
TitleUnpublished correspondence, regarding 'Wind waves. Visible, directional and approximately horizontal contact waves at the interface of atmospheric strata' between Catherine [Catharine] O [Octavia] Stevens, H H [Harry Hemley] Plaskett, A C G [Alfred Charles Glyn] Egerton, G M B [Gordon Miller Bourne] Dobson and S [Sydney] Chapman
CreatorStevens; Catherine Octavia (1865-1959); British astronomer; Director of the British Astronomical Association Meteor Section
Date5 July 1935-22 April 1940
Description13 letters regarding the acceptance of Stevens' paper into the Society's archive. Plaskett suggests that the paper is 'a most interesting piece of work' [5 July 1935] but provides guidance on improving the paper. It is later suggested that the paper must be 'refereed by a Fellow of the Royal Society' before it can be accepted [18 December 1939]. Stevens adds a postscript to the paper [see AP/81/14/2] and apologises for the 'shabby condition of the age-worn pages', presenting the paper 'to the guardianship of the Council of the Royal Society, not without hope that guardianship may presently be made perpetual' [29 December 1939]. Dobson is chosen as the referee of the paper [2 January 1940] and suggests that the paper be rejected by the Society [24 January 1940] on the grounds that 'there is nothing of much importance to be got from the subject so far as I can see' [22 March 1940]. Chapman suggests that the paper 'be accepted without publicity' into the Society's archive despite believing that it would be preferable 'to send it to some less august body than the Royal Society' [16 April 1940]. Ultimately the paper is accepted for deposit into the archive [22 April 1940].

Subject: Astronomy
PhysicalDescriptionInk and graphite pencil on paper
Fellows associated with this archive
NA1930Plaskett; Harry Hemley (1893 - 1980)1893 - 1980
NA8212Egerton; Sir; Alfred Charles Glyn (1886 - 1959); chemist1886 - 1959
NA7033Dobson; Gordon Miller Bourne (1889 - 1976)1889 - 1976
NA8165Chapman; Sydney (1888 - 1970); mathematician and geophysicist1888 - 1970
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