Description | Note at beginning; ' New members of Council to sign the Declaration in lieu of the oath prescribed by the Charter.'
1. Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 1December 1947 to be confirmed. [Enclaosure A]
2. Vice-Presidents The President to appoint Vice-Presidents for the ensuing year in accordance with Statute 42.
3. Death To report the death of Godfrey Harold Hardy on 1 December 1947
4. Arising from the Minutes 4a Minute 17(ii) of 1 December 1947 [Enclosure B]
5. Committees and Boards [Enclosure C]
6. Croonian and Bakerian Lectures [Enclosure D]
7. Scottish Marine Biological Association
8. International Conference on Malaria andTropical Medicine
9. Planck Commemoration
10. Reports of Committees andBoards 10.i Medical Research Committee [Enclosure E] 10.ii Rutherford Memorial committee [Enclosure F] 10.iii Tropical Diseases Sub-committee 10.iv Scientific Societies Accommodation Committee [Enclosure G] 10.v Scientific Publications Board [Enclosure I] |