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Spring Grove to Charles Blagden27 December [1783]
CB/1/1/78Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Revesby Abbey, near Horncastle to Charles Blagden, Physician to the Army at Plymouth - crossed out and changed to Gray's Inn23 October 1780
CB/1/1/143Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden22 February 1815
CB/1/1/158Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden4 September [1819]
CB/1/6/201Letter from James Watt to Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square, London1 March 1815
DM/2/158Address from Sir Joseph Banks, President of the Royal Society, to Puankhequa, Chief of the Cohong, at Cantonc.1806
MM/6/19Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square, to Sir George Thomas Staunton12 April 1805
IM/000237Banks, Sir Joseph2001
IM/000238Banks, Sir Joseph1811
IM/000239Banks, Sir Josephnd
IM/000236Banks, Sir Joseph2001
PT/5/12Paper, 'On the causes which influence the direction of the growth of roots' in a letter from T A [Thomas Andrew] Knight to the Right Hon Sir Jos [Joseph] Banks15 January 1811
L&P/12/69Letter, 'Observations on the motion of sap in trees' from Thomas Andrew Knight to Joseph Banks1803
L&P/12/88Letter, ''Concerning the state of the tree sap in winter' from Thomas Andrew Knight to Joseph Banks4 December 1804
L&P/9/184Paper, 'On the production of ambergirs; with covering letter from William Fawkener to Joseph Banks' by the Privy Council for Trade13 January 1791
MM/7Miscellaneous Manuscripts Volume 71714-1905
AP/6/18/3Unpublished engravings, electrical experiments and apparatuses by unknown artist[1788]
MM/2/14Letter from Francis Basset, Lord de Dunstanville, Upper Grosvenor Street, to Sir Joseph Banks2 April 1802
MM/11/54Letter from Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford, London, to Sir Joseph Banks12 July 1796
MM/7/109Letter from J White, House of Commons, to Sir Joseph Banks9 March [1793]
MM/7/71Letter from Beaumont, Gloucester House, to Sir Joseph Banks14 April 1790
MM/7/105Letter from William Windham MP to Sir Joseph Banks[7 May 1793]
MM/7/151Letter from Thomas Hurst, Cheadle, to Sir Joseph Banks1 December 1795
MM/8/23Letter from B Bennitt to Sir Joseph Banks2 December 1800
MM/8/73Note by Joseph Banks about Mendoza Rios and his method of calculationsc.1813
MM/20/51Newspaper cuttings on the Royal Society1732-1739, 1820
MM/19/120Letter from Joseph Banks to George Leonard Staunton24 February 1793
CB/1/1/127Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden1 August 1802
CB/1/1/82Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden, Physician to the Army at Plymouth19 August 1782
CB/1/1/116Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden, Poste Restante, Rome19 February 1793
CB/1/1/104Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Revesby Abbey to Charles Blagden18 October 1784
CB/1/1/148Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden30 December 1817
CB/1/1/154Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden16 January 1819
CB/1/1/171Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden18 January 1820
CB/1/1/159Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden6 September 1819
CB/1/1/163Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Spring Grove to Charles Blagden20 October 1819
CB/1/1/170Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden1 January 1820
CB/1/1/156Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden[19] June 1819
CB/1/1/162Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden11 October 1819
PT/8/22Paper, 'Results of some recent experiments on the properties impressed upon light by the action of glass raised to different temperatures and cooled under different circumstances' by David Brewster in a letter to the Rt Hon Sir Jos [Joseph] Banks8 April 1814
MC/1/40Letter from Joseph Colen, Cirencester, to Sir Joseph Banks, President of the Royal Society 29 December 1811
CB/1/1/165Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden9 November 1819
CB/1/1/167Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden3 December 1819
CB/1/1/152Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden21 September 1818
CB/1/1/160Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden28 September 1819
IM/005447Banks, Sir Josephnd
MC/1/43Letter from [Jacques Alexandre] Fabre, Chief Engineer of bridges and roads, to [Sir Joseph Banks], President of the Royal Society20 May 1814
PT/3/8Paper, 'On the origin and formation of roots' in a letter from T A [Thomas Andrew] Knight to the Right Hon Sir Jos [Joseph] Banks22 December 1808
PT/1/15Letter, 'Extract of a letter from Dr [Heinrich] Olbers FRS to Dr [Thomas] Young, For Sec RS, announcing the discovery of a new planet'2 April 1807
MC/1/9aLetter from Jean-François Cailhava, Paris, to [Sir Joseph Banks] President of the Royal Society25 November 1801
PT/4/7Paper, 'On the parts of trees primarily impaired by age' in a letter from T A [Thomas Andrew] Knight Esq to the Right Hon Sir Jos [Joseph] Banks26 February 1810
MC/1/3Letter from Forbes Macbean, Woolwich, to Sir Joseph Banks [President of the Royal Society] and Gentlemen of the Council 4 April 1800
PT/9/4Paper, 'On an ebbing and flowing stream discovered by boring in the harbour of Bridlington' by John Storer5 November 1814
PT/8/16/2Plate, plans of the new design of royal warships by unknown artist[1814]
MC/1/37Letter from an unknown correspondent to Sir Joseph Banks, President of the Royal Society 18 February 1809
MC/1/56Letter from Charles Parr Burney, Greenwich, to Sir Joseph Banks, President of the Royal Society15 April 1818
MC/1/53Letter from Joseph Marie de Souza, Paris, to Sir Joseph Banks, President of the Royal Society 13 September 1817
MC/1/57Letter from T. Phillips, 8 George Street, to William Thomas Brande, Secretary of the Royal Society 3 June 1818
MC/1/64Letter from Henry Walter, [East India] College, Hertford, to the Royal Society8 August 1820
MC/1/65Letter from Martin Wall, Oxford, to the Royal Society 23 August 1820
MC/1/66Letter from John Baker Holroyd, 1st Earl of Sheffield, to the Royal Society 11 September 1820
MC/1/48Letter from an unknown correspondent, St Girons, to [Sir Joseph Banks], President of the Royal Society2 April 1816
PT/3/25Paper, 'On the effect of westerly winds in raising the level of the British Channel' by James Rennell in a letter to Sir Jos [Joseph] Banks21 June 1809
PT/5/14Paper, 'An account of the great Derbyshire denudation' in a letter from John Farey to the Rt Hon Sir Joseph Banks31 January 1811
PT/7/11Paper, 'On a new variety in the breeds of sheep' in a letter from Col David Humphreys to the Right Hon Sir Joseph Banks1 November 1811
PT/8/2Paper, 'Methods of clearing equations of quadratic, cubic, quadrato-cubic, and higher surds' by William Allman[1813]
PT/9/9/2Plate, diagrams of refracted light rays by unknown artist11 February 1815
PT/8/16/1Manuscript, 'On a new principle of constructing His Majesty's ships of war' by Robert Seppings[1814]
PT/9/3/2Plate, 'Luminous sectors exhibited by oil of mace' by unknown artist22 October 1814
PT/9/18/1Manuscript, 'On the multiplication of images, and the colours which accompany them in some specimens of calcareous spar' by David Brewster in a letter to the Right Hon Sir Joseph Banks1 May 1815
PT/9/1/2Plate, drawing of three unannealed glass drops by unknown artist8 April 1814
PT/14/26Paper, 'On the compressibility of water' by Jacob Perkins6 June 1820
PT/10/4Paper, 'On the properties of heat as exhibited in its propogation along plates of glass' by David Brewster in a letter to the Rt Hon Sir Joseph Banks[1815]
PT/9/9/1Manuscript, 'On the laws which regulate the polarisation of light by reflexion from transparent bodies' by David Brewster in a letter to the Right Hon Sir Joseph Banks11 February 1815
PT/10/17Paper, 'On ice found in the bottoms of rivers' by T A [Thomas Andrew] Knight in a letter to the Rt Hon Sir Joseph Banks[1816]
PT/13/11Paper, 'Some observations on the formation of mists in particular situations' by Sir H [Humphry] Davy8 December 1818
MC/1/166Letter from Rev. Henry Bellenden, 8 Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, to [Davies Gilbert], President of the Royal Society 13 February 1829
MC/1/178Letter from Rev. [Henry Bellenden] to the Royal Society25 November 1829
PT/13/8/1Letter, regarding anomalies of magnetical observations by Willm [William] Scoresby in a letter to Sir Joseph Banks4 November 1818
PT/12/8Paper, 'Upon the office of the heart wood of trees' by T A [Thomas Andrew] Knight in a letter to the Rt Hon Sir Joseph Banks24 December 1817
MC/1/181Letter from Dr. [Peter Mark] Roget, Secretary of the Royal Society, Bernard Street, to Rev. Henry Bellenden11 December 1829
MC/1/183Letter from [Sir Edward] Knatchbull, Mersham Hatch, to the Royal Society13 December 1829
PT/13/8/2Plate, apparatus for taking azimuths by William Scoresby4 November 1818
PT/12/13/3Plate, figures 7-14 showing concentric circles of polarised light and refraction through crystals by unknown artist[1817]
PT/13/8Letter, regarding anomalies of magnetical observations by Willm [William] Scoresby in a letter to Sir Joseph Banks4 November 1818
PT/13/2Paper, 'On the laws which regulate the absorption of polarised light by doubly refracting crystals' by David Brewster in a letter to the Rt Hon Sir Joseph Banks17 October 1818
PT/13/7Paper, 'On the anomaly in the variation of the magnetic needle as observed on ship-board' by Wm [William] Scoresby3 November 1818
PT/13/21/1Manuscript, 'On the optical and physical properties of tabasheer' by David Brewster in a letter to the Right Hon Sir Joseph Banks2 March 1819
PT/14/10Letter, introducing accompanying paper on shipbuilding from John Barrow to Sir Joseph Banks1 February 1820
PT/14/27Letter and plates, relating to 'On the compressibility of water' from Jacob Perkins to the Right Hon Sir Joseph Banks7 June 1820
PT/14/27/2Plate, piezometer and cannon by unknown artist7 June 1820
PT/2/21Paper, 'On the origin and office of the alburnum of trees' in a letter from T A [Thomas Andrew] Knight to Sir Jos [Joseph] Banks15 June 1808
PT/11/8Paper, 'On the construction of ships, considered with regard to the improvements lately introduced in England' by Charles Dupin[1816]
MC/1/180Letter from [Sir Edward] Knatchbull, Mersham Hatch, to the Royal Society2 December 1829
MC/1/258Letter from [Rev. Henry Bellenden], Lincoln's Inn, to Dr. [Peter Mark] Roget, Secretary of the Royal Society, Bernard Street, Russell Square12 November 1830
MC/1/329Letter from Lord [Francis] Gray, Twickenham, to the Secretary of the Royal Society22 September 1831
AP/5/15Unpublished letter and paper, regarding a Venezuelan woman and her fortieth child by John Skey Eustace[1786]
MC/2Volume 2 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1832-1838
PT/9/18/2Plate, light refracting through calcareous spar by unknown artist1 May 1815
PT/13/17Paper, 'Some observations on the peculiarity of the tides between Fairleigh [Fairlight] and the North Foreland; with an explanation of the supposed meeting of the tides near Dungeness' by James Anderson6 February 1819
PT/6/6Paper, 'A narrative of the eruption of a volcano in the sea off the island of St Michael' by S Tillard[1812]
PT/8/16Paper, 'On a new principle of constructing His Majesty's ships of war' by Robert Seppings[1814]
PT/11/4Paper, 'On a method of removing the musty [fluoror?] of corn' by Chas [Charles] Hatchett in a letter to Sir Joseph Banks4 December 1816
PT/8/9Paper, 'On a fossil human skeleton from Guadaloupe' by Charles Konig in a letter to the Rt Hon Sir Joseph Banks20 December 1813
PT/1/6Paper, 'On the formation of the bark of trees' in a letter from T [Thomas] A [Andrew] Knight to Right Hon Sir Jos [Joseph] Banks19 February 1807
PT/12/13/1Manuscript, 'On the laws of polarisation and double refraction in regularly crystallised bodies' by David Brewster in a letter to the Rt Hon Sir Joseph Banks1 June 1817
PT/9/9Paper, 'On the laws which regulate the polarisation of light by reflexion from transparent bodies' by David Brewster in a letter to the Right Hon Sir Joseph Banks11 February 1815
MC/1Volume 1 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1800-1831
AP/6/16/1Unpublished letter, regarding paper by Michael Shipman from Alex [Alexander] Hogg to Sir Joseph Banks27 January 1789
AP/6/18/1Unpublished letter, 'A course of electrical microscopical experiments' from Stephen Thorogood to Sir Joseph Banks28 June 1788
AP/5/12/3Unpublished drawing, 'Design of a Montgolfier in part foreshortened and seen underneath, according to Smeathman' by [George Cumberland][1784]
PT/9/1/1Manuscript, 'Additional observations on the optical properties, and structure of heated glass and unannealed glass drops' by David Brewster in a letter to the Right Hon Sir Joseph Banks8 April 1814
PT/2/10Paper, 'An account of the application of the gas from coal to economical purposes' by William Murdoch[1808]
PT/12/13/2Plate, figures 1-6 showing concentric circles of polarised light and refraction through crystals by unknown artist[1817]
PT/7/25Paper, 'On the light of the Cassegrainian telescope, compared with that of the Gregorian' by Brigade Major Henry Kater22 April 1813
PT/7/1Paper, 'On a new detonating compound' in a letter from Sir H [Humphry] Davy to Right Hon Sir Jos [Joseph] Banks[1812]
AP/4/10/1Unpublished letter, regarding innovations in watchmaking from James Hutton to Joseph Banks 29 November 1779
PT/8/14Paper, 'Further experiments on the light of the Cassegrainian telescope compared with that of the Gregorian' by Capt Henry Kater in a letter to the Rt Hon Sir Joseph Banks1813-1814
AP/3/4/3Unpublished drawings, portions of human lung and New Holland ostrich lung by unknown artist[early 19th century]
AP/3/4/1Unpublished manuscript, 'Experiments and observations upon vital temperatures' by James Macartney[early 19th century]
AP/3/4/2Unpublished drawing, lung of the African ostrich by unknown artist[early 19th century]
AP/3/4/4Unpublished drawing, laminae of gills of common eel by unknown artist[early 19th century]
AP/5/15/1Unpublished manuscript, regarding a Venezuelan woman and her fortieth child by John Skey Eustace[1786]
PT/3/24Paper, 'On the comparative influence of male and female parents on their offspring' by T A [Thomas Andrew] Knight in a letter to the Right Hon Sir Jos [Joseph] Banks20 May 1809
PT/8/7Paper, 'An account of a family having hands and feet with supernumerary fingers and toes' in a letter from Anthony Carlisle to the Right Hon Sir Joseph Banks1 December 1813
PT/7/19Letter, 'An account of some organic remains found near Brentford, Middlesex by the late Mr William Kirby Trimmer' from James R Trimmer to the Right Hon Sir Joseph BanksFebruary 1813
AP/5/15/2Unpublished letter, regarding a Venezuelan woman and her fortieth child from John Skey Eustace to Sir Joseph Banks16 May 1786
AP/6/3/1Unpublished letter, regarding Chaptal's paper from R J [Richard Joseph] Sullivan to Sir Joseph Banks6 June 1789
AP/6/19/2Unpublished letter, regarding method of teaching consonants from Mary Warden to [Sir Joseph Banks]25 February 1790
RSL/3/12Letter from Tiberius Cavallo to Sir Joseph Banks 26 November 1789
AP/8A/8Unpublished paper, 'An explanation of several electrical phenomena' by T [Thomas] Exley[1813]
AP/5/18/2Unpublished letter, introducing Razumovsky's paper on bitumens from Tho [Thomas] Hill to Sir Joseph Banks22 October 1784
AP/5/12/1Unpublished letter, on Henry Smeathman's designs for a flying vessel from [George] Cumberland to Sir Jos [Joseph] Banks4 March 1784
AP/5/12/2Unpublished drawings, sectional, elevated, and profile view of Smeathman's flying vessel by [George Cumberland][1784]
AP/5/10/2Unpublished letter, regarding vine cultivation from William Cooper to Sir J [Joseph] Banks26 March 1782
AP/5/10/1Unpublished manuscript, 'A philosophical discourse on the growth and culture of the vine, in various parts of the world' by William Cooper1781-1782
AP/5/18/1Unpublished manuscript, 'Mémoire sur l'origine des bitumes solides ou concrets, et particulièrement du charbon minéral' ['Essay on the origin of solid or concrete bitumen, particularly mineral carbon'] by Le Comte de Razomovsky [Grigory Razumovsky][1784]
AP/5/16Unpublished letter, regarding cultivation of indigo in Jamaica from Robert Gray to Joseph Banks1 March 1786
AP/6/3/2Unpublished letter, regarding publication of Chaptal's manuscript from R J [Richard Joseph] Sullivan to Sir Joseph Banks4 August 1789
AP/6/12/2Unpublished manuscript, 'Méthodes, ou élémens de calcul pour les problèmes de la physique céleste' ['Methods, or elements of calculation for problems of celestial physics'] by Léonard Jadelot1792
AP/6/12/1Unpublished letter, regarding force between moon and earth from Léonard Jadelot to [Sir Joseph Banks]25 April 1792
AP/6/12Unpublished paper and letter, 'Méthodes, ou élémens de calcul pour les problèmes de la physique céleste' ['Methods, or elements of calculation for problems of celestial physics'] from Léonard Jadelot to [Sir Joseph Banks]1792
AP/6/14/2Extract, from the Journal de Paris sent from Mignonneau to [Sir Joseph Banks]23 February 1789
AP/6/16/2Unpublished letter, regarding errors in philosophy from Michael Shipman to Alexander Hogg17 January 1789
AP/6/19/3Unpublished manuscript, 'A new method of teaching the rudiments of the English language by sounding the consonants independent of their annexd vowels' by Mary Warden[1790]
AP/6/18Unpublished letter, 'A course of electrical microscopical experiments' from Stephen Thorogood to Sir Joseph Banks28 June 1788
AP/5/12/5Unpublished drawing, 'A Montgolfier seen partly in front according to Mr Smeathman' by [George Cumberland][1784]
AP/7/7/1Unpublished letter, regarding continuation of paper from L de Crell [Lorenz von Crell] to [Sir Joseph Banks]14 December 1801
AP/7/7/2Unpublished manuscript, 'Fernere Versuche über die Zerlegung der Borax-Säure, oder des Sedativ Salzes' ['Further experiments on the decomposition of borax acid, or the sedative salt'] by Lorentz [Lorenz] von Crell16 April 1799
AP/7/9/2Unpublished declarations, regarding an Orkney sea snake or fish by John Peace, George Sherar, William Folsetter, William Strang Petrie, and Thomas Fotheringhame10-24 November 1808
AP/7/9/3Unpublished drawing, collar bone of Orkney sea snake or fish by unknown artistNovember 1808
AP/7/7Unpublished letter and paper, 'Fernere Versuche über die Zerlegung der Borax-Säure, oder des Sedativ Salzes' ['Further experiments on the decomposition of borax acid, or the sedative salt'] by Lorentz [Lorenz] von CrellApril 1799 - December 1801
MM/6/60Draft letter from Joseph Banks to Charles Jenkinson, 1st Earl of Liverpool30 March 1787
PT/13/21/2Plate, enlarged pores on a prism of tabasheer by [David Brewster]2 March 1819
AP/8/5Unpublished paper, 'Observations on the probable formation of mineral coal, and on the position and accompanying circumstances of fossil trees' in a letter from Willm [William] Chapman to Sir Joseph BanksOctober 1815
AP/6/16Unpublished letters, regarding errors in philosophy from Michael Shipman to Alexander Hogg and from Hogg to Sir Joseph BanksJanuary 1789
AP/7/20Unpublished letter, regarding Charles Wildbore's paper from [Nevil] Maskelyne to Sir Joseph Banks 8 June 1787
AP/7/23Unpublished note, regarding Charles Wildbore's paper from [Nevil Maskelyne] to [Sir Joseph Banks]21 February 1788
AP/7/19Unpublished letter, regarding Charles Wildbore's paper from Nevil Maskelyne to Sir Joseph Banks 26 May 1787
AP/7/26aUnpublished copy of a letter, regarding Wildbore's paper from [Sir Joseph Banks] to [Charles Wildbore]22 July 1788
AP/7/24Unpublished letter, regarding Wildbore's paper from Cha [Charles] Wildbore to Sir Joseph Banks29 February 1788
AP/7/29Unpublished letter, regarding Wildbore's paper from Cha [Charles Wildbore] to the Earl of Stanhope [Charles Mahon]24 April 1789
AP/7/27Unpublished letter, regarding Charles Wildbore's paper from Nevil Maskelyne to Sir Joseph Banks 4 October 1788
AP/7/31Unpublished letter, regarding Charles Wildbore's paper from Stanhope [Charles Mahon] to Sir Joseph Banks 27 April 1789
AP/6/19Unpublished paper and letters, 'A new method of teaching the rudiments of the English language by sounding the consonants independent of their annexd vowels' by Mary Warden[1790]
AP/7/9Unpublished letter, declarations, and drawing, regarding an Orkney sea snake or fish from Gilbert Meason to Sir Joseph BanksNovember-December 1808
AP/8/5/1Unpublished manuscript, 'Observations on the probable formation of mineral coal, and on the position and accompanying circumstances of fossil trees' in a letter from Willm [William] Chapman to Sir Joseph BanksOctober 1815
AP/8/5/2Unpublished painting, fossil tree within earth by [William Chapman?]October 1815
AP/8/20/2Unpublished statement, 'Observations and explanations relative to the subject of a letter from the right honorable Sir Joseph Banks Esq Bart K B President of the Royal Society, to Mr Russell, chargé des affaires of the United States, at the Court of London, dated Soho Square, 6th Feby 1812' by [Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford]20 February 1812
AP/8/19Unpublished letter and drawing, regarding the phenomenon of the sun from J Manderson to Sir Joseph Banks19 March 1812
AP/8/19/1Unpublished manuscript, regarding the phenomenon of the sun from J Manderson to Sir Joseph Banks19 March 1812
AP/8/19/2Unpublished drawing, observed phenomenon of the sun by J Manderson19 March 1812
AP/8/21/1Unpublished letter, regarding a case of aphonia from Augustin Sayer to Sir Joseph Banks22 February 1816
AP/8/21/2Unpublished manuscript, 'Case of complete aphonia cured by the medical application of the electrick fluid' by Augustin Sayer[1816]
AP/8/13Unpublished paper, 'An account of the oxydation of silver by the Hindoos [Hindus], by means of vegetable substances, with some observations on the milk of plants' by Benjamin Heyne[1814]
AP/9/1Unpublished paper, 'Experimental enquiries upon gas light on the continent with some observations upon the present state of the illumination of London' by [Giovanni] Aldini[c. 1817-1821]
AP/9/4/1Unpublished manuscript, 'On the pressures which sustain a heavy body in equilibrium when the points of support are more than three' by Charles Bonnycastle26 October 1818
AP/9/19/3Unpublished letter, regarding imperfect vision from Whitlock Nicholl to Sir Joseph Banks16 June 1820
AP/8A/5Unpublished letter, 'Facts and observations relative to the connections and continuity between vascular and extra-vascular substances in the structure of living organic bodies' from Anthony Carlisle to Sir Joseph Banks30 May 1815
AP/8A/8/2Unpublished drawings, electrical conductors and charged corpuscles by [Thomas Exley][1813]
AP/8A/8/1Unpublished manuscript, 'An explanation of several electrical phenomena' by T [Thomas] Exley[1813]
AP/8A/3Unpublished letter, 'Results of a registering rain-gauge for the year 1817' from B [Benjamin] Bevan to Sir Joseph Banks18 February 1818
L&P/7/251Letter, 'Analyses of toadstone and Rowley rag' from Joseph Priestley on behalf of William Withering to Joseph Banks28 March 1782
AP/9/21/6Unpublished letter, on compass variation on HMS Alexander from John Ross to Sir Jos [Joseph] Banks1 September 1818
AP/9/4/2Unpublished diagrams, angles of pressure on heavy bodies by C [Charles] Bonnycastle26 October 1818
AP/9/8/2Unpublished manuscript, 'De la loi suivant laquelle varie la flexibilité du sapin du Canada depuis son pied jusqu'à sa tête' ['On the law of variation of the flexibility of the Canadian fir from the root to the top'] by Charles Dupin[1820]
AP/9/8/1Unpublished abstract, 'On the law of the variation of the flexibility of Canadian fir' by Charles Dupin[1820]
AP/8A/2Unpublished letter, 'An account of the discovery of some fossils in Leicestershire and Northamptonshire' from B [Benjamin] Bevan to the President [Sir Joseph Banks]6 December 1817
AP/9/13/1Unpublished manuscript, 'A treatise on diarrhoea asthenica' by S [Samuel] Hood[1819]
AP/9/13/2Unpublished letter, regarding diarrhoea asthenica from Saml [Samuel] Hood to Sir Joseph Banks1 November 1819
AP/9/12Unpublished paper, 'A treatise on the means of supplying muscles in a state of spasm or paralysis with nervous power' by S [Samuel] Hood[1819]
AP/9/19/4Unpublished letter, regarding paper on imperfect vision from Whitlock Nicholl to Sir Joseph Banks5 February 1820
AP/9/21/3Unpublished drawing, mountains and compass variation by John Ross[1818]
AP/9/21/5Unpublished diagrams, compass variation on HMS Alexander by John Ross[1818]
AP/9/21/4Unpublished diagrams, compass variation on HMS Isabella by John Ross[1818]
AP/9/13Unpublished paper, 'A treatise on diarrhoea asthenica' by S [Samuel] Hood[1819]
AP/9/24/1Unpublished letter, on a cure for lameness in horses from Wm [William] Sewell to Sir Joseph Banks14 May 1817
AP/9/25Unpublished paper, 'Account of the cure of a diseased foot, arising from an inquiry to the coffin bone' by Willm [William] Sewell18 June 1817
AP/9/24Unpublished letters, 'An account of a successful operation for the removal of a chronic lameness in a horse' from Wm [William] Sewell to [Sir Joseph Banks]14 May 1817
AP/8A/9Unpublished paper, 'Observations on the anatomy of spiders' by Gotthelf Fischer [von Waldheim][1812]
AP/9/4Unpublished paper, 'On the pressures which sustain a heavy body in equilibrium when the points of support are more than three' by Charles Bonnycastle26 October 1818
AP/12/23/1Unpublished letter, regarding circles from Smith Swan to Sir Joseph Banks25 October 1826
AP/12/23/3Unpublished diagram, radius of a circle by Smith Swan[1826]
AP/12/23Unpublished paper and letter, 'The circle' by Smith Swan[1826]
AP/7/28Unpublished letter, regarding Wildbore's paper from Cha [Charles] Wildbore to Sir Joseph Banks 12 December 1788
AP/3/4Unpublished paper, 'Experiments and observations upon vital temperatures' by James Macartney[early 19th century]
AP/6/14/1Unpublished letter, on artificial freezing of seawater from Mignonneau to [Sir Joseph Banks]4 April 1792
AP/9/21/1Unpublished letter, regarding paper on compass variation from John Ross to Sir Jos [Joseph] Banks21 December 1818
AP/9/21/2Unpublished manuscript, 'On the variation of the compass' by John Ross[1818]
PT/10/10Paper, 'On the communication of the structure of doubly refracting crystals to glass, muriate of soda, fluor spar and other substances by mechanical compression and dilatation' by David Brewster in a letter to the Rt Hon Sir Joseph Banks[1816]
L&P/10/147Letter, 'Experiments and observations on the dissolution absorption of dead animal matter from cavities of living animals' from Pierce Smith to Joseph Banks1 January 1796
L&P/7/188/1Letter, 'Some account of termites' from Henry Smeathman to Joseph Banks23 January 1781
L&P/8/136Letter, 'Heat diminishes the attraction of gravitation' from George Fordyce to Joseph Banks24 February 1785
L&P/11/63Letter, 'Enquiry concerning the chemical properties of light' from Benjamin Thompson to Joesph Banks1798
L&P/11/19Letter, 'Announcement of his decision to give £1000 to provide a medal' from Benjamin Thompson to Joseph Banks12 July 1796
L&P/8/104/1Letter, 'Of a bird hithero unrecognized as English' from John Lightfoot to Joseph Banks20 November 1783
L&P/8/167/1Letter, 'Of certain minute British shells' from John Lightfoot to Joseph Banks13 May 1785
L&P/9/97/1Letter, 'Description of an instrument which produces the two states of electricity without friction or communication with the earth' from William Nicholson to Joseph Banks1788
L&P/9/189/1Letter, 'Considerations on the convenience of measuring an arch of the meridian, and of the parallel of attitude, having the Observatory of Geneva for their common intersection' from Marc Auguste Pictet to Joseph Banks20 October 1790
L&P/9/62/1Letter, 'Observations on the structure and economy of whales' from John Hunter to Joseph Banks25 May 1787
L&P/12/89Letter, 'Investigation of all the changes in the variable star in Sobieski's Shield' from Edward Pigott to Joseph Banks#8 August 1804
L&P/10/130Letter, 'Account of the discovery of native gold in Ireland' from John Lloyd to Joseph Banks4 November 1795
L&P/8/42Letter, 'Observations on Algol by a farmer of Prolitz near Dresden' from Johann Moritz Bruhl on behalf of Paltich to Joseph Banks7 November 1783
PT/14/27/1Letter, relating to 'On the compressibility of water' from Jacob Perkins to the Right Hon Sir Joseph Banks7 June 1820
PT/10/7Paper, 'Direct and expeditious methods of calculating the excentric from the mean anomaly of a planet' by Abram [Abraham] Robertson[1816]
PT/9/18Paper, 'On the multiplication of images, and the colours which accompany them in some specimens of calcareous spar' by David Brewster in a letter to the Right Hon Sir Joseph Banks1 May 1815
PT/9/5Paper, 'On the effects of simple pressure in producing that species of crystallisation which forms two oppositely polarised images, and exhibits the complementary colours by polarised light' by David Brewster in a letter to the Right Hon Sir Joseph Banks3 January 1815
PT/9/3/1Manuscript, 'Experiments on the depolarisation of light as exhibited by various mineral, animal and vegetable bodies, and a reference of the phenomena to the general principles of polarisation' by David Brewster in a letter to the Rt Hon Sir Joseph Banks22 October 1814
PT/1/1Paper, ['Concerning the differences in the magnetic needle, on board the Investigator, arising from an alternation in the direction of the ship's head'] by Matthew Flinders in a letter to the Right Hon Sir Joseph Banks30 June 1805
PT/9/1Paper, 'Additional observations on the optical properties, and structure of heated glass and unannealed glass drops' by David Brewster in a letter to the Right Hon Sir Joseph Banks8 April 1814
L&P/6/145Letter, 'Of a female dwarf' from John Cullum to Joseph Banks 14 November 1775
AP/7/18Unpublished letter, regarding Charles Wildbore's paper from Wm [William Wales] to Sir Joseph Banks15 March 1787
L&P/10/22Letter, 'On evaporation' from Jean Andre De Luc to Joseph Banks12 June 1792
L&P/11/27Letter, 'An account of a trigonometrical survey of 1795-4' from Edward Williams, William Mudge and Isaac Dalby to Joseph Banks27 March 1797
P/0005Portrait of Banks, Sir Joseph1815
AP/1/14Unpublished paper, 'Hints about volcanoes by a mineralist intended to prevent in time to come such dreadful calamities as have so often hapened in many parts of the world' by unknown author[early 19th century]
L&P/9/123Letter, 'Observations on a comet (Caroline Herschel's of 21 December 1788)' from William Herschel to Joseph Banks1789
L&P/10/135Letter, 'Additional observations on the comet' from William Herschel to Joseph Banks11 November 1795
CB/1/1/144Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden28 February 1815
CB/1/1/172Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square to Charles Blagden8 February 1820
AP/5/10Unpublished letter and paper, 'A philosophical discourse on the growth and culture of the vine, in various parts of the world' by William Cooper1781-1782
AP/5/13Unpublished paper, on Egyptian monuments by the Duc de Chaulnes [Louis Joseph d'Albert d'Ailly]21 February 1783
AP/5/18Unpublished letter and paper, 'Mémoire sur l'origine des bitumes solides ou concrets, et particulièrement du charbon minéral' ['Essay on the origin of solid or concrete bitumen, particularly mineral carbon'] by Le Comte de Razomovsky [Grigory Razumovsky] and Tho [Thomas] Hill[1784]
PT/7/28Paper, 'Some further observations on a new detonating substance' in a letter from Sir H [Humphry] Davy to the Right Hon Sir Joseph Banks20 June 1813
AP/7/30Unpublished letter, regarding Wildbore's paper from Cha [Charles] Wildbore to Sir Joseph Banks 24 April 1789
AP/7/34Unpublished letter, regarding Charles Wildbore's paper from [Nevil] Maskelyne to Sir Joseph Banks 11 June 1790
AP/7/22Unpublished letter, regarding Charles Wildbore's paper from Nevil Maskelyne to Sir Joseph Banks 26 June 1787
AP/7/33Unpublished letter, regarding Charles Wildbore's paper from N [Nevil] Maskelyne to Sir Joseph Banks 19 May 1790
AP/7/21Unpublished letter, regarding Wildbore's paper from [Charles] Wildbore to Sir Joseph Banks 16 June 1787
AP/6/21Unpublished paper, 'Essay on the properties of winds blowing along the coasts of the Low Countries and German Ocean up the River Elbe; founded on a long, uninterrupted series of meteorological observations, accurately collected and compared, till October 1789' by Reinhd [Reinhard] Woltman[1789]
AP/6/14Unpublished letter and extract, on artificial freezing of seawater from Mignonneau to [Sir Joseph Banks]1789-1792
PT/1/11Paper, 'On the economy of bees' in a letter from T A [Thomas Andrew] Knight to the R Hon Sir Jos [Joseph] Banks[1807]
PT/10/18Paper, 'On the action of detached leaves of plants' by T A [Thomas Andrew] Knight in a letter to the Rt Hon Sir Joseph Banks[1816]
L&P/10/12Letter, 'Observations on the comet discovered by Miss [Caroline] Herschel and its elements' from the Royal Astronomer of Gottingen to Joseph Banks with note by Johann Elert Bode23 February 1792
L&P/9/135Letter, 'Account of an iron arch bridge made at Messrs Walkers Iron Works at Rotherham' from Thomas Paine to Joseph Banks25 May 1789
L&P/8/84Letter, 'A remarkable frost at Harwick House on 23 June 1783' from John Cullum to Joseph Banks10 November 1783
L&P/8/53Letter, 'Of the same meteor as observed at Edgworthstown' from Richard Edgworth to Joseph Banks5 September 1783
L&P/7/230Letter, 'Of scoria from iron-works like spun glass' from Samuel More to Joseph Banks12 December 1781
L&P/11/66Paper, 'Description of an instrument for facilitating drawing in perspective' by William Stark, with covering letter from James Watt to Joseph Banks25 April 1798
L&P/12/132Letter, 'On the inverted action of the alburnous vessels of trees' from Thomas Andrew Knight to Joseph Banks1806
AP/1/18Unpublished paper, 'Arithmetical investigations upon the extraction of roots' by Lewis Francis Bastard[1819]
AP/4/10Unpublished letters and extracts, regarding innovations in watchmaking sent from James Hutton to Joseph Banks March 1778 - November 1779
AP/6/3Unpublished paper and letters, 'Observation sur la manière de former l'alun par la combinaison directe de ses principes contituants' ['Observation on the way of forming alum through the direct combination of its constituent parts'] by [Jean Antoine Claude] Chaptal [1789]
AP/7/17Unpublished letter, regarding Charles Wildbore's paper from [Nevil] Maskelyne to Sir Joseph Banks26 May 1787
AP/7/25Unpublished letter, regarding Charles Wildbore's paper from [Nevil] Maskelyne to Sir Joseph Banks 12 July 1788
AP/7/26Unpublished letter, regarding Charles Wildbore's paper from [Nevil] Maskelyne to Sir Joseph Banks 16 July 1788
AP/7/32Unpublished paper, 'Observations on the different nature of motive and accelerative forces' in a letter from Cha [Charles] Wildbore to SIr Joseph Banks13 May 1790
AP/8/21Unpublished paper and letter, 'Case of complete aphonia cured by the medical application of the electrick fluid' by Augustin Sayer[1816]
AP/9/8Unpublished paper and abstract, 'De la loi suivant laquelle varie la flexibilité du sapin du Canada depuis son pied jusqu'à sa tête' ['On the law of variation of the flexibility of the Canadian fir from the root to the top'] by Charles Dupin[1820]
AP/9/15Unpublished letter, 'On an improvement in the eye-tubes of portable achromatic telescopes' from Willm [William] Kitchiner to [Sir Joseph Banks]21 December 1819
L&P/8/9Letter, 'Of the force and velocity of the wind' from Richard Lovell Edgworth to Joseph Banks1782
L&P/8/11Letter, 'Of a lunar iris' from Marmaduke Tunstall to Joseph Banks23 October 1782
L&P/8/12Letter, 'Concerning an earthquake' from John Lloyd to Joseph Banks16 November 1782
L&P/8/16Letter, 'The effect of lightning on metallic wires' from Edward Nairne to Joseph Banks22 January 1783
L&P/8/33Letter, 'Earthquakes in Calabria, 1783' from William Hamilton to Joseph Banks23 May 1783
L&P/8/56Letter, 'Remarks on Henry Cavendish's experiments on air' from Richard Kirwan to Joseph Banks29 January 1784
L&P/9/15Letter, 'Determination of the heliocentric longitude of the descending node of Saturn' from Thomas Bugge to Joseph Banks1786
L&P/9/24Letter, 'Account of a thunderstorm in Scotland with some meteorological observations' from Patrick Brydone to Joseph Banks20 December 1786
L&P/9/167Letter, 'On the analysis of a mineral substance from New South Wales' from Josiah Wedgwood to Joseph Banks12 March 1790
L&P/9/218Letter, 'Experiments on heat' from Benjamin Thompson to Joseph BanksJune 1787
L&P/10/7Letter, 'On the conversion of the substance of a bird into a hard fatty matter' from Thomas Sneyd to Joseph Banks26 March 1792
L&P/10/48Letter, 'Account of the tides at Naples' from Charles Blagden to Joseph Banks30 March 1793
L&P/11/64Letter, 'Analysis of the water of Diss Meer upon various substances immersed in it' from Charles Hatchett to Joseph Banks1798
L&P/11/65Letter, 'Account of a substance found in a clay-pit and the effect of Diss Meer upon various substances immersed in it' from Benjamin Wiseman to Joseph Banks7 April 1798
L&P/11/137Letter, 'Account of electricity excied by contact and conducting substances of different kinds' from Alessandro Volta to Joseph Banks20 March 1800
L&P/12/96Letter, 'Observations of the magnetic needle on board The Investigator' from Matthew Flinders to Joseph Banks1805
L&P/12/121Letter, 'On the direction of the radicle and Germen during the vegetation of seeds' from Thomas Andrew Knight to Joseph Banks22 November 1805
L&P/12/127Letter, 'Observations of the marine barometer on the coasts of New Holland and New South Wales' from Matthew Flinders to Joseph Banks19 August 1805
PT/10/21Paper, 'On the structure of the crystalline lens in fishes and quadrupeds, as ascertained by its action on polarised light' by David Brewster in a letter to the Rt Hon Sir Joseph Banks20 May 1816
PT/10/8Paper, 'Demonstrations of the late Dr Maskelyne's formulae for finding the longitude and latitude of a celestial object from its right ascension and declination; and for finding its right ascension and declination from its longitude and latitude, the obliquity of the ecliptic being given in both cases' by Abram [Abraham] Robertson[1816]
PT/11/20Paper, 'Upon the extent of the expansion and contraction of timber in different directions relative to the position of the medulla of the tree' by Thomas Andrew Knight in a letter to the Rt Hon Sir Joseph Banks26 April 1817
PT/12/13Paper, 'On the laws of polarisation and double refraction in regularly crystallised bodies' by David Brewster in a letter to the Rt Hon Sir Joseph Banks1 June 1817
PT/13/13Paper, 'On the action of crystallised surfaces upon light' by David Brewster in a letter to the Rt Hon Sir Joseph Banks12 November 1818
PT/13/21Paper, 'On the optical and physical properties of tabasheer' by David Brewster in a letter to the Right Hon Sir Joseph Banks2 March 1819
PT/14/15Paper, 'Some experiments on the fungi which constitute the colouring matter of the red snow discovered in Baffin's Bay [Baffin Bay, Canada]' by Francis [Franz] Bauer in a letter to the Right Honorable Sir Joseph Banks7 May 1820
PT/9/3Paper, 'Experiments on the depolarisation of light as exhibited by various mineral, animal and vegetable bodies, and a reference of the phenomena to the general principles of polarisation' by David Brewster in a letter to the Rt Hon Sir Joseph Banks22 October 1814
PT/73/9/3Painting, fossilised rhinoceros skull by W H [William Home] Clift[1821]
L&P/8/1Letter, The name of a new planet [Uranus] is announced as Georgium Sidus; with a description of the same' from William Herschel to Joseph Banks1782
CB/1/1/146Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Revesby Abbey to Charles Blagden13 October 1817
AP/9/21Unpublished paper and letters, 'On the variation of the compass' by John Ross[1818]
AP/8A/4Unpublished letter, 'On a new property of light possessed by the second surfaces of transparent bodies' from David Brewster to Sir Joseph Banks9 January 1815
MC/25/64Letter from F Ellis, 59 Berkeley Road, Bishopston, Bristol, to the [Royal Society]7 October 1910
MC/22/270Letter from A Mitchell's, Noted old print stores, 29 Great St Andrew Street, near New Oxford Street, to the Secretary of the Royal Society1 March 1907
MC/22Volume 22 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1907
PT/10/25Paper, 'De la structure des vaisseaux anglais, considérée dans ses derniers perfectionnements' by Ch [Charles] Dupin[1816]
L&P/10/134Letter, 'Account of the discovery of a comet' from Caroline Herschel to Joseph Banks8 November 1795
RSL/3/3Letter from Alex Aubert, Highbury, to Sir Joseph Banks7 November 1799
MS/957/6Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, London, to Captain Henry Kater23 June 1818
MS/957/34Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, Spring Grove, to [Henry] Kater30 July 1813
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