Description | Agenda;
1. Minutes Minutes of the meting held on 12 December 1946 to be confirmed . [Enclosure A] printed copies of the minutes of the meeting held on 30 November 1946, previously circulated in typescript, are alsosent herewith. [Enclosure B]
2. Physical Secretary To consider the appointment of a deputyto act during Sir Alfred Egerton'sabsence.
3. Death To report the death of Paul Langevin on 19 December 1946
4. Arising from previous minutes 4a Minute 17 (i) of 11 April 1946 4b Minute 10 of 7 November and 14 of 12 December 1946 4c Minute 6 of 12 December 1946 4d Minute 13 of 12 December 1946 [Enclosure C] 4e Minute 17 of 12 December 1946 4f Minute 22 (ii) if 112 December 1946 4g Minute 6 of 30 November 1946
5. Candidates for the Fellowship To give preliminary consideration to the claims of candidates for election into the Fellowship. 5a. To consider the list of candidates and to indicate 'borderline' and 'general' candidates. The classified list as revised by the chairmen of the Sectional Committees at their meeting with the Secretaries in December is circulated herewith. [Enclosure D] 5b To appoint a Committee of Council to discuss nomination of 'borderline' and 'general ' candidates to meet on 6 February 1947 at 2.30 pm. 5c A reprint of the certificates of candidates is being sent to all Fellows. 5d A time - table relating to the meetings of the Sectional Committees on 23 January 1947, and other documents, are circulated herewith. [Enclosures E, F, G, and H]
6. Travelling Expenses
7. John Ray's Tomb
8. Reports of Committees (i) Browne Research Fund Committee (ii) Scientific Relief Committee Recommended - that a grant of £150 be placed in the hands of Sir Harold Spenser Jones for the benefit of an applicant recommended by the President fo the Royal Society. (iii) Joint Permanenet Eclipse Committee (iv) Smithson Reseatrch Fund Committee [Enclosure I] (v) Warren Research Fund Committee [Enclosure J]
9. Bills for Payment
10. Other Business |