
Authorised form of nameSouthwell; Sir; Richard Vynne (1888 - 1970)
Dates1888 - 1970
Date of birth02 July 1888
Date of death09/12/1970
King Edward VII School Norwich 1898-1907; Trinity College Cambridge 1907-1910, B.Sc Class I; Fellow of Trinity College Cambidge 1912;
Superintendent of the Aerodynamics Department of the National Physical Laboratory 1920-1925
Fellow and Faculty Lecturer in Mathematics at Trinity College Cambridge 1925
Professor of Engineering Science, Oxford 1929
Rector of Imperial College London 1942-1948
President of International Union for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 1946-1948; President of International Congressof Applied Mechanics 1948-1952, and Treasurer 1952-1956
General Secretary of the British Association1948-1956
Hon. Ll.D by University of St Andrews 1939, Glasgow 1957; Hon. D.Sc. by Universities of Bristol, Brussels in 1949, and Queen's University Belfast in 1952; Hon. D.Eng. by University of Sheffield 1958.
Hon. Fellow of Brasenose College Oxford in 1943, and Imperial College London and Trinity College Cambridge in 1950.
Telford Premium 1932 by Institution of Civil Engineers
James Alfred Ewing Medal 1946 by Institution of Civil Engineeers
Clayton Prize 1947 by Institution of Mechanical Engineers
Worcester Reed Warner Medal 1941 by , and Timoshenko Medal in 1959, by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
James Forest Lecture 1930 and 1948, Institution of Civil Engineeers
Wright Brothers Lecture, 1941, Institution of Aeronautical Sciences
Hinchley Lecture, 1950, University of Toronto
Trueman Wood Lecture, 1953, RoyalSociety of Arts
Thomas Hawksley Lecture, 1954, Institution of Mechanical Engineers
W J Rankin Memorial Lecture, 1955, University of Glasgow

Kt 1948
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election07/05/1925
RSActivityRoyal Society roles:
Council, 1930-1831
Bakerian 1943
PublishedWorks'An Introduction to thetheory of elasticity for engineers and physicists' 1936;
OtherInfoPlayed golf with, and friend of Ernest Rutherford, Ralph Fowler, Aston and Taylor
Bulloch's Roll
Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 1972 vol 18 pp 549-565, plate, by D G Christopherson
Virtual International Authority File
Archives associated with this Fellow
IM/GA/WS/1241Southwell, Sir Richard Vynnend
EC/1925/12Southwell, Sir Richard Vynne: certificate of election to the Royal Society
IM/004324Southwell, Sir Richard Vynnend
MDA/A/12/219Copy letter from David Christie Martin to the Secretary, Institution of Structural Engineers, 11 Upper Belgrave Street SW1, The Royal Society8 December 1947
NLB/47/690Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to R [Richard] V [Vynne] Southwell, 33 Wilkinson Street, Sheffield15 March 1913
NLB/54/48Copy letter from [Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society]; to Lieutenant [Richard Vynne] Southwell, FRS29 January 1917
NLB/54/44Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lieutenant [Richard Vynne] Southwell, FRS29 January 1917
RR/37/95Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'Aerodynamics of a spinning sphere' by J W MaccollMay 1928
RR/20/133Referee's report by James Hopwood Jeans, on a paper 'On the critical speeds of a rotating shaft' by Richard Vynne SouthwellApril 1913
RR/20/130Referee's report by James Hopwood Jeans, on a paper 'On the general theory of elastic stability' by Richard Vynne SouthwellFebruary 1913
RR/26/135Referee's report by John William Nicholson, on a paper 'On the free transverse vibrations of a uniform circular disc clamped at its centre; and on the effects of rotation' by Richard Vynne Southwell[October 1921]
RR/35/123Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'Oscillations in a bridge caused by the passage of a locomotive' by Charles Edward InglisOctober 1927
RR/40/95Referee's report by Leonard Bairstow, on a paper 'On the problem of hydrodynamic stability. I. uniform shearing motion in a viscous fluid' by Richard Vynne Southwell and Letitia ChittyJuly 1929
RR/40/98Referee's report by Horace Lamb, on a paper 'On the problem of hydrodynamic stability. I. uniform shearing motion in a viscous fluid' by Richard Vynne Southwell and Letitia ChittyJuly 1929
RR/41/82Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'An experimental determination of the intensity of friction on the surface of an aerofoil' by Arthur Fage and V M FalknerAugust 1930
RR/42/55Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'The development of a high speed wind channel for research in external ballistics' by Thomas Edward StantonJanuary 1931
RR/40/96Second referee's report by Leonard Bairstow, on a paper 'On the problem of hydrodynamic stability. I. uniform shearing motion in a viscous fluid' by Richard Vynne Southwell and Letitia ChittyDecember 1929
RR/42/25Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'A contribution to the theory of film lubrication' by Alfred Arthur Robb6 February 1932
RR/33/85Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'The properties of torsional vibrations reciprocating engine shafts. Part I' by George Ridsdale Goldsbrough31 March 1926
RR/35/69Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'The flow of air and of an inviscid fluid around an elliptic cylinder and an aerofoil of infinite span, especially in the region of the forward stagnation point' by Arthur FageMarch 1927
RR/43/143Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'On a determination of the pitot-static tube factor at low reynolds numbers, with special reference to the measurement of low air speeds' by E Ower and F C JohansenDecember 1931
RR/44/92Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'The transport of vorticity and heat through fluids in turbulent motion' by Geoffrey Ingram TaylorDecember 1931
RR/20/131Referee's report by Charles Chree, on a paper 'On the general theory of elastic stability' by Richard Vynne SouthwellMarch 1913
RR/50/108Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'On the motion of an elliptic cylinder through a vicous fluid' by G J RichardsJanuary 1934
RR/47/108Referee's report by Charles Edward Inglis, on a paper 'On the calculation of stresses in braced frameworks' by Richard Vynne Southwell10 December 1932
RR/51/94Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'The stability of quadratic velocity-distributions for an inviscid liquid flowing between parallel planes' by John Lighton Synge[November 1933]
RR/56/128Referee's report by Leonard Bairstow, on a paper 'On stress calculations in frameworks by the method of systematic relaxation of constraint IV' by Richard Vynne Southwell[September 1935]
RR/52/99Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'Stress systems in an infinite sector' by Wilfred Charles Furness Shepherd17 September 1934
RR/53/129Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'Stresses in a plate containing an infinite row of holes' by R C J Howland[October 1934]
RR/56/116Referee's report by Leonard Bairstow, on a paper 'Stress-calculation in frameworks by the method of "systematic relaxation of constraints". I and II' by Richard Vynne Southwell[May 1935]
RR/64/7Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'On antiplane stress in an elastic solid' by Louis Napoleon George Filon[February 1937]
RR/70/234Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'A simple theory of static and dynamic hardness' by David Tabor20 June 1947
RR/61/67Referee's report by Herbert John Gough, on a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems I—The deflexion of beams under transverse loading' by K N E Bradfield and Richard Vynne Southwell26 April 1937
RR/65/55Referee's report by Geoffrey Ingram Taylor, on a paper 'Oscillatory motion of a fluid along a circular tube' by Derman Guy Christopherson, A Gemant, A H A Hogg and Richard Vynne SouthwellAugust 1938
RR/66/276Referee's report by Geoffrey Ingram Taylor, on a paper 'On the natural frequencies of vibrating systems' by Richard Vynne Southwell[December 1939]
RR/66/93Referee's report by Geoffrey Ingram Taylor, on a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems V. Conformal transformation of a region in plane space' by R W G Gandy and Richard Vynne Southwell[1939]
RR/70/235Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'A connexion between the criterion of yield and the strain ratio relationship in plastic solids' by Geoffrey Ingram Taylor17 March 1947
RR/70/122Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'Three-dimesnional stress systems in isotropic plates. II' by A E Green and T J Willmore1947
RR/69/102Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'Some improvements in the use of relaxation methods for the solution of ordinary and partial differential equations' by L Fox10 May 1946
RR/67/333Referee's report by Geoffrey Ingram Taylor, on a paper 'VI. The natural frequencies of systems having restricted freedom' by Anne Pellew and Richard Vynne SouthwellFebruary 1940
RR/69/167Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'The theory of wedge indentation of ductile materials' by Rodney Hill, Eva H Lee and S J Tupper1945
RR/72/152Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'The theory of plane plastic strain for anisotropic metals' by R Hill24 February 1949
RR/68/33Letter from David Randall Pye, to Alfred Charles Glyn Egerton, regarding a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems - The elastic stability of plane frameworks and of flat plating' by Derman Guy Christopherson, L Fox, J R Green, F S Shaw and Richard Vynne Southwell15 November 1941
RR/68/482Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on two papers 'The transverse flexure of perforated isotropic plates' and 'The transverse flexure of perforated aeolotropic plates' by S Holgate[1944]
RR/69/235Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'The two-dimensional hydrodynamical theory of moving aerofoils. IV' by Rosa M Morris1946
RR/70/140Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'The theory of combined plastic and elastic deformation with particular reference to a thick tube under internal pressure' by Rodney Hill, Eva H Lee and S J Tupper20 March 1947
RR/68/77Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'Stress systems in aeolotropic plates. IV' by Albert Edward Green26 August 1941
RR/68/200Referee's report by Joseph Proudman, on a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems. VII. Problems relating to the percolation of fluids through porous materials' by F S Shaw and Richard Vynne Southwell23 January 1941
RR/68/356Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on two papers 'Stress systems in aeolotropie plates. VI' and 'Stress systems in aeolotropic plates. VII' by Albert Edward Green28 September 1943
RR/67/402Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'Complex potentials in two dimensional elasticity' by A C Stevenson11 June 1940
RR/67/332Referee's report by Harold Jeffreys, on a paper 'On maintained convective motion in a fluid heated from below' by Anne Pellew and Richard Vynne SouthwellJuly 1940
RR/68/168Letter from Richard Vynne Southwell, to John David Griffith Davies, regarding a paper 'Relaxing methods applied to engineering problems VIII A. Problems relating to large transverse displacements of thin elastic plates' by J R Green and Richard Vynne Southwell17 September 1945
RR/70/88Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'A critical study of the Hopkinson pressure bar' by R M Davies3 March 1947
RR/70/120Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'Three-dimesnional stress systems in isotropic plates. I' by A E Green1947
RR/68/145Letter to Richard Vynne Southwell, regarding a paper 'Two-dimensional boundary-value problems of elasticity' by Bibhutibhusan Sen17 July 1945
RR/69/297Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'The distribution of stress in the neighbourhood of a crack in an elastic solid' by Ian Naismith Sneddon8 November 1945
RR/68/201Referee's report by Ralph Howard Fowler, on a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIC - Free transverse vibrations of membranes, with an application (by analogy) to two-dimensional oscillations in an electro-magnetic system' by D N De G Allen, L Fox, H Motz and Richard Vynne Southwell[1941]
RR/68/357Referee's report by Geoffrey Ingram Taylor, on a paper [attributed] 'Relaxing methods applied to engineering problems VIII A. Problems relating to large transverse displacements of thin elastic plates' by J R Green and Richard Vynne Southwell[1943]
RR/68/196Letter from Richard Vynne Southwell, to John David Griffith Davies, regarding a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIA - Biharmonic analysis as applied to the flexure and extension of flat elastic plates' by L Fox and Richard Vynne Southwell27 February 1941
RR/68/289Referee's report by Ralph Howard Fowler, on a paper 'On the flow of gas through a nozzle with velocities exceeding the speed of sound' by L Fox and Richard Vynne Southwell8 January 1944
RR/68/269Referee's report by Geoffrey Ingram Taylor, on a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIID - Stress distributions in elastic solids of revolution' by D N De G Allen, L Fox and Richard Vynne Southwell6 February 1943
RR/70/139Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'A theory of the yielding and plastic flow of anisotropic metals' by Rodney Hill1947
RR/68/358Referee's report by Geoffrey Ingram Taylor, on a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems IX. High-speed flow of compressible fluid through a two-dimensional nozzle' by J R Green and Richard Vynne Southwell[1943]
RR/69/302Referee's report by Geoffrey Ingram Taylor, on a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems XII. Fluid motions characterized by 'free' stream-lines' by Richard Vynne Southwell and Gillian Vaisey1945
RR/68/403Referee's report by Geoffrey Ingram Taylor, on a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems. VIII. Plane-potential problems involving specified normal gradients' by Richard Vynne Southwell and Gillian Vaisey2 March 1943
RR/70/227Referee's report by Geoffrey Ingram Taylor, on a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems XIII. The flexure and extension of perforated elastic plates' by Richard Vynne Southwell1947
RR/68/420Referee's report by Geoffrey Ingram Taylor, on a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems. X. The graphical representation of stress' by D N De G Allen and Richard Vynne Southwell[1944]
RR/69/132Letter from Richard Vynne Southwell on a paper 'Fatigue of mineral glass under static and cyclic loading' by C Gurney and S Pearson to J D Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society1 October 1947
RR/71/94Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'The determination of static and dynamic yield stresses using a steel ball' by R M Davies1 January 1949
RR/67/399Letter from David Randall Pye, on an unnamed paper by Richard Vynne Southwell to the Secretary of the Royal Society19 February 1940
RR/72/7Referee's report by Geoffrey Ingram Taylor, on a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems. XIV. Plastic straining in two-dimensional stress systems' by D N De G Allen and Richard Vynne Southwell1949
RR/72/8Referee's report by George Frederick Temple, on a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems. XIV. Plastic straining in two-dimensional stress systems' by D N De G Allen and Richard Vynne Southwell1949
RR/63/11Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'Solution of Oseen's equations for an inclined elliptic cylinder in a viscous fluid' by D MeksynJune 1937
RR/38/78Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'On the stresses in the neighbourhood of a circular hole in a strip under tension' by R C J HowlandAugust 1929
NLB/70/506Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Richard Vynne] Southwell Esq., FRS27 April 1927
NLB/73/137Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Richard Vynne] Southwell, FRS20 December 1930
NLB/73/126Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Richard Vynne] Southwell, FRS15 December 1930
PB/1/33/1/8Nobel Prize1948
IM/GA/WRS/8672Southwell, Sir Richard Vynnend
MDA/A/12/218Letter from Secretary to Robert Robinson, Institution of Structural Engineers, 11 Upper Belgrave Street, London SW15 December 1947
RR/51/74Second referee's report by Louis Napoleon George Filon, on a paper 'On the stresses induced by flexure in a deep rectangular beam' by D B Smith and Richard Vynne Southwell[September 1933]
RR/50/7Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'Streamline and turbulent flow in open channels' by J Allen20 November 1933
RR/57/117Referee's report by Ernest Frederick Relf, on a paper 'Conformal transformation with the aid of an electrical tank' by K N E Bradfield, Stanley George Hooker and Richard Vynne Southwell[November 1936]
RR/65/36Referee's report by Sydney Goldstein, on a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems IV. Problems relating to elastic stability and vibrations' by K N E Bradfield, Derman Guy Christopherson and Richard Vynne SouthwellAugust 1938
RR/68/419Referee's report by Geoffrey Ingram Taylor, on a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems. XI. Problems governed by the ‘quasi-plane-potential equation'' by D N De G Allen, Richard Vynne Southwell and Gillian Vaisey[1944]
RR/68/138Letter to Richard Vynne Southwell, regarding a paper 'Two-dimensional boundary-value problems of elasticity' by Bibhutibhusan Sen18 March 1942
RR/68/192Letter from H Roxbee Cory, regarding a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIA - Biharmonic analysis as applied to the flexure and extension of flat elastic plates' by L Fox and Richard Vynne Southwell1 September 1941
RR/68/202Referee's report by Geoffrey Ingram Taylor, on a paper 'Some practically important stress-systems in solids of revolution' by Richard Vynne Southwell[1941]
RR/68/184Letter from R V Forrest, regarding a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIA - Biharmonic analysis as applied to the flexure and extension of flat elastic plates' by L Fox and Richard Vynne Southwell21 October 1941
RR/68/165Letter from Herbert John Gough, on a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIA - Biharmonic analysis as applied to the flexure and extension of flat elastic plates' by L Fox and Richard Vynne Southwell4 September 1941
NLB/67/710Copy letter from unknown correspondent; to unknown correspondent19 February 1925
RR/75/238Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'The elastic stability of bent I section beams' by John Frank Davidson8 October 1951
RR/51/66Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'Experimental investigation and analysis of the velocity variations in turbulent flow' by L F G Simmons and C Salter[January 1934]
RR/68/178Letter to Richard Vynne Southwell, regarding a paper [attributed] 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIA - Biharmonic analysis as applied to the flexure and extension of flat elastic plates' by L Fox and Richard Vynne Southwell8 April 1941
RR/68/182Letter to Geoffrey Ingram Taylor, regarding a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIA - Biharmonic analysis as applied to the flexure and extension of flat elastic plates' by L Fox and Richard Vynne Southwell5 March 1941
RR/68/193Letter to Charles Seymour Wright, regarding a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIA - Biharmonic analysis as applied to the flexure and extension of flat elastic plates' by L Fox and Richard Vynne Southwell29 August 1941
RR/68/194Letter to Herbert John Gough, regarding a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIA - Biharmonic analysis as applied to the flexure and extension of flat elastic plates' by L Fox and Richard Vynne Southwell29 August 1941
RR/68/141Letter to Alfred Charles Glyn Egerton, from Richard Vynne Southwell, regarding a paper 'Two-dimensional boundary-value problems of elasticity' by Bibhutibhusan Sen22 May 1945
RR/68/166Note to Cambridge University Press, regarding a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIII A. Problems relating to large transverse displacements of thin elastic plates' by J R Green and Richard Vynne Southwell, and the Bakerian Lecture 'Bakerian Lecture. On relaxation methods: A mathematics for engineering science' by Richard Vynne Southwell[1941]
RR/68/175Letter to David Randall Pye, regarding a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIA - Biharmonic analysis as applied to the flexure and extension of flat elastic plates' by L Fox and Richard Vynne Southwell24 March 1941
RR/33/42Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'The flexure of thick circular plates' by C A Clemmow31 December 1926
RR/51/73Referee's report by Louis Napoleon George Filon, on a paper 'On the stresses induced by flexure in a deep rectangular beam' by D B Smith and Richard Vynne Southwell[May 1933]
RR/67/199Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'Stress systems in aeolotropic plates, III' by Albert Edward Green 13 November 1940
RR/68/143Second letter to Alfred Charles Glyn Egerton, from Richard Vynne Southwell, regarding a paper 'Two-dimensional boundary-value problems of elasticity' by Bibhutibhusan Sen4 July 1945
RR/68/188Letter from S N Nayler, regarding a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIA - Biharmonic analysis as applied to the flexure and extension of flat elastic plates' by L Fox and Richard Vynne Southwell16 September 1941
RR/51/119Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'Statistical measurements of turbulence in the flow of air through a pipe' by H C H Townend[January 1934]
RR/68/173Letter from David Randall Pye, to Alfred Charles Glyn Egerton, regarding a paper [attributed] 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIA - Biharmonic analysis as applied to the flexure and extension of flat elastic plates' by L Fox and Richard Vynne Southwell28 March 1941
RR/68/170Letter from Richard Vynne Southwell, to John David Griffith Davies, regarding a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIA - Biharmonic analysis as applied to the flexure and extension of flat elastic plates' by L Fox and Richard Vynne Southwell7 August 1945
RR/68/172Letter to Richard Vynne Southwell, regarding four papers 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIA - Biharmonic analysis as applied to the flexure and extension of flat elastic plates' by L Fox and Richard Vynne Southwell, 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIB - The elastic stability of plane frameworks and of flat plating' by Derman Guy Christopherson, L Fox, J R Green, F S Shaw and Richard Vynne Southwell, 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIC - Free transverse vibrations of membranes, with an application (by analogy) to two-dimensional oscillations in an electro-magnetic system' by D N De G Allen, L Fox, H Motz and Richard Vynne Southwell and 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIID - Stress distributions in elastic solids of revolution' by D N De G Allen, L Fox and Richard Vynne Southwell27 July 1945
RR/34/44Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'The stability of an infinite system of circular vortices' by H Levy and A G Forsdyke[January 1927]
RR/68/142Letter to Richard Vynne Southwell, from Alfred Charles Glyn Egerton, regarding a paper 'Two-dimensional boundary-value problems of elasticity' by Bibhutibhusan Sen2 July 1945
RR/49/130Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'The flow of viscous liquid past spinning bodies' by T E Garstang[June 1933]
RR/51/129Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'A comparison of experiment and calculated wave-profiles and wave-resistances for a form having parabolic waterlines' by W C S Wigley[October 1933]
RR/68/177Letter from Richard Vynne Southwell, to Alfred Charles Glyn Egerton, regarding a paper [attributed] 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIA - Biharmonic analysis as applied to the flexure and extension of flat elastic plates' by L Fox and Richard Vynne Southwell9 April 1941
RR/68/180Letter from Richard Vynne Southwell, to John David Griffith Davies, regarding a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIA - Biharmonic analysis as applied to the flexure and extension of flat elastic plates' by L Fox and Richard Vynne Southwell3 October 1941
RR/68/185Letter from S N Taylor, regarding a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIA - Biharmonic analysis as applied to the flexure and extension of flat elastic plates' by L Fox and Richard Vynne Southwell18 September 1941
RR/68/195Letter to David Randall Pye, regarding a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIA - Biharmonic analysis as applied to the flexure and extension of flat elastic plates' by L Fox and Richard Vynne Southwell29 August 1941
RR/68/187Letter to John David Griffith Davies, from Richard Vynne Southwell, regarding a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIA - Biharmonic analysis as applied to the flexure and extension of flat elastic plates' by L Fox and Richard Vynne Southwell17 September 1941
RR/68/191Letter to Nayler, regarding a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIA - Biharmonic analysis as applied to the flexure and extension of flat elastic plates' by L Fox and Richard Vynne Southwell30 July 1941
RR/68/197Letter to Richard Vynne Southwell, regarding a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIA - Biharmonic analysis as applied to the flexure and extension of flat elastic plates' by L Fox and Richard Vynne Southwell17 July 1941
RR/20/132Referee's report by Charles Chree, on a paper 'On the critical speeds of a rotating shaft' by Richard Vynne Southwell13 April 1913
RR/26/134Referee's report by Louis Napoleon George Filon, on a paper 'On the free transverse vibrations of a uniform circular disc clamped at its centre; and on the effects of rotation' by Richard Vynne Southwell30 October 1921
RR/31/55Referee's report by Louis Napoleon George Filon, on a paper 'On the stability under shearing forces of a flat elastic strip' by Richard Vynne Southwell and Sylvia W Skan[February 1924]
RR/39/76Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'The stress produced in a semi-infinite solid by pressure on part of the boundary' by Augustus Edward Hough Love[June 1929]
RR/40/97Referee's report by Augustus Edward Hough Love, on a paper 'On the problem of hydrodynamic stability. I. uniform shearing motion in a viscous fluid' by Richard Vynne Southwell and Letitia Chitty31 August 1929
RR/41/52Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'The yield point and initial stages of plastic strain in mild steel subjected to uniform and non-uniform stress distributions' by Gilbert CookDecember 1930
RR/42/93Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'On the eddy system in the wake of flat circular plates in three dimensional flow' by Dorothy Marshall and Thomas Edward Stanton4 November 1930
RR/44/79Referee's report by Charles Edward Inglis, on a paper 'On the analysis of experimental observations in problems of elastic stability' by Richard Vynne Southwell22 January 1932
RR/47/106Referee's report by Leonard Bairstow, on a paper 'A modification of Oseen’s approximate equation for the motion in two dimensions of a viscous incompressible fluid' by Richard Vynne Southwell and Herbert Brian Squire7 November 1932
RR/49/125Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'Temperature rise in a heat-evolving medium' by E N Fox[August 1933]
RR/49/126Second referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'Temperature rise in a heat-evolving medium' by E N Fox9 November 1933
RR/51/96Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'On the disturbance of the steady flow of an inviscid liquid between parallel planes' by John Lighton Synge[March 1934]
RR/56/30Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'On the calculation of the velocity and temperature distributions for flow along a flat plate' by Leslie Howarth4 December 1935
RR/56/129Referee's report by Louis Napoleon George Filon, on a paper 'Castigliano’s principle of minimum strain-energy' by Richard Vynne Southwell17 November 1935
RR/61/52Referee's report by Louis Napoleon George Filon, on a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems. II. Basic theory, with applications to surveying and to electrical networks, and an extension to gyrostatic systems' by A N Black and Richard Vynne SouthwellAugust 1937
RR/63/97Referee's report by Leonard Bairstow, on a paper 'On the torsion of conical shells' by Richard Vynne SouthwellJuly 1937
RR/63/101Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'Flexure with shear and associated torsion in prisms of uni-axial and asymmetric cross-sections' by A C StevensonMay 1937
RR/65/37Referee's report by Herbert John Gough, on a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems IV. Problems relating to elastic stability and vibrations' by K N E Bradfield, Derman Guy Christopherson and Richard Vynne SouthwellApril 1938
RR/65/134Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'Stress functions for a plate containing groups of circular holes' by the late R C J Howland and R C Knight10 November 1938
RR/66/283Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'Stress systems in aeolotropic plates. I' by Albert Edward Green and Geoffrey Ingram Taylor[1939]
RR/68/34Referee's report by Geoffrey Ingram Taylor, on a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems - The elastic stability of plane frameworks and of flat plating' by Derman Guy Christopherson, L Fox, J R Green, F S Shaw and Richard Vynne Southwell[1941]
RR/68/133Letter from Bibhutibhusan Sen, to Richard Vynne Southwell, regarding a paper 'Two-dimensional boundary-value problems of elasticity' by Bibhutibhusan Sen[1941]
RR/68/136Letter from Richard Vynne Southwell, to John David Griffith Davies, regarding a paper 'Two-dimensional boundary-value problems of elasticity' by Bibhutibhusan Sen20 November 1941
RR/68/157Referee's report by Thomas Lydwell Eckersley, on a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIA - Biharmonic analysis as applied to the flexure and extension of flat elastic plates' by L Fox and Richard Vynne Southwell5 May 1941
RR/68/158Referee's report by Charles Alfred Edwards, on a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIA - Biharmonic analysis as applied to the flexure and extension of flat elastic plates' by L Fox and Richard Vynne Southwell5 May 1941
RR/68/159Referee's report by Andrew Robertson, on a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIA - Biharmonic analysis as applied to the flexure and extension of flat elastic plates' by L Fox and Richard Vynne Southwell3 May 1941
RR/68/160Referee's report by Bennett Melvill Jones, on a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIA - Biharmonic analysis as applied to the flexure and extension of flat elastic plates' by L Fox and Richard Vynne Southwell26 May 1941
RR/68/161Referee's report by Leonard Bairstow, on a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIA - Biharmonic analysis as applied to the flexure and extension of flat elastic plates' by L Fox and Richard Vynne Southwell5 May 1941
RR/68/162Referee's report by Frederick William Carter, on a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIA - Biharmonic analysis as applied to the flexure and extension of flat elastic plates' by L Fox and Richard Vynne Southwell5 May 1941
RR/68/163Referee's report by Alexander Gibb, on a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIA - Biharmonic analysis as applied to the flexure and extension of flat elastic plates' by L Fox and Richard Vynne Southwell9 May 1941
RR/68/164Referee's report by Frank Edward Smith, on a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIA - Biharmonic analysis as applied to the flexure and extension of flat elastic plates' by L Fox and Richard Vynne Southwell6 May 1941
RR/68/171Note to Cambridge University Press, regarding a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIA - Biharmonic analysis as applied to the flexure and extension of flat elastic plates' by L Fox and Richard Vynne Southwell2 August 1945
RR/68/174Letter from Richard Vynne Southwell, to Alfred Charles Glyn Egerton, regarding a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIA - Biharmonic analysis as applied to the flexure and extension of flat elastic plates' by L Fox and Richard Vynne Southwell27 February 1941
RR/68/179Letter to Mr Nayler, regarding a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIA - Biharmonic analysis as applied to the flexure and extension of flat elastic plates' by L Fox and Richard Vynne Southwellnd [1941]
RR/68/181Second note to Cambridge University Press, regarding a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIA - Biharmonic analysis as applied to the flexure and extension of flat elastic plates' by L Fox and Richard Vynne Southwell7 October 1941
RR/68/183Letter from W Lewis, regarding a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIA - Biharmonic analysis as applied to the flexure and extension of flat elastic plates' by L Fox and Richard Vynne Southwell25 October 1941
RR/68/186Letter to Richard Vynne Southwell, regarding a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIA - Biharmonic analysis as applied to the flexure and extension of flat elastic plates' by L Fox and Richard Vynne Southwell19 September 1941
RR/68/189Letter to Richard Vynne Southwell, regarding a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIA - Biharmonic analysis as applied to the flexure and extension of flat elastic plates' by L Fox and Richard Vynne Southwell31 July 1941
RR/68/190Letter to John David Griffith Davies, from Richard Vynne Southwell, regarding a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIA - Biharmonic analysis as applied to the flexure and extension of flat elastic plates' by L Fox and Richard Vynne Southwell30 July 1941
RR/68/199Second letter from Richard Vynne Southwell, to John David Griffith Davies, regarding a paper 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIA - Biharmonic analysis as applied to the flexure and extension of flat elastic plates' by L Fox and Richard Vynne Southwell2 August 1941
RR/70/203Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'Large elastic deformations of isotropic materials VI. Further results in the theory of torsion, shear and flexure' by R S Rivlin4 February 1947
RR/71/130Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'The elastic equilibrium of isotropic plates and cylinders' by Albert Edward Green[1948]
RR/66/284Letter from Geoffrey Ingram Taylor, regarding three papers [attributed] 'On the natural frequencies of vibrating systems' by Richard Vynne Southwell, 'The friction of lubricated metals' by Frank Philip Bowden and L Leben, and 'The air wave surrounding an expanding sphere' by Geoffrey Ingram Taylor5 December 1939
RR/68/167Second letter from Richard Vynne Southwell, to John David Griffith Davies, regarding the Bakerian Lecture 'Bakerian Lecture. On relaxation methods: A mathematics for engineering science' by Richard Vynne Southwell, and five papers 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIC - Free transverse vibrations of membranes, with an application (by analogy) to two-dimensional oscillations in an electro-magnetic system' by D N De G Allen, L Fox, H Motz and Richard Vynne Southwell, 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIID - Stress distributions in elastic solids of revolution' by D N De G Allen, L Fox and Richard Vynne Southwell, 'Relaxing methods applied to engineering problems VIII A. Problems relating to large transverse displacements of thin elastic plates' by J R Green and Richard Vynne Southwell, 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIA - Biharmonic analysis as applied to the flexure and extension of flat elastic plates' by L Fox and Richard Vynne Southwell and 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIB - The elastic stability of plane frameworks and of flat plating' by Derman Guy Christopherson, L Fox, J R Green, F S Shaw and Richard Vynne Southwell17 September 1945
RR/68/169Letter from Richard Vynne Southwell, to John David Griffith Davies, regarding the Bakerian Lecture 'Bakerian Lecture. On relaxation methods: A mathematics for engineering science' by Richard Vynne Southwell, and five papers 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIC - Free transverse vibrations of membranes, with an application (by analogy) to two-dimensional oscillations in an electro-magnetic system' by D N De G Allen, L Fox, H Motz and Richard Vynne Southwell, 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIID - Stress distributions in elastic solids of revolution' by D N De G Allen, L Fox and Richard Vynne Southwell, 'Relaxing methods applied to engineering problems VIII A. Problems relating to large transverse displacements of thin elastic plates' by J R Green and Richard Vynne Southwell, 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIA - Biharmonic analysis as applied to the flexure and extension of flat elastic plates' by L Fox and Richard Vynne Southwell and 'Relaxation methods applied to engineering problems VIIB - The elastic stability of plane frameworks and of flat plating' by Derman Guy Christopherson, L Fox, J R Green, F S Shaw and Richard Vynne Southwell25 July 1945
RR/75/184Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'Vibrations of free plates: line symmetry: corresponding modes' by Mary D Waller3 August 1951
RR/75/110Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'The force of an elastic singularity' by John Douglas Eshelby18 June 1951
MC/28/266Letter from Richard [Vynne] Southwell, Bracondale, Norwich, to Robert Harrison, [Royal Society]27 February 1913
MC/28/265Letter from Richard [Vynne] Southwell, Bracondale, Norwich, to Robert Harrison, [Royal Society]23 February 1913
MC/28/264Letter from Richard [Vynne] Southwell, Gore Hotel, 189 Queen's Gate, Kensington Gore, S.W, to Robert Harrison, [Royal Society]31 January 1913
MC/28/268Letter from Richard [Vynne] Southwell, 33 Wilkinson Street Sheffield, to the [Assistant] Secretary, Royal Society of London21 July 1913
MC/28/267Letter from Richard [Vynne] Southwell, 33 Wilkinston Street, Sheffield, to Robert Harrison, The Royal Society, London13 March 1913
RR/75/237Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'The stress distribution near a loading point in a uniform flanged beam' by E W Parkes8 October 1951
MC/32/143Letter from [Bertram] Hopkinson, War Office, Adastral House, Victoria Embankment, E.C, to The Secretary, Royal Society, Burlington House26 January 1917
RR/73/37Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'Finite strains in an anisotropic elastic continuum' by James Gardner Oldroyd14 February 1950
RR/77/190Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'The numerical solution of non-singular linear integral equations' by L Fox and E T Goodwin4 October 1952
RR/75/38Memorandum from D C Martin, on a paper 'Iterative procedures related to relaxation methods for eigenvalue problems' by S H Crandall, to Robert Stoneley31 January 1951
RR/77/54Referee's report by Richard Vynne Southwell, on a paper 'A characteristic type of instability in the large deflections of elastic plates I Curved rectangular plates bent about one axis II Flat square plates ben about all edges' by D G Ashwell22 March 1952
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