Description | Council meeting in two sessions. Includes note of 5 February explaining why the Council is meeting in two sessions, procedures, and what is the agenda. Agenda and papers Council will sit first as a Committte of Papers
1. Minutes of meeting held on 15 January 1948 to be confirmed [Enclosure A]
2. Arising from previous minutes 2a. Minute 13 of 11 April 1946 and 17 of 17 April 1947 [Enclosure B] 2b. Minute 13(b) of 6 November 1947 2c. Minute 5(b) of 1 December 1947 2d. Minute 8 of 11 December 1947 2e. Minute 3 of 15 January 1948 2f. Minute 9 of 15 January 1948 2g. Minute 13 od 15 January 1948 2h. Minute 18(iv) of 15 January 1948 [Enclosure C]
3. Jungfrau Research Station [Enclosure D]
4. International Union of Mathematicians
5. British Committee for Radiological Units [Enclosure E]
6. Institute of Acturies Centenary Exhibition [Enclosure F]
7. Marine Biological Association
8. Mathematics Sectional Committee
9. Items of Agenda drawn up in the form of minutes which will become minutes of Council unless any objection as to form or principle is raised at the meeting. 9i. Thomason Engineering College 9ii Mathematical Tables Committee 9iii. Watts Bequest - Reported a bequest by the late Professor W W Watts of a copy of his book entitled 'Geology of the ancient rocks of Charnwood Forest.' 9iv. Hooker Letter - To report the gift by Professor M W Travers of a holograph letter dated 5 November 1863 from Sir Joseph Hooker to the Rev. Miles Berkeley informing him of the award of a Royal Medal for 1863. Resolved - That the thanks of Council be returned to Professor Travers for his gift. 9v. Yarrow Educational Fund 9vi. Newton Tercentenary 9vii. Bills for payment
10. Reports fo Committees and Boards 10i. Government Grant Boards 10ii. Scientific Relief Committee recommending four grants 10iii. Travelling Expenses Committee [ Enclosure I] 10iv. Joint Permanent Eclipse Committee [Enclosure J] 10v. Paul Instrument Fund Committee [ Enclosure K] 10vi. Scientific Information Conference Committee [Enclosure L] 10vii. National Committee for Chemistry [Enclosure M] 10viii. National Committee for Physics 10ix. Executive Committee of the British Committee for Co-operation with UNESCO in the Natural Sciences [Enclosure N]
11. Other Business