Description | Includes:
Minutes of 13 March 1963 meeting of the Science Group at which 3 working parties were established: Scientific Manpower, Government Machinery for Science Policy, and Civil Research and Development. (Blackett served on the Scientific Manpower Working Party). List of members of the Science Group (which was Chaired by RHS Crossman).
Copies of papers by WFK Wynne-Jones: 'Note on Rate of University Development' and 'Memorandum on Development of Higher Education' as considered by the Scientific Manpower Working Party at its meeting on 1 April 1963.
Correspondence with RHS Crossman and TJ Pitt (Secretary of the Science Group), May-June 1963, re preparation of report for use in science debate at House of Commons at end of July. Debate was to be opened by Crossman and concluded by Wilson.
10pp annotated typescript of 'Draft Report of Scientific Manpower Working Party' (5 June 1963) circulated to other working party members for comment. Replies from Baron Bowden of Chesterfield, Baron Annan, Wynne-Jones.
Copy of 'Draft Report of Scientific Manpower Working Panel' as printed for distribution (June, 1963) annotated by Blackett. 3pp typescript list of amendments agreed at meeting. This was later used as Background Paper No. 4 of the 'Cabinet Papers' prepared for Wilson and Crossman in July 1963. |