RefNo | Title | Date |
EL/B3/18 | Letter, from Robert Browne to Hans Sloane | nd |
EL/S2/81 | Account of the baths at Baden by John James [Johann Jakob] Scheuchzer to Hans Sloane | nd |
M/202 | Sloane, Sir Hans | 1744 |
RBO/15/64 | Hans Sloane's answer to Brown's letter about the mechanical causes of gravity | 1731 |
MM/4/49 | Letter from Owen Brigstocke, Carmarthen, to Sir Hans Sloane | 12 October 1731 |
RBO/16/28 | 'An account of an Experiment on Light and colours' communicated in a letter to Sir Hans Sloane by Marten Triewald | 1731 |
EL/B3/41 | Translation of a letter, from Marquis de Bon to Hans Sloane, dated at Montpellier | 20 March 1739 |
RBO/17/65 | 'Physico-medical observations on the latter part of the 1729 to the beginning of 1730 in a letter from Dr Scheuchzer to Hans Sloane | nd |
L&P/1/360 | Letter, 'Refers to the death of Sir H Sloane and to a meeting with Lieberkuhn' from Gasparo Cerati to Cromwell Mortimer | 1 January 1745 |
L&P/1/212 | Letter, 'Of a hen bringing up puppies' from John Fuller to Hans Sloane | 5 May 1743 |
EL/F2/37 | Extract of a letter, from Rose Fuller to Hans Sloane, dated at Spanish Town | 1736 |
EL/S2/94 | Letter, from Hans Sloane to Job Baster | nd |
EL/G1/55 | Letter, from Stephen Gray to Hans Sloane, dated at Canterbury | 28 August 1700 |
EL/S2/75 | Translation of a letter, from Albertus Seba to Hans Sloane and the Royal Society | 1731 |
EL/M2/14 | Letter, from John Monro to Hans Sloane, dated at Rome | 17 April 1700 |
EL/M2/15 | Letter, from John Monro to Hans Sloane, dated at Marseilles | 22 August 1700 |
MM/4/55 | Letter from Phillip Peck, London, to Sir Hans Sloane | 9 October 1738 |
MM/4/57 | Letter from Phillip Peck, London, to Sir Hans Sloane | 15 January 1738/9 |
IM/004221 | Sloane, Sir Hans | nd |
MM/4/56 | Letter from Phillip Peck, London, to Sir Hans Sloane | 14 October 1738 |
L&P/1/3 | Letter from Pierre de Vigny to Hans Sloane | 04 October 1741 |
EL/T/71 | Extract of a letter, from Brooke Taylor to Hans Sloane | 1712 |
L&P/1/168 | Letter, 'Minerals the latter insects' from Jean Jallabert and Charles Bonnet to Hans Sloane | 4 June 1742 |
MM/15/35 | "A List of Minerals given to the Royal Society on Febry 18 1685/6 by Dr (now Sir Hans) Sloane Bart, President etc" | 17th century |
EL/M1/120 | Letter, from William Musgrave to Hans Sloane | 1713 |
RBO/17/38 | Concerning the effects of cold by John James Scheuchzer from a collection of papers entitled 'Otia aestivalia' sent to Hans Sloane | 1731 |
EL/P1/106 | Letter, from Reverend Abraham de la Pryme to Hans Sloane, dated at Hull | 14 September 1700 |
EL/L4/26 | Letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to Hans Sloane, dated at Delft | 10 September 1709 |
EL/M1/119 | Letter, from William Musgrave to Hans Sloane | 4 September 1713 |
MM/4/63 | Letter from Mary Hauksbee to Sir Hans Sloane | 30 March 1731 |
EL/S2/55a | Extract of a letter, from Thomas Short to Hans Sloane, dated at Sheffield | 11 June 1731 |
EL/I2/15 | Translation of a letter, from Antoine de Jussieu to Hans Sloane, dated at Paris | 1736 |
EL/H3/86 | Letter, from Philip Jacob Hartman to Hans Sloane | 29 September 1699 |
L&P/1/13 | Letter, on a map of the country about Paris from Jean de La Grive to Hans Sloane | [1741] |
RBO/8/64 | 'Account of Boring for Rock Salt at Crowley in Cheshire in a letter from Thomas Brotherton to Hans Sloane' | 1699 |
L&P/1/21 | Letter from Hans Sloane to Martin Folkes | 07 December 1741 |
EL/W2/61 | Letter, from John Wallis to Hans Sloane, dated at Oxford | 17 May 1697 |
RBO/8/21 | Account of the use of 'Hipecacuana', a root growing in Brazil, by Hans Sloane | 1697 |
EL/H3/78 | Letter, from George Handisyd to Hans Sloane, dated at Grand Canaria on board the 'Modena' | 25 April 1692 |
RBO/17/71 | Experiments with ambergris for Hans Sloane by Ambrose Godfrey Hanckewitz, chemist | 1731 |
MM/10/10 | Deed transferring £392.17.1 of South Sea stock from Sir Godfrey Copley's estate to Mary Copley and Jasper Blythman | 8 September 1721 |
RBO/14/100 | 'Examen and observations of a bituminous Earth for the Royal Society' given to Sir Hans Sloane by Mr Godfrey | 1729 |
RBO/14/37 | 'Observations on the Weather in a Letter from R Bradley to Sir Hans Sloane' | 1728 |
RBO/15/62 | 'Account of a Water Fowl deem'd by the Author a Nondescript' from Caleb Lowdham to Hans Sloane | 1731 |
RBO/14/72 | Observations of the lunar eclipse on 9 August 1729 at Witteberg from J F Weidler to Hans Sloane | 1729 |
RBO/14/1 | 'Observations on the difference of Sex in Misleto [mistletoe]', in a letter from the Reverend M Edmund Barrel to Sir Hans Sloane | 1728 |
RBO/14/38 | 'An Observation of the Digestion of food in the Stomach with Animadversions thereon, by Christopher Wolfius, in a Letter to Sir Hans Sloane' | 1728 |
RBO/17/28 | Account of the method of determining the properties of mineral waters together with a catalogue of fossils by Thomas Short to Hans Sloane | 1732 |
MM/11/58 | Copy of the probate of the Will of Godfrey Copley | 14 October 1704 |
RBO/14/60 | Observations of Venus communicated in a letter to Hans Sloane by William Derham, Canon of Windsor | 1729 |
MM/11/57 | Copy of the probate of the Will of Godfrey Copley | 14 October 1704 |
RBO/14/121 | 'A particular Description of the Kingdom of Tunis' in letters to Sir Hans Sloane by Reverend Thomas Shaw | 1730 |
RBO/17/2 | Concerning John James Scheuchzer's book on the history of plants to Hans Sloane | 1731 |
RBO/18/19 | 'Account of the cure of the Gout by Oils externally apply'd with an hypothesis on the cause of the Distemper conformable to this Practice' by Willilam Stukeley in his letter to Hans Sloane | 1732 |
RBO/17/63 | Concerning a 'mola vesiculosae' in the omasum of an ox by John James Scheuchzer, from a collection of papers entitled 'Otia aestivalia' sent to Hans Sloane | 1732 |
RBO/17/37 | On the thermal qualities of the waters at Baden by John James Scheuchzer from a collection of papers entitled 'Otia aestivalia' sent to Hans Sloane | 1731 |
RBO/16/24 | Recommending the Duke of Lorraine and Count Kingski to the Royal Society by the Duke of Richmond in his letter to Sir Hans Sloane | 1731 |
RBO/18/24 | 'A Catalogue of the fifty Plants from Chelsea-Garden presented to the Royal Society by the Company of Apothecaries for the year 1731: pursuant to the direction of Sir Hans Sloane' by Isaac Rand | 1732 |
RBO/14/7 | 'A Description of some uncommon Appearances observ'd in an Aurora borealis' by Reverend William Derham, canon of Windsor communicated in a letter to Hans Sloane | 1728 |
RBO/14/111 | 'An account of the Imperial Salt works of Soowar in upper hungary translated from the high Dutch of Ernest Bruchman of the Academy of Brunswick' by Hans Sloane | 1729 |
MM/4/50 | Draft of a letter from Sir Hans Sloane to Owen Brigstocke | 4 July 1731 |
MM/19/27 | Letter from Edward Sabine, Treasurer, Royal Society, to William Sharpey, Secretary, Royal Society | 20 July 1861 |
RBO/17/53 | Account of an earthquake in Switzerland in 1729 by John James Scheuchzer, from a collection of papers entitled 'Otia aestivalia', sent to Hans Sloane | 1731 |
RBO/8/48 | Letter from Thomas Luffkin to Hans Sloane concerning the application of pneumatics to cupping glasses | 1699 |
RBO/21/47 | 'A Catalogue of the fifty Plants from Chelsea Garden, presented to the Royal Society by the Company of Apothecaries for the year 1737: pursuant to the direction of Sir Hans Sloane' by Isaac Rand | 1738 |
RBO/7/121 | Letter to Dr Sloane giving an account of the Double Pear' by Musgrave | nd |
RBO/15/29 | Observations of travels from Hamamet to Agar by Thomas Shaw in his letter to Hans Sloane | 1730 |
RSL/1/4 | Letter from Thomas Atkinson, Ballyshannon, to Sir Hans Sloane | 5 July 1777 |
RSL/1/3 | Letter from Thomas Atkinson, Ballyshannon, to Sir Hans Sloane | 28 June 1777 |
EL/T/75 | Letter, from William Thinn to Hans Sloane, dated at Nottingham | 9 August 1727 |
IM/004222 | Sloane, Sir Hans | nd |
EL/F2/4 | Letter, from John Freind to Hans Sloane | c 1700 |
NLB/6/728 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to G H Wallis | 4 July 1892 |
NLB/17/486 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to W R Deighton, 4 and 3a Grand Hotel Buildings, Trafalgar Square, W.C. | 8 November 1898 |
L&P/1/148 | Letter, 'A mathematical treatise' by Gerard Meerman to Hans Sloane | 20 November 1742 |
EL/K/37 | Translation of a letter, from James Theodorus Klein to Hans Sloane | 1733 |
RBO/14/93 | 'A Catalogue of the fifty Plants from Chelsea Garden presented to the Royal Society by the company of Apothecaries for the year 1728 pursuant to the Direction of Sir Hans Sloane' by Isaac Rand | 1729 |
EL/D1/45 | Letter, from John Davys to Hans Sloane | 19 February 1699 |
L&P/3/113 | Paper, 'An account of inoculations, by Hans Sloane, prepared in 1739' by Hans Sloane | 1756 |
EL/B2/70 | Letter, from Patrick Blair to Hans Sloane, dated at Boston | 31 December 1721 |
L&P/1/240 | Letter, 'With a medical book' from Pierre Guisard to Hans Sloane | 12 June 1743 |
L&P/1/241 | Letter, 'On account of a monstrous child; of a omoplate bone from Brazil; of the tarantula; of the camphor tree' from Claude Geoffrey to Hans Sloane | 30 June 1743 |
L&P/1/226 | Letter, 'Of fossil nuts' from C J Geoffrey to Hans Sloane | 21 August 1743 |
L&P/1/170 | Letter, 'With a copy of the Storia Botanica of their grandfather Giacomo Zanoni' from the Zanoni brothers to Hans Sloane | 12 December 1742 |
L&P/1/142 | Letter, 'Of certain anatomical observations' from Job Baster to Hans Sloane | 1742 |
L&P/1/350 | Letter, 'On the libella' from Peter Collinson to Hans Sloane | 23 June 1744 |
L&P/2/147/1 | Paper, 'Exhibition, through Dr C Mortimer, of certain bezoar and other stones' by Hans Sloane | 14 June 1750 |
L&P/3/318 | Letter, 'Of saltpetre' from Alexander Orme to Hans Sloane | 29 January 1737 |
CLP/23i/46 | Letter, from Dr Dover to Hans Sloane | 20 April 1724 |
CLP/1/40 | Letter, regarding arithmetic tables from unknown author to [Hans Sloane] | 9 December 1731 |
EL/B3/11 | Letter, from James Bradley to Hans Sloane | 12 February 1728 |
EL/V/49 | Letter, from Du Verger Gallo to Hans Sloane, dated at Rome | 1700 |
EL/C2/35 | Letter, from James Cunningham to Hans Sloane, dated at the Cape of Good Hope | 6 April 1700 |
EL/S2/78 | Postscript of a letter, from Dr [Johann Georg] Steigertahl to Hans Sloane | 1735 |
EL/F2/18 | Letter, from John Freke to Hans Sloane | 1733 |
EL/G1/57 | Letter, from Stephen Gray to Hans Sloane, dated at Canterbury | 5 February 1705 |
RBO/14/44 | 'Observations of a Lunar Eclipse' in a letter from William Derham to Hans Sloane | 1728 |
DM/5/101 | A list of benefactors to the Museum, to the value of £5 or upwards at one time | c.1737 |
IM/004220 | Sloane, Sir Hans | nd |
RBO/17/50 | Glacial dendrites by John James Scheuchzer, from a collection of papers entitled 'Otia aestivalia', sent to Hans Sloane | 1731 |
EL/S2/59 | Extract of a letter, from Albert Seta to Hans Sloane | nd |
EL/R2/51 | Translation of a letter, from Monsieur [Jean-Philippe] Rameau to Hans Sloane, dated at Paris | 1737 |
EL/T/66 | Letter, from W[illiam] E[rnest] Tenzelius to Hans Sloane | 9 December 1699 |
EL/M1/116 | Letter, from William Musgrave to Hans Sloane, dated at Exeter | 17 December 1712 |
EL/G2/14 | Letter from, Ambrose Godfrey [Hanckewitz] to Hans Sloane | 1720s |
EL/R2/41 | Extract of a letter, from Monsieur [Rene Antoine Ferchault] de Reaumur to Hans Sloane, dated at Paris | 1734 |
RBO/15/12 | 'Of the charming and poison of Rattle Snakes by Hans Sloane' | 1730 |
EL/L6/3 | Letter, from John Lawson to Hans Sloane | June 1695 |
RBO/9/72 | 'The Anatomy of the Seal and Porpess' by Patrick Blair in a letter to Hans Sloane | 1708 |
MM/4/53 | Draft of a letter from Sir Hans Sloane, London, to Benjamin Holloway | 12 November 1731 |
RBO/17/40 | Observations of an aurora borealis by John James Scheuchzer from a collection of papers entitled 'Otia aestivalia' sent to Hans Sloane | 1731 |
DM/5/100 | A list of benefactors to the Library, to the value of £5 or upwards at one time | c.1737 |
LBO/24/119 | Copy letter from John Fuller Junior to the President [Sir Hans Sloane] | 23 May 1738 |
EL/N1/64 | Copy of a letter, from Isaac Newton, Hans Sloane, Richard Mead, Edmond Halley, and Abraham Hill to John Flamsteed, dated at Crane Court | 1712 |
EL/B3/34 | Extract of a letter, from Abbe Jean Paul Bignon to Hans Sloane | 16 April 1733 |
L&P/1/20 | Letter from Hans Sloane to the Royal Society | [1741] |
EL/S2/25 | Letter, from A Spes to Hans Sloane, dated at Chelmsford | 18 March 1699 |
EL/R1/50 | Letter, from A Rawdon to Hans Sloane | 19 September 1694 |
L&P/1/225 | Letter, 'On the Society for Experimental Philosophy' from Johann Theodor Klein to Hans Sloane | 26 February 1743 |
EL/G2/17 | Letter, from Monsieur Geoffroy to Hans Sloane, dated at Paris | 18 January 1734 |
RBO/15/25 | 'An Essay towards the present State of Algiers by the Reverend Mr Thomas Shaw in a Letter to Sir Hans Sloane' | 1730 |
MS/557/2/2 | Secretarial notes of Royal Society meetings by Hans Sloane and others, 1693-98 | 1 November 1693-5 August 1696 and 22 November 1693-16 February 1698 |
DM/5/114 | List of benefactors to the Royal Society | 17th-18th century |
EL/L2/54 | Letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to Hans Sloane | nd |
CLP/9i/55 | Letter, 'Account of boreing for rock salt, at Crowley in Cheshire' from Thomas Brotherton to Hans Sloane | 14 September 1699 |
CLP/14ii/20 | Extracts of several letters, regarding a 'naevus maternus' or 'mole' from [Johann Georg] Steigertahl to Hans Sloane | [1725] |
MS/557/2/3 | Secretarial notes of Royal Society meetings by Hans Sloane and others, 1699-1702 | 22 February 1699-14 October 1702 |
MS/557/2/5 | Secretarial notes of Royal Society meetings by Hans Sloane and others, 1708-11 | 11 February 1708-29 March 1711 |
CLP/11ii/14 | Paper, 'Examen and observations of a bituminous earth' by Sir Hans Sloane | [1729] |
CLP/8i/54 | Letter, regarding a theory to improve astronomy from unknown author to Hans Sloane | 7 January 1697 |
CLP/10i/30 | Paper, 'On the coffee shrub' by Hans Sloane | [1694] |
CLP/9i/73 | Extract, English translation of 'An account of the imperial saltworks of Soowar in Upper Hungary translated from the High Dutch of Ernest Bruckman of the Academy of Brunswick' by unknown author | [1729] |
EL/S2/37 | Letter, from Frederick Slare to Hans Sloane, dated at Bath | 10 February 1714 |
RBO/8/22 | Some notes on the foregoing paper on the medicinal properties of a root from Brazil by Hans Sloane | nd |
CLP/10i/29 | Paper, 'An account of two plants lately brought from the Cape of Good Hope' by unknown author | [1692] |
CLP/10i/28/2 | Plate, 'Myrtus arborea, folys laurinis, aromatica. Pimienta or Iamaica-pepper tree' by unknown artist | [1690] |
CLP/10i/28/1 | Manuscript, 'A description of the pimiento or Jamaica pepper tree and of the tree that bears the cortex winteranus' by Hans Sloane | [1690] |
CLP/9i/72 | Extract, 'Seconde relation de Dr Ernest Brukmann, docteur en medecine, de l'Academie de Brunswik, de son voyage d'Allemagne et Hongri: des salines imperiales de Soowar dans la haute Hongrie' by unknown author | December 1724 |
CLP/10i/51 | Catalogue, 'A catalogue of the fifty plants, from Chelsea-Garden etc. for the year 1725' by [Isaac Rand] | 1725 |
CLP/10i/28 | Paper, 'A description of the pimiento or Jamaica pepper tree and of the tree that bears the cortex winteranus' by Hans Sloane | [1690] |
CLP/10i/58 | Catalogue, 'A catalogue of the fifty plants, from Chelsea Garden, presented to the Royal Society by the Company of Apothecaries, for the year 1733, pursuant to the direction of Sir Hans Sloane' by Isaac Rand | 1734 |
CLP/10ii/7 | Paper, 'Preparatie von anatomischen vegetabilien' by Albert [Albertus] Seba | [1728] |
CLP/11ii/23 | Paper, 'Experiments made upon ambergris for Hans Sloane' by [Cromwell Mortimer?] | [1731] |
CLP/10i/56 | Catalogue, 'A catalogue of the fifty plants from Chelsea-Garden, presented to the Royal Society by the Company of Apothecaries for the year 1731; pursuant to the direction of Sir Hans Sloane' by Isaac Rand | 1732 |
EL/S2/95 | Copy of a letter, from Hans Sloane to Job Baster | 1737 |
CLP/12ii/58/2 | Engraving, 'Calculus è vesica cadaverus extractus' by J Michel Genevensis | 1732 |
EL/R2/47 | Letter, from Monsieur [Rene Antoine Ferchault] de Reaumur to Hans Sloane, dated at Paris | 1737 |
L&P/2/147 | Paper, 'Exhibition, through Dr C Mortimer, of certain bezoar and other stones' by Hans Sloane | 14 June 1750 |
EL/I2/25 | Translation of a letter, from Joseph de Lisle to Hans Sloane, dated at Paris | 1740 |
EL/M3/7 | Letter, from de Mairau to Hans Sloane, dated at Paris | 18 December 1733 |
EL/L5/111 | Letter, from Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz to Hans Sloane | 8 September 1700 |
EL/H4/32 | Extract of a letter, from John Henry de Heucher to Hans Sloane, dated at Warsaw | 7 May 1732 |
EL/S2/26 | Letter, from Pierre Silvestre to Hans Sloane, dated at Berne | 6 April 1700 |
EL/P1/114 | Letter, from Mr Pulteney to Hans Sloane, dated at Copenhagen | 5 February 1715 |
EL/B3/63 | Extract of a letter, from Burnet to Hans Sloane, dated at Madrid | 11 October 1737 |
EL/W3/68 | Letter, from Richard Waller to Hans Sloane | 4 December 1699 |
EL/S2/82 | Extract of a letter, from John Scheuchzer to Hans Sloane | 1730 |
EL/S2/87 | Extract of a letter, from John Scheuchzer to Hans Sloane | 1730 |
EL/S2/83 | Account of three earthquakes which happened in Switzerland in the years 1728 and 1729 by Dr [Johann Jakob] Scheuchzer to Hans Sloane | nd |
EL/L6/5 | Letter, from Thomas Luffkin to Hans Sloane | 16 October 1699 |
EL/S2/18 | Extract of a letter, from Hans Sloane to Mr Sheldrake | 14 January 1734 |
EL/D2/41 | Translation of an extract of a letter, from Thomas Dereham to Hans Sloane | 1731 |
EL/C3/41 | Letter, from Joseph de Seytres to Hans Sloane, dated at Avignon | 8 January 1740 |
EL/H3/90 | Letter, from Thomas Hearne to Hans Sloane, dated at Oxford | 25 January 1710 |
EL/S2/12 | Letter, from Hans Sloane to Richard Waller | 1692 |
EL/S2/39 | Letter, from John Stirling to Hans Sloane, dated at Glasgow | 8 June 1713 |
EL/S2/86 | Letter, from John Scheuchzer to Hans Sloane | 1730 |
EL/H4/16 | Letter, from [Henri Louis] du Hamel de Monceau to Hans Sloane, dated at Paris | 25 March 1735 |
EL/D2/48 | Letter, from Arthur Downes to Hans Sloane, dated at Cranbrook | 1724 |
EL/I2/23 | Translation of a letter, from Jacobe to Hans Sloane, dated at Paris | 1736 |
EL/P2/2 | Letter, from J Purcell to Hans Sloane, dated at Weston near Ounly in Buckinghamshire | 5 September 1725 |
EL/T/87 | Letter, from Christopher Jacob Trew to Hans Sloane, dated at Nuremburg | 26 March 1732 |
EL/L3/37 | Letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to Hans Sloane, dated at Delft | 6 December 1701 |
EL/S2/20 | Letter, from Edward Southwell to Hans Sloane | 13 December 1697 |
EL/W3/69 | Letter, from Richard Waller to Hans Sloane | 4 March 1699 |
EL/M1/113 | Letter, from William Musgrave to Hans Sloane, dated at Exeter | 28 December 1699 |
EL/C3/34 | Translation of a letter, from Andreas Celsius to Hans Sloane, dated at Tornea | 4 December 1736 |
EL/M1/115 | Letter, from William Musgrave to Hans Sloane, dated at Exeter | 10 November 1712 |
EL/S2/17 | Letter, from Hans Sloane to Antoni van Leeuwenhoek | 13 October 1713 |
EL/E/14 | Translation of a letter from Balthasar Ehrhart to Hans Sloane | 1735 |
EL/W3/70 | Letter, from Richard Waller to Hans Sloane | 5 October 1707 |
EL/M3/62 | Letter, from E. R. to Hans Sloane | nd |
EL/M3/66 | Letter, from Joseph Morgan to Hans Sloane, dated at Maidenhead, New Jersey | 1739 |
EL/H3/52 | Letter, from Edmond Halley to Hans Sloane, dated at Chester | 25 October 1697 |
EL/L3/26 | Letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to Hans Sloane, dated at Delft | 28 January 1701 |
EL/P1/104 | Letter, from Charles Preston to Hans Sloane, dated at Edinburgh | 1 February 1700 |
EL/G1/51 | Letter, from Stephen Gray to Hans Sloane, dated at Canterbury | 2 May 1698 |
EL/L3/22 | Translation of a letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to Hans Sloane | 1700 |
EL/G1/69 | Letter, from Monsieur Geoffroy to Hans Sloane, dated at Paris | 10 June 1699 |
EL/L3/53 | Letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to Hans Sloane, dated at Delft | 3 November 1703 |
EL/T/76 | Letter, from William Thinn to Hans Sloane, dated at Mansfield | 16 October 1727 |
EL/M3/34 | Translated extract of a letter, from Paul Henry Gerard Moehring to Hans Sloane | 1739 |
EL/M2/62 | Letter, from Pietro Michelotti to Hans Sloane, dated at Venice | 22 March 1731 |
EL/R1/78 | Letter, from P. I. Rocquette to Hans Sloane, dated at St Petersbourg [St Petersburg] | 15 July 1732 |
EL/I2/17 | Translation of a letter, from Bernard de Jussieu to Hans Sloane, dated at Paris | 1736 |
EL/S2/24 | Letter, from W Sherard to Hans Sloane, dated at Rome | 24 January 1699 |
EL/S2/36 | Letter, from Frederick Slare to Hans Sloane, dated at Bath | 15 June 1713 |
EL/L3/16 | Translation of a letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to Hans Sloane | 1700 |
EL/F1/130 | Paper, proposal for 'Historia Brittannica Coelestis' by John Flamsteed to Hans Sloane | nd |
EL/H3/93 | Letter, from John Hargreaves to Hans Sloane, dated at Colne in Lancashire | 11 May 1713 |
EL/S2/76 | Letter, from Philip Stubbs to Hans Sloane, dated at the Royal Hospital Greenwich | 25 January 1733 |
EL/S2/40 | Letter, from Frederick Slare to Hans Sloane | nd |
EL/L4/51 | Letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to Hans Sloane, dated at Delft | 12 October 1713 |
EL/M1/117 | Letter, from William Musgrave to Hans Sloane, dated at Exeter | 2 March 1713 |
EL/S1/23 | Letter, from Robert Southwell to Hans Sloane, dated at King's Weston | 13 October 1697 |
EL/S2/100 | Translation of a letter, from John Philip Seip to Hans Sloane, dated at Pyrmont | 1736 |
EL/C3/42 | Copy of a letter, from Joseph de Seytres to Hans Sloane, dated at Avignon | 1732 |
EL/C3/40 | Translation of a letter, from Nicolo Albero d'Aragona to Hans Sloane, dated at Naples | 27 November 1738 |
EL/R2/46 | Letter, from Monsieur [Rene Antoine Ferchault] de Reaumur to Hans Sloane, dated at Paris | 1737 |
EL/M3/56 | Letter, from Pietro Michelotti to Hans Sloane | January 1734 |
EL/I2/24 | Translation of an extract of a letter, from Jallabert to Hans Sloane | nd |
EL/B3/35 | Extract of a letter, from Abbe Jean Paul Bignon to Hans Sloane, dated at Paris | 8 December 1734 |
EL/W2/82 | Letter, from John Wallis to Hans Sloane, dated at Oxford | 1 February 1699 |
EL/D1/48 | Letter, from William Derham to Hans Sloane, dated at Upminster | 1698 |
EL/P1/94 | Letter, from Denis Papin to Hans Sloane | 23 January 1712 |
EL/M1/111 | Letter, from William Musgrave to Hans Sloane, dated at Exeter | 4 June 1698 |
EL/M3/47 | Translation of a letter, from Monsieur [René Antoine Ferchault] de Reaumur to Hans Sloane, dated at Paris | 1738 |
EL/G1/43 | Letter, from George Garden to Hans Sloane, dated at Aberdeen | 10 October 1698 |
EL/H3/50 | Letter, from Edmond Halley to Hans Sloane, dated at Chester Mint | 2 November 1696 |
EL/I2/16 | Translation of a letter, from Antoine de Jussieu to Hans Sloane, dated at Paris | 1736 |
EL/G1/70 | Letter, from Monsieur Geoffroy to Hans Sloane, dated at Paris | 9 September 1699 |
EL/M1/52 | Letter, from Lorenzo Magalotti to Hans Sloane, dated at Florence | 16 July 1709 |
EL/B2/74 | Letter, from Patrick Blair to Hans Sloane, dated at Boston | 12 April 1727 |
EL/T/60 | Letter, from Ralph Thoresby to Hans Sloane, dated at Leeds | 3 November 1711 |
EL/W2/66 | Letter, from John Wallis to Hans Sloane, dated at Oxford | 11 May 1700 |
EL/L3/34 | Translation of a letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to Hans Sloane | 1701 |
EL/S2/19 | Letter, from Hans Sloane to Lady Essex [Elizabeth Capell] | 23 March 1734 |
EL/S2/11 | Letter, from Hans Sloane to Dr [Domenico] Bottoni | nd |
EL/S2/31 | Letter, from Hans Sloane to John Flamsteed , dated at Crane Court | 5 March 1713 |
EL/S2/35 | Letter, from Edward Southwell to Hans Sloane, dated at Dublin | 31 July 1711 |
EL/P1/105 | Letter, from Reverend Abraham de la Pryme to Hans Sloane, dated at Hull | 2 August 1700 |
EL/W3/158 | Letter, from Paul Gottlieb Werlhof to Hans Sloane, dated at Hanover | 11 July 1733 |
EL/S2/90 | Letter, from Brand Henry Schilden to Hans Sloane, dated at Hanover | 5 November 1735 |
EL/L5/110 | Letter, from Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz to Hans Sloane, dated at Hanover | 1700 |
EL/W2/78 | Letter, from John Wallis to Hans Sloane, dated at Oxford | 5 September 1698 |
EL/P1/91 | Letter, from Denis Papin to Hans Sloane | 16 May 1709 |
EL/W2/83 | Letter, from John Wallis to Hans Sloane, dated at Oxford | 22 August 1699 |
EL/S2/106 | Extract of a letter, from Hans Stanley to Hans Sloane, dated at Lausanne | 1737 |
EL/G1/52 | Letter, from Stephen Gray to Hans Sloane, dated at Canterbury | 6 March 1698 |
EL/G1/71 | Letter, from Monsieur Geoffroy to Hans Sloane, dated at Paris | 1700 |
EL/L3/13 | Letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to Hans Sloane, dated at Delft | 2 January 1700 |
EL/B3/75 | Translation of a letter and paper, from Matthias Belius to Hans Sloane , dated at Presburg in Hungary | 13 March 1739 |
EL/P1/93 | Letter, from Denis Papin to Hans Sloane | 31 December 1711 |
EL/S2/33 | Extract of two letters, from Johann Jakob to Scheuchzer and Hans Sloane | 1732 |
EL/W2/81 | Letter, from John Wallis to Hans Sloane, dated at Oxford | 17 October 1698 |
EL/W2/84 | Letter, from John Wallis to Hans Sloane, dated at Oxford | 2 September 1699 |
EL/G1/56 | Letter, from Stephen Gray to Hans Sloane, dated at Canterbury | 3 April 1704 |
EL/G2/21 | Translation of a letter, from Jean de la Grive to Hans Sloane | 1734 |
EL/B2/71 | Letter, from Patrick Blair to Hans Sloane, dated at Boston | 15 November 1725 |
EL/M2/85 | Letter, from J[oseph Private] de Molieres to Hans Sloane, dated at Paris | 20 April 1734 |
EL/G2/20 | Translation of letters, from Jean de la Grive and Jacques Cassini to Hans Sloane | 1734 |
EL/L3/18 | Translation of a letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to Hans Sloane | 1700 |
EL/M2/86 | Translation of a letter, from J[oseph Private] de Molieres to Hans Sloane, dated at Paris | 1736 |
EL/B3/78 | Extract of a letter, from John Burton to Hans Sloane, dated at York | 22 February 1737 |
EL/M3/41 | Translation of a letter, from Monsieur Morand to Hans Sloane | 1738 |
CLP/4i/52 | Letter, regarding an account of a storm at Denbigh in Wales from unknown author to Hans Sloane | [1706] |
EL/W3/19 | Letter, from James Wallace to Hans Sloane | 25 October 1700 |
EL/P1/92 | Letter, from Denis Papin to Hans Sloane, dated at London | 21 April 1711 |
EL/B2/50 | Letter, from Dominicus Bottoni to Hans Sloane, dated at Messina, Italy | December 1698 |
EL/G1/53 | Letter, from Stephen Gray to Hans Sloane dated at Canterbury | 4 May 1699 |
MC/6/160 | Letter from Rob B [Robert Brotherton] Upton, Clerk to the Society of Apothecaries, Apothecaries Hall, London, to [Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie], President of the Royal Society | 29 June 1861 |
EL/N2/12 | Letter, from Frank Nicholls to Hans Sloane | nd |
EL/B2/52 | Letter, from G Broughton to Hans Sloane, dated at Venice | 10 April 1699 |
EL/S2/101 | Translation of a letter, from Dr [Johann Georg] Steigertahl to Hans Sloane, dated at Hanover | 1737 |
EL/W2/72 | Letter, from John Wallis to Hans Sloane, dated at Oxford | 3 February 1700 |
EL/G1/42 | Letter, from George Garden to Hans Sloane, dated at Aberdeen | 22 July 1696 |
EL/M1/114 | Letter, from William Musgrave to Hans Sloane, dated at Exeter | May 1712 |
MC/6 | Volume 6 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1859-1863 |
EL/B3/24 | Letter, from John Bates to Hans Sloane | 1731 |
EL/B3/77 | Translation of a letter, from Job Baster to Hans Sloane, dated at Zirkzee in Zeland | 11 October 1738 |
EL/P2/20 | Translation of a letter, from Monsieur [Henri] Pitot to Hans Sloane, dated at Paris | 1740 |
EL/L3/24 | Translation of a letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to Hans Sloane | 1700 |
EL/M2/64 | Letter, from Pietro Michelotti to Hans Sloane | 1735 |
EL/W2/70 | Letter, from John Wallis to Hans Sloane, dated at Oxford | 7 December 1700 |
EL/M1/100 | Letter, from William Molyneux to Hans Sloane, dated at Dublin | 22 January 1698 |
EL/H4/2 | Letter, from John Henry de Heucher to Hans Sloane, dated at Dresden | 29 March 1730 |
EL/R1/54 | Extract of a letter, from Richard Richardson to Hans Sloane, dated at North Bierley | 5 September 1733 |
EL/B2/47 | Letter, from Samuel Buckley to Hans Sloane | 23 April 1698 |
EL/F2/16 | Copy of a letter, from Messieurs Fabri and Bartillot to Hans Sloane | 1729 |
EL/N2/11 | Letter, from Frank Nicholls to Hans Sloane, dated at Paris | 28 December 1728 |
EL/G1/68 | Letter, from Patrick Gordon to the publisher of the 'Philosophical Transactions' | 18 December 1700 |
EL/K/20 | Letter, from Thomas Kirke to Hans Sloane, dated at Cookridge | 2 November 1694 |
EL/D1/54 | Letter, from William Derham to Hans Sloane, dated at Upminster | 13 November 1709 |
EL/M3/39 | Letter, from Joseph Morgan to Hans Sloane, dated at Maidenhead, New Jersey | 22 December 1732 |
EL/B2/51 | Letter, from G Broughton to Hans Sloane, dated at Venice | 16 January 1699 |
EL/H3/48 | Letter, from Edmond Halley to Hans Sloane, dated at Chester Castle | 12 October 1696 |
EL/L5/109 | Letter, from Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz to Hans Sloane, dated at Hanover | 30 January 1700 |
EL/S2/14 | Letter, from Hans Sloane to G[ottfried Wilhelm] Leibniz, dated at London | 4 July 1700 |
EL/T/63 | Letter, from Ralph Thoresby to Hans Sloane, dated at Leeds | 25 February 1713 |
EL/K/40 | Translation of a letter, from James Theodorus Klein to Hans Sloane, dated at Danzig (Gdansk) | 1740 |
L&P/1/121 | Letter, 'Observations on board HMS Furnace, Churchill River, Hudson's Bay, and at Prince of Wales Fort, Churchill River, in 1741 and 1742' from Christopher Middleton to Hans Sloane | 1742 |
EL/W2/75 | Letter, from John Wallis to Hans Sloane, dated at Oxford | 6 September 1699 |
EL/M1/99 | Letter, from William Molyneux to Hans Sloane, dated at Dublin | 4 November 1697 |
EL/M3/20 | Extract of a letter, from Gerardus Fridericus Muller [Gerhard Friedrich Muller] to Hans Sloane | 30 June 1733 |
EL/B3/58 | Extract of a letter, from Abbe Jean Paul Bignon to Hans Sloane, dated at Paris | 1 September 1737 |
EL/M3/39a | Letter, from Joseph Morgan to Hans Sloane | 1732 |
EL/S2/92 | Translation of a letter, from J[ohann] A[ndreas von] Segner to Hans Sloane | 1738 |
EL/L6/53 | Translation of a letter, from D Law to Hans Sloane, dated at Dunkirk | 1738 |
EL/M1/101 | Copy of a letter, from William Molyneux to Hans Sloane, dated at Dublin | 1698 |
EL/P1/101 | Letter, from Charles Preston to Hans Sloane | nd |
EL/W2/64 | Letter, from John Wallis to Hans Sloane, dated at Oxford | 20 January 1698 |
EL/W4/12 | Translation of a letter, from Paul Werlhof to Hans Sloane, dated at Hanover | 1736 |
L&P/1/447 | Paper, 'Of a coralline' by Hans Sloane | 1745 |
CLP/11ii/19 | Letter, regarding effects of laurel water on dogs from R Porter to Cromwell Mortimer | 11 January 1731 |
CLP/12ii/58 | Translation of a letter, 'Sir Hans Sloane's letter to the Marquis de Caumont, concerning this stone' by Hans Sloane | [1730s] |
CLP/12ii/58/1 | Manuscript translation of a letter, 'Sir Hans Sloane's letter to the Marquis de Caumont, concerning this stone' by Hans Sloane | [1730s] |
CLP/10ii/8 | Translation, 'The anatomical preparation of vegetables' by Albertus Seba | [1728] |
CLP/14ii/43 | Paper, 'Account of the symptoms arising from eating the seeds of henbane, with their cure, and some occasional remarks' by Hans Sloane | [1734] |
CLP/14ii/15 | Paper, 'Fluxus sanguinis per penem mirabilis' [Case of extreme blood loss] by Dr Howman | 1723 |
CLP/10i/57 | Catalogue, 'A catalogue of the fifty plants, from Chelsea Garden, presented to the Royal Society by the Company of Apothecaries, for the year 1732; pursuant to the direction of Sir Hans Sloane' by Isaac Rand | 1733 |
CLP/8ii/4 | Paper, 'Observations of the eclipses of Jupiter's satellites from 1700 to 1727' by William Derham | 1727 |
EL/P1/102 | Letter, from Charles Preston to Hans Sloane, dated at Edinburgh | 13 October 1698 |
EL/G1/58 | Letter, from Stephen Gray to Hans Sloane, dated at Canterbury | 1 May 1705 |
EL/L3/20 | Translated extract of a letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to Hans Sloane | 1700 |
EL/G1/54 | Letter, from Stephen Gray to Hans Sloane, dated at Canterbury | 4 May 1700 |
EL/M1/118 | Letter, from William Musgrave to Hans Sloane, dated at Exeter | 14 May 1713 |
EL/A/48 | Letter, from John Adair to Hans Sloane, dated at Edinburgh | 20 December 1698 |
EL/H3/49 | Letter, from Edmond Halley to Hans Sloane, dated at Chester mint | 26 October 1696 |
EL/D1/49 | Letter, from William Derham to Hans Sloane, dated at Upminster | 23 January 1699 |
EL/L3/17 | Letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to Hans Sloane, dated at Delft | 9 July 1700 |
RBO/21/18 | 'A Catalogue of fifty Plants from Chelsea Garden presented to the Royal Society by the company of Apothecaries for the year 1736 pursuant to the Direction of Sir Hans Sloane' by Isaac Rand | 1737 |
RBO/14/50 | 'A remarkable Conformation of the Urinary Parts communicated in a letter to Hans Sloane' by John Budgen | 1729 |
RBO/15/90 | 'Account of the Body which was found burnt to Ashes as mention'd in Sir Thomas Dereham's Letter to Hans Sloane' | 1731 |
RBO/20/23 | 'A Catalogue of the fifty Plants from Chelsea Carden presented to the Royal Society by the Company of Apothecaries for the year 1735: pursuant to the direction of Sir Hans Sloane' by Isaac Rand | 1736 |
RBO/15/11 | Account of the effects of the Oenanthe aquatica Cucytae on three people who had eaten its root in a letter from Richard Richardson to Hans Sloane | 1730 |
CLP/10i/55 | Catalogue, 'A catalogue of the fifty plants from Chelsea Garden, presented to the Royal Society by the Company of Apothecaries, for the year 1730; pursuant to the direction of Sir Hans Sloane' by Isaac Rand | 1731 |
MS/557/2/4 | Secretarial notes of Royal Society meetings by Hans Sloane and others, 1702-08 | 21 October 1702-4 February 1708 |
P/0118 | Portrait of Sloane, Sir Hans | 1716 |
CLP/14ii/2 | Paper, 'Experiments and observations of the effects of several sorts of poisons on animals made at Montpellier in 1678 and 1679' by William Courten | 1710 |
RBO/17/44 | Account of a white iris seen in the sky by John James Scheuchzer, from a collection of papers entitled 'Otia aestivalia' sent to Hans Sloane | 1731 |
CLP/16/49 | Paper, regarding the conveyance of a marble sepulchre owned by Hans Sloane by Roger Gale | 1735 |
CLP/15ii/1 | Paper, 'Some observations made in an ostrich [Struthio camelus] dissected by order of Hans Sloane' by John Ranby | [1724] |
EL/L3/28 | Letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to Hans Sloane, dated at Delft | 15 April 1701 |
CLP/3ii/5 | Paper, 'Proposals about the machine to get good air for respiration and vegetation' by D [Denis] Papin | [1709] |
EL/L3/15 | Letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to Hans Sloane, dated at Delft | 14 June 1700 |
CLP/8i/53 | Letter, regarding a theory for calculating certain places of the planets from unknown author to Hans Sloane | 1696 |
EL/L3/27 | Translated extract of a letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to Hans Sloane | 1701 |
L&P/1/447/1 | Paper, 'Of a coralline' by Hans Sloane | 1745 |
RBO/17/13 | Account of a murrain among cattle in Switzerland by Dr Scheuchzer to Hans Sloane | 1732 |
EL/L3/28a | Translated extract of a letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to Hans Sloane | 1701 |
EL/W2/74 | Letter, from John Wallis to Hans Sloane | 1699 |
EL/S2/85 | Account of a woman who was bitten by a chaplain and died sent by Dr [Johann Jakob] Scheuchzer to Hans Sloane | nd |
CLP/3ii/37/1 | Manuscript, 'Description of a new invention of bellows call'd water bellows' by Martin Triewald | 1736 |
EL/L3/10 | Letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to Hans Sloane, dated at Delft | 25 September 1699 |
EL/F2/34 | Letter, from John Fuller to Hans Sloane | 23 May 1738 |
EL/B3/76 | Translation of a letter, from Job Baster to Hans Sloane, dated at Zirkzee in Zeland | 1 March 1738 |
EL/L6/6 | Letter, from Dr Lloyd to Hans Sloane | 2 February 1699 |
EL/W2/63 | Letter, from John Wallis to Hans Sloane | 11 January 1698 |
EL/G2/16 | Extract of a letter, from Monsieur Geoffroy [Claude Joseph] to Hans Sloane, dated at Paris | 4 May 1732 |
EL/B2/42 | Letter, from Charles Bernard to Hans Sloane | 26 September 1696 |
EL/G2/34 | Extract of a letter, from Monsieur Geoffroy [Claude Joseph] to Hans Sloane, dated at Paris | 1737 |
EL/L3/19 | Letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to Hans Sloane, dated at Delft | 27 July 1700 |
EL/L6/7 | Letter, from J Lowther to Hans Sloane | 27 October 1703 |
EL/L6/50 | Extract of a letter, from James Logan to Hans Sloane, dated at Philadelphia | 20 September 1735 |
EL/S2/13 | Letter, from Hans Sloane to Richard Waller, dated at London | 22 August 1694 |
EL/D1/58 | Letter, from William Derham to Hans Sloane, dated at Upminster | 23 February 1712 |
EL/M2/16 | Letter, from John Monro to Hans Sloane, dated at Paris | 29 October 1700 |
EL/W4/13 | Letter, from Johann Weidler to Hans Sloane, dated at Wittemberg | 11 December 1732 |
EL/H4/17 | Translation of a letter, from [Henri Louis] du Hamel de Monceau to Hans Sloane, dated at Paris | 1735 |
RBO/2i/0 | Memorandum, regarding Register Book 2 and its duplicate | 1662 |
CLP/16/34 | Paper, 'Part of a letter, concerning some Roman coins and other antiquities lately found in Lincolnshire [England]' by [Rastrick] | 22 October 1701 |
EL/S2/84 | Account of a phenomenon in the sky called 'white iris' sent by Dr [Johnann Jakob] Scheuchzer to Hans Sloane | nd |
EL/S2/80 | Account of a fasting woman and how she began to eat again by [Johann Jakob] Scheuchzer to Hans Sloane | 1726 |
EL/G2/36 | Extract of a letter, from Monsieur [Claude Joseph] Geoffroy to Hans Sloane, dated at Paris | 1739 |
EL/S2/97 | Translated extract of a letter, from Dr [Johann Georg] Steigertahl to Hans Sloane, dated at Hanover | 20 April 1736 |
EL/L3/21 | Letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to Hans Sloane, dated at Delft | 7 September 1700 |
EL/L3/14 | Translated extract of a letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to Hans Sloane | 1700 |
EL/L3/33 | Letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to Hans Sloane, dated at Delft | 21 June 1701 |
EL/L3/23 | Letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to Hans Sloane, dated at Delft | 26 October 1700 |
EL/G1/72 | Letter, from Monsieur Geoffroy to Hans Sloane, dated at Paris | 28 May 1700 |
EL/B3/36 | Copy of a letter, from Theophilus Sigfrid Bayer to Hans Sloane | 20 June 1734 |
EL/C3/47 | Two translated letters from Cuentz, dated at Neuschatel, to Hans Sloane | 1740 |
EL/K/36 | Letter, from James Theodorus Klein to Hans Sloane, dated at Danzig (Gdansk) | 4 July 1730 |
EL/W2/79 | Letter, from John Wallis to Hans Sloane, dated at Oxford | 21 September 1698 |
EL/W2/62 | Letter, from John Wallis to Hans Sloane, dated at Oxford | 9 August 1697 |
CLP/18i/127 | Paper, 'The specifick gravities of several mettaline cubes. Comparison with their like bulks of water' by Francis Hauksbee | 1711 |
CLP/16/29 | Figures, bases of columns for a Roman altar by Ralph Thoresby | [1694-1697] |
CLP/16/49/2 | Figure, conveyance of a marble sepulchre owned by Hans Sloane by Roger Gale | 1735 |
CLP/16/34/1 | Manuscript, 'Part of a letter, concerning some Roman coins and other antiquities lately found in Lincolnshire [England]' by [Rastrick] | 22 October 1701 |
CLP/15ii/7 | Paper, 'The anatomy of the poisonous apparatus of the rattlesnake made by the direction of Hans Sloane' by John Ranby | [1727] |
EL/B3/42 | Extract of a letter, from George Bell to Hans Sloane, dated at Canton | 10 December 1710 |
EL/B2/69 | Letter, from Patrick Blair to Hans Sloane, dated at Boston | 30 November 1721 |
CLP/15i/44 | Paper, 'An account of a prodigiously large feather of the bird cuntur, brought from Chili [Chile], and supposed to be a kind of vultur; and of the coffee shrub' by Hans Sloane | April 1694 |
CLP/22i/71 | Paper, Account of 'Archaeologia Britannica [British archaeology]' by Edward Lhuyd | [1707] |
CLP/16/49/1 | Manuscript, regarding the conveyance of a marble sepulchre owned by Hans Sloane by Roger Gale | 1735 |
CLP/15ii/21 | Paper, 'Conjectures on the charm or fascinating power attributed to the rattlesnake: grounded on credible accounts, experiments and observations' by Hans Sloane | [1730] |
CLP/14i/42 | Paper, 'A relation of the symptoms that attended the death of Mr Robert Burdett an English merchant of Aleppo, who was killd [sic] by the bite of a serpent' by Aaron Goodyear | [1695] |
CLP/11ii/20 | Paper, 'A treatise of ambargris' by Caspar Neuman [Neumann] | 15 October 1729 |
CLP/10i/59 | Catalogue, 'A catalogue of the fifty plants, from Chelsea Garden, presented to the Royal Society by the Company of Apothecaries, for the year 1734, pursuant to the direction of Sir Hans Sloane' by Isaac Rand | 1735 |
EL/K/35 | Letter, from James Theodorus Klein to Hans Sloane, dated at Danzig (Gdansk) | 12 January 1730 |
EL/L6/57 | Translation of a letter, from Charles Nicholas Languis to Hans Sloane, dated at Lucern | 1736 |
RBO/13/6 | 'An Account of Elephant's teeth and Bones found underground' by Hans Sloane | 1727 |
CLP/10i/48 | Catalogue, 'A catalogue of 50 plants lately presented to the Royal Society, by the Company of Apothecaries of London, pursuant to the direction of Sir Hans Sloane' by Isaac Rand | 1723 |
CLP/10i/49 | Catalogue, 'A catalogue of 50 plants from Chelsea Garden presented to the Royal Society for the year 1723 by the Company of Apothecaries of London, purusant to the direction of Sir Hans Sloane' by [Isaac Rand] | 1723 |
CLP/10i/50 | Catalogue, 'A catalogue, of the of 50 plants, from Chelsea Garden, presented to the Royal Society by , for the year 1724 by the Company of Apothecaries' by Mr Is [Isaac] Rand | 1724 |
CLP/10i/52 | Catalogue, 'A catalogue of the fifty plants from Chelsea-Garden, presented to the Royal Society, by the Company of Apothecaries, for the year 1727; purusant to the direction of Sir Hans Sloane' by [Isaac Rand] | 1727 |
CLP/10i/53 | Catalogue, 'A catalogue of the fifty plants from Chelsea-Garden, presented to the Royal Society by the Company of Apothecaries, for the year 1728; pursuant to the direction of Sir Hans Sloane' by Isaac Rand | 1728 |
CLP/10i/54 | Catalogue, 'A catalogue of the fifty plants from Chelsea-Garden, presented to the Royal Society, by the Company of Apothecaries, for the year 1729; pursuant to the direction of Sir Hans Sloane' by Isaac Rand | 1729 |
CLP/10i/60 | Catalogue, 'A catalogue of the fifty plants from Chelsea Garden, presented to the Royal Society by the Company of Apothecaries, for the year 1735, pursuant to the direction of Sir Hans Sloane' by Isaac Rand | 1736 |
CLP/10i/61 | Catalogue, 'A catalogue of the fifty plants from Chelsea Garden, presented to the Royal Society by the Company of Apothecaries for the year 1736, pursuant to the direction of Sir Hans Sloane' by Isaac Rand | 1737 |
CLP/11ii/22 | Letter, regarding Caspar Neumann's treatise on ambergris from A [Ambrose] Godfrey [Hanckewitz] to Sir Hans Sloane | [1731] |
CLP/12i/55 | Extract, 'Part of a letter from Mr Bussiere [sic] to Dr Sloane wherein he gives an account of the new way of cutting for the stone by the hermit with his opinion of it' by [Paul] Buissiere | [1690s] |
CLP/12ii/59 | Letter, 'Containing the description of a very extraordinary stone or calculus taken out of the bladder of a man after death' from the Marquis de Caumont [Joseph de Seytres] to Hans Sloane | 30 June 1732 |
CLP/13/9 | Paper, ['An essay concerning giants'] by Thomas Molyneux | 19 May 1699 |
EL/B3/40 | Translation of a letter, from the Marquis de Bon to Hans Sloane, dated at Montpellier | 18 August 1738 |
CLP/16/17 | Paper, 'Explication de la nouvelle table chronologique de l'histoire Chinoise' [Explanation of a new chronological table of Chinese history] by Father Johannes Franciscus Fouquet | 1730 |
RBO/7/28 | Description of the Pimiento or Jamaica Pepper tree, and the wild Cinnamon Tree, commonly, but falsely called the 'Cortex Winterauus', by Hans Sloane | [1690] |
RBO/7/75 | Letter from William Derham to Hans Sloane 'about a contrivance to measure the height of the Mercury in the Barometer by a Circle on one of the weather Plates' | 1698 |
RBO/7/84 | Part of a letter from Mr [Paul] Bussiere [Buissiere] to Hans Sloane concerning a new method of removing a bladder stone | nd |
RBO/9/32 | 'Account of Some Roman, French and Irish Inscriptions and Antiquities lately found in Ireland and Scotland by Mr Edward Lluyd [Lhwyd]' communicated by William Musgrave to Hans Sloane | nd |
RBO/9/94 | 'Account of the Firr Trees in Scotland' by Earl of Cromertie to Hans Sloane | 1710 |
RBO/11/84 | 'A Catalogue of 50 Plants presented to the Royal Society by the Company of Apothecaries of London. Pursuant to the direction of Sir Hans Sloane Baronet President of the College of Physicians and Vice President of the Royal Society' | 1722 |
RBO/12/7 | 'Some Observations made on an Ostrich dissected by Order of Sir Hans Sloane Baronet' by John Ranby Surgeon | 1724 |
RBO/12/89 | 'An account of a Pair of very extraordinary large Horns found in Wapping some Years since' by Hans Sloane | 1727 |
RBO/13/15 | 'The Anatomy of the poisonous Apparatus of a Rattle Snake made by the Direction of Sir Hans Sloane' and 'an Account of the quick Effects of the Poison by John Ranby' | 1727 |
RBO/19/66 | 'A Catalogue of the fifty Plants from Chelsea Garden presented to the Royal Society by the company of Apothecaries for the year 1734: pursuant to the direction of Sir Hans Sloane' by Isaac Rand | nd |
RBO/14/24 | 'A Farther Account of the Generation of Eels and the Variety of it in the Worm kind particulariz'd in the Worm, Snail and Oyster' communicated to Hans Sloane by Benjamin Allen | 1729 |
RBO/14/28 | 'Astronomical Observations made in the publick Observatory at Bologna by Doctor Eustachio Manfredi communicated to Sir Hans Sloane presented by Thomas Dereham and translated from the Italian by Dr Scheuchzer | 1728 |
RBO/14/119 | 'An account of a peculiar Entrochus' in a letter to Sir Hans Sloane from Dr Joannes Henry Heucher, Physician to the King of Poland, Professor of Anatomy and Botany at Wittemberg | 1730 |
RBO/15/56 | 'An account of the late hard Frost communciated in a Letter to Hans Sloane' by William Derham | 1730 |
RBO/15/63 | 'An account of an Essay concerning the mechanical Causes of Gravity, Elasticity and of the Cohesion or mutual Attraction of the primary insensible parts of Bodies as also of the mutual Aversion or Repulse of others' by J Brown to Hans Sloane | 1730 |
RBO/15/76 | Account of three earthquakes which occurred in Switzerland in 1728 and 1729 by Dr Scheuchzer | 1731 |
RBO/15/89 | 'Account of the Bite of a Man proving mortal' by Dr Scheuchzer to Hans Sloane | 1731 |
RBO/17/41 | Barometric observations to determine the height of Mount Gothard by John James Scheuchzer, from a collection of papers entitled 'Otia aestivalia' sent to Hans Sloane | 1732 |
RBO/18/62 | 'Catalogue of the fifty Plants from Chelsea-Garden presented to the Royal Society by the company of Apothecaries for the year 1732: pursuant to the direction of Sir Hans Sloane' by Isaac Rand | 1733 |
RBO/18/63 | 'An Account of Symptoms arising from eating the Seeds of Henbane with their Cure, and some occasional Remarks' by Hans Sloane | 1733 |
EL/B3/47 | Extract of a letter, from Theophilus Sigefridus Bayer to Hans Sloane, dated at St Petersburg | 17 August 1736 |
EL/B3/73 | Translation of a letter, from Matthias Belius to Hans Sloane, dated at Presburg in Hungary | 1 January 1738 |
EL/B3/74 | Translation of a letter and paper, from Matthias Belius to Hans Sloane, dated at Presburg in Hungary | 13 August 1738 |
EL/B3/81 | Letter, from George Boddington to Hans Sloane | April 1739 |
EL/C1/85 | Letter, from Jacques Cassini to Hans Sloane, dated at Paris | 20 August 1700 |
EL/C3/45 | Translation of a letter, from Monsieur [Gaspard] Cuenz to Hans Sloane | 1739 |
EL/D1/47 | Letter, from William Derham to Hans Sloane, dated at Upminster | 3 January 1697 |
EL/D1/50 | Letter, from William Derham to Hans Sloane, dated at Upminster | 5 March 1700 |
EL/D1/53 | Letter, from William Derham to Hans Sloane, dated at Upminster | 20 December 1703 |
EL/G1/46 | Letter, from David Gregory to Hans Sloane, dated at Oxford | 12 October 1699 |
EL/G2/27 | Extract of a letter, from Monsieur [Claude Joseph] Geoffroy to Hans Sloane, dated at Paris | 1740 |
EL/K/39 | Translation of an extract of a letter, from James Theodorus Klein to Hans Sloane, dated at Danzig (Gdansk) | 1739 |
EL/L3/25 | Letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to Hans Sloane, dated at Delft | 25 December 1700 |
EL/M3/23 | Translation of a letter, from Pierre Maupertuis to Hans Sloane, dated at Paris | 1731 |
EL/N2/4 | Letter, from Casper Neumann to Hans Sloane, dated at Berlin | 16 April 1733 |
EL/S2/10 | Letter, from Robert Sibbald to Hans Sloane, dated at Edinburgh | 21 June 1698 |
EL/S2/60 | Translation of a letter, from John Scheuchzer to Hans Sloane, dated at Zurich | 6 November 1731 |
EL/T/70 | Letter, from Brook Taylor to Hans Sloane, dated at Bifrons near Canterbury | 25 June 1712 |
EL/T/88 | Letter, from Christopher Jacob Trew to Hans Sloane, dated at Nuremburg | 8 February 1734 |
EL/W2/69 | Letter, from John Wallis to Hans Sloane, dated at Oxford | 5 December 1700 |
EL/W2/73 | Letter, from John Wallis to Hans Sloane, dated at Oxford | 20 December 1699 |
RBO/15/57 | 'Nova literaria Physico medica curiosa containing a Description of the Cereus peruvianus which flower'd at Norimberg in the Year 1730' communicated to Hans Sloane by John George Steigertahl | 1730 |
RBO/19/17 | 'A Catalogue of the fifty Plants from Chelsea-Garden presented to the Royal Society by the Company of Apothecaries for the year 1733 pursuant to the Direction of Sir Hans Sloane' by Isaac Rand | 1734 |
RBO/12/12 | 'A Catalogue of 50 Plants from Chelsea Garden presented to the Royal Society for the year 1724 by the Company of Apothecaries pursuant to the Direction of Sir Hans Sloane Baronet' by Isaac Rand Apothecary | 1725 |
CLP/3ii/37 | Paper, 'Description of a new invention of bellows call'd water bellows' by Martin Triewald | 1736 |
EL/S2/15 | Letter, from Hans Sloane [to the Royal Society] | 4 July 1700 |
LBO/12/87 | Copy letter from Anthoni Van Leeuwenhoeck, Delft, to Hans Sloane | 27 July 1700 |
L&P/2/129 | Letter, 'Carte triangulaire de la France [geometric map of France]' from Cesar Francois Cassini de Thury to Hans Sloane | 25 March 1750 |
EL/G2/15 | Letter, from Laurence Garcin to Hans Sloane, dated at Neuschatel in Switzerland | 23 October 1732 |
EL/R1/76 | Letter, from P. I. Rocquette to Hans Sloane, dated at St Petersbourg [St Petersburg] | 24 June 1732 |
EL/B3/62 | Extract of a letter, from [Louis] Bourguet to Hans Sloane, dated at Neufshatel | 10 October 1737 |
EL/M3/37 | Letter, from Joseph Morgan to Hans Sloane, dated at Maidenhead, New Jersey | 1739 |
EL/M3/40 | Letter, from Joseph Morgan to Hans Sloane | August 1732 |
EL/M3/12 | Letter, from Joseph Morgan to Hans Sloane, dated at Maidenhead, New Jersey | 3 July 1734 |
EL/M3/38 | Letter, from Joseph Morgan to Hans Sloane, dated at Maidenhead, New Jersey | 14 February 1733 |
EL/M3/11 | Letter, from [Charles-Louis de Secondat de] Montesquieu to Hans Sloane, dated at Paris | 4 August 1734 |
EL/I2/20 | Translation of a letter, from [Guillaume] Jacobe to Hans Sloane, dated at Paris | 1736 |
EL/C3/44 | Letter and extracts, from Gaspard Cuenz to Hans Sloane, dated at Neuschatel | 30 July 1739 |
EL/M2/17 | Letter, from [Martin] Martin to Hans Sloane | 16 January 1700 |
EL/G2/12 | Letter, from Hieronymus Giuntini to Hans Sloane, dated at Florence | 23 December 1730 |