
AltRefNoNLB/17 p479-480
TitleCopy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to the Secretary, Her Majesty's Treasury, Whitehall, S.W.
Date16 December 1898
DescriptionWith reference to the Secretary's letter, 17924/98, of the 7th, Rucker and Foster are directed by the President and Council to express their satisfaction at the favorable character of the Secreaty's remarks on the various points raised in their letter of the 28th November.

Regarding the amount to be included in the estimates for next year, the President and Council would be glad if, in addition to the first annual grant of £4000, a sum of £5000 were voted for building purposes on the understanding that Parliament will be asked in 1900 to contribute the balance of the £12,000 to be devoted to building [of the National Physical Laboratory].

It may probably not be found necessary to spend the whole of the first grant within the financial year 1898-1899, but the President and Council think it important to have, at the beginning of the undertaking, money in hand to provide for the heavy expenditure which will be incurred in the first installations, and trust they can rely on the full maintenance grant of £4,000 being included in the next estimates.
Fellows associated with this archive
NA6673Rücker; Sir; Arthur William (1848 - 1915); physicist1848 - 1915
NA8220Foster; Sir; Michael (1836 - 1907); physiologist1836 - 1907
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