Description | Agenda
1. Minutes Minutes of the meeting held on 30 November 1948 to be confirmed [Enclosure A]
2. Vice-Presidents
3. Death To report the death of Hondrik Johannes van der Bijli on 2 December 1948, and of Marjory Stephenson on 12 December 1948
4. Arising from previous Minutes
5. Committees and Boards [Enclosure C]
6. Croonian, Bakerian and Willkins Lectures [Enclosure D]
7. Extraordinary Excpenditure [Enclosure E]
8. British Standards Institution Documentation Committee and British National Committee for Documentation
9. International Conmference on Instruments and Measurements
10. International Congress of Mathematitians [Enclosure F]
11. International Union of Mathematics [Enclosure G]
12. Library Committee Report 1932/3
13. Reports of Committees and Boards i. Scientific Publications Board [Enclosure H and Enclosure I] ii. Information Servicews Committee [Enclosure J] iii. Medical Research Committee [Enclosure K] iv. Scientific Releif Committee v. Smithson Research Fund Committee [Enclosure L]
14. Sealing
15. Items of QAgenda drawn up in the form of Minutes which will become Minutes of Council unless any objection as to form or principle is raised at the meeting. a. Parsons Lecture b. Langevin - Perrin Commemoration c. Import duties d. Gift of a miniature Reported the gift by Mr E F Croft-Murray of a miniature in Indian ink on vellum by J Ferguson (FRS 1763) and that the identity of the subject was unknown Resolved - That the thanks of the Society be returned to Mr Croft-Murray for his gift e. Bills for payment
16. Other business |