Description | Council will sit first as a Committee of Papers
1. Minutes
2. Death To report the death of Robert Newsead on 16 February 1947
3. Arising from previous Minutes 3a Minute 27 (iv) of 10 October 1946 3b Minute 22 (ii) of 12 December 1946 3c Minute 4 of 13 February 1947 3d Minute 11 of 13 February 1947 3e Minute 20 of 13 February 1947 3f Minute 26 (iii) of 13 February 1947
4. Elections under Statute 12 Candidates to be proposed and seconded and a selection of names to be made for further consideration at the next meeting The proposer of each candidate thus selected should send in a statement of about 500 words setting forth the candidate's claims, to reach the Society's office not later than 28 March 1947
5. Foreign Membership
6. British Commonwealth Scientific Official Conference
7. Imperial College of Science
8. Travelling Expenses
9. Archives
10. Reports of Committees (i) Yarroe Research Fund Committee (ii) Advisory Committee on Naval Research Facilities (iii) National Committee for Scientific Radio [Enclosure F]
11. Assignment of Superannuation Policy
12. Sealing
13. Other Business
Agenda for Committee of Papers
To receive the recommendations of the Sectional committee for; Mathematics Physics Chemistry Engineering Sciences Geology Botany Zoology Physiology and Medical Sciences
A list of the papers and recommendations is given on the back of this sheet |