Description | At the meeting of the 'Gaitskell Group' on 24 June 1963, several points of action were agreed: a Labour Party and Science Conference to be held in London on 20 and 21 July 1963, a set of Cabinte papers to be prepared y mid-July, an 'association of labour scientists' to be formed, and an election manifesto to be written.
Blackett asembled numerous papers which followed from that meeting and kept them in a folder labelled 'Labour Party Conference 20-7-63'. The papers are itemised below and are cross-referenced to other material in the collection were necessary. See especially the folder on the Scientific Manpower Working Party (E.41) which contains Blackett's correspondence with Crossman and TJ Pitt re the July debate in the House of Commons and the report on Scientific Manpower which was used as 'Background Paper No. 4' of the Cabinet papers. |