RefNo | ACS/1/3/3/1 |
Level | Item |
Title | Copy of letter from [Alan Archibald Cambpell] Swinton, 40 Chester Square, London, S. W. 1., to The Editor of The Times |
Creator | Swinton; Alan Archibald Campbell (1863-1930; British electrical engineer |
Date | 25 November 1927 |
Description | Acknowledges that the subject of water divining warrants scientific attention but ought to be investigated via methods of modern science and not medieval magic, as suggested by other correspondents. Comments on the efforts so far being made up, therefore offering no convincing proof of the objective reality of the supposed phenomena. Identifies issues asociated with investigating telepathy suggesting that water divining does not present the same difficulties, 'as of course means can easily be devised whereby the water itself, which whether stationary, flowing or percolating, is supposed to be the source of the manifestations, can be supplied, or cut off, and drained off altogether at will, so that if effects are obtained it can clearly be shown whether they are caused by the water or not'. Proposes a method of investigating water divining, stating it ought to be carried out at the National Physical Laboratory, by skilled scientists. Comments on the current vast expenditure of private and public money on water divining, which a definitive experiment would end.
Included is a copy of the printed letter in The Times, published on 30 November 1927. |
Extent | 4p |
Format | Printed |
Typescript |
PhysicalDescription | Carbon |
AccessStatus | Open |
RelatedRecord | ACS/1/3/3/3 |
ACS/1/3/3/4 |
ACS/1/3/3/18 |
ACS/1/3/3/19 |
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | PersonName | Dates |
NA8285 | Swinton; Alan Archibald Campbell (1863 - 1930); electrical engineer | 1863 - 1930 |