Description | Agenda
1. Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 7 November 1946 to be confirmed. [Enclosure A ]
2. Arising from Previous Minutes 2a Minute 7 of 8 December 1938 [Enclosure B] 2b Minute 24 (iv) of 13 June 1946 [Enclosure C] 2c Minute 2 of 7 November 1946 2d Minute 3 of 7 November 1946 2e Minutes 11 and 19 of 7 November 1946 2f Minute 15 of 7 November 1946
3. Report of Auditors
4. Travelling Expenses 4a Application for Professor E N da C Andrade 4b Application form Professor R W Ditchburn 4c Appliction from Professor A V Hill,on behalf of Professor Katz
5. Paper by Sir Venkata Raman
6. Items of Agenda drawn up in the form of Minutes which will become Minutes of Council unless any objection as to form or principle is raised at the meeting. 6a Royal Medals 6b Professional Auditors 6c Record and Charter Book Permission is granted to Professor Dorothy Stimson to reproduce in a book on the history of the Royal Society certain illustrations from 'the Record of the Royal Society' (third and fourth editions) and a page of signaturesfrom the facsimile of the 'Charter Book', subject to the usual acknowledgments being made. Permission was also granted to the editor of 'Nature'to reproduce in a book entitled 'Science and its Background' the first decoratedpage from the facsimile of the 'Charter Book', subject to the usual acknowledgementsbeing made. 6d Bills for payment
7. Reports of Committees (i) Scientific Relief Committee (ii) National Committee for Geodesy and Geophysics [Encl osure D] (iii) National Committee for Physics [Enclosure E]
8. Sealing
9. Other business |