Description | Council will sit first as a Committee of Pqpers
1. Minutes [Enclosure A]
2. Deaths To report th death of Heinrich Gustav Kayser on 14 October 1940 and of Almroth Edward Wright on 30 April 1947 3. Arising from previous Minutes 3a Minute 21 of 10 October 1946 3b Minute 8 of 6 March 1947 3c Minute 7 of 17 April 1947 3d Minute 8 of 17 April 1947 To report a letter from the Right Honourable C R Attlee returning thanks and accepting nomination for election under Stqtute 12. 3e Minute 25 of 17 April 1947 Authority is asked for the cost of publishing a collected edition of Newton's correspondence, estimated at £7,600, to be charged to the Mond Fund as required.
4. Chemical Society Centenary
5. Fellow's Jubilee To authorise the despatch of a congratulatory letter to Professor F S Kipping on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of his election into the Fellowship.
6. Chelsea Physic Garden
7. Fairchild Lecture
8. Biological Council
9. Reports of Committees (i) Biological Expeditions Committee [Enclosure B] (ii) Browns Research Fund Committee [Enclosure C] (iii) Gassiot Committee [Enclosure D] (iv) Library Committee [Enclosure E] (v) Scientific Relief Committee (vi) Joint Permanent Eclipse Committee [Enclosure F] (vii) Smithson Research Fund Cmmittee (viii) National Committee for Biology [Enclosure G] (ix) National Committee for Physics
10. Items of Agenda drawn up in the form of Minutes which will become Minutes of Council unless any objection as to form or principole is raised at the meeting. 10a Taylor Portrait With reference to minute 16 of 13 June 1946, reported tht the ool painting presented to teh Society by Mr E C Trench had now been returned to the donor, as it hav not proved possible to identify the subject as Dr Brook Taylor, Secretry of teh Society from 1714 to 1718. Resolved - That the resolution to the above minute accepting the picture be rescinded accordingly. 10b Austrian Academy of Sciences 10c Larmor Correspondence Reported that three parcels containing correspondence of Sir Joseph Larmor, Secretary of the Society from 1901 to 1912, had been received from the Librarian of St John's College, Cambridge. 10d Hooke Manuscript Permission was grantd to the Librarian of Stanford University, California, to have a photostat copy made of the diagrams and paper by Robert Hooke on the inflexion of direct motion into a curve by a supervening attractive principle, contained in Royal Society manuscript 41, subject to the usual acknowledgments breiong made. 10e Bills for payment
11. Treasurer's Business
12. Sealing
13. Other Business |