Description | Lists agenda items for meeting at Burlington House at 2.30pm; Council will sit first as a Committee of Papers 1. Minutes of meetings Meeting held on 13 December 1945 to be confirmed [Enclosure A] Meeting held on 30 November 1945, previously circulated in proof [Enclosure B] 2. Deaths 3. Matters arising from previous minutes a. Minute 18 of 12 July 1945 re letter to the Foreign Secretary from Professor L P Eisenhart, executive officer of the American Philosophical Society b. Minute 17 of 11 October 1945 to report a letter to Professor A V Hill from Mr AE Hinge private secretary to the Minister of Labour and National Services c. Minute 2 of 30 November 1945 re obituary of Dr F W Aston d. Minute 5 of 13 December 1945 to report on a letter from the Admiralty e. Minute 8 of 13 December 1945 re replacements on Committees f. Minute 15 of 13 December 1945 re report on meeting convened by the Association of Scientific Workers atttended by Profesor A V Hill as the Society's Observer [Enclosure C] g. Minute 17 of 13 December 1945 re Royal Society representatives on outside bodies/committees h. Minutes 18 and 19 of 13 December 1945 to appoint Croonian, Bakerian adn Ferrier lecturers for 1946 [Enclosure D] i. Minute 23 of 13 December 1945 re appointment of ad hoc committees to advise upon applications for research grants [Enclosures E,F, and G] j. Minute 26(ii) of 13 December 1945 re (i) re publication grant to Professor P G H Boswell and (ii) re grant for cataloguing the Huxley correspondence 4. Candidates for the Fellowship [Enclosures H, I, J, K and L] 5. World Power Conference [Enclosure M] 6. Physical Society conference [Enclosure N] 7. Sixth International Congress of Applied Mechanics 8. International Council of Scientific Unions [Enclosure O] 9. Banks Letter [Enclosure P] 10. Reports of Committees and Boards (i) Gassiot Committee (ii) Government Grant Boards (iii) Scientific Relief Committee (iv) National Committee for Chemistry [Enclosures Q,R, ] 11. Sealing 12. Other Business
Also includes a Supplementary Agenda, with Enclosures X, Y and Z 3 Matters arising from previous minutes - in meetings of 13 December 1945; 14 June 1945; 5 November 1945; 30 November 1945 11. Sealing 12. Marine Biological Association 13. Microfilm cameras 14. Research Apparatus |