Description | Council will sit first as a Committee of Papers
Agenda 1. Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 4 March 1948 to be confirmed [Enclosure A]
2. Deaths To report the death of Edward Waymouth Reid on 10 March and of Arthur STewart Eve on 24 March 1948
3. Arising from previous Minutes 3a Minute 15 of 11 April 1946 3b Minute 21 (ii) of 16 May 1946 3c Minute 28 (i) of 15 May and 11 of 12 June 1947 [Enclosure B] 3d Minute 6 of 11 December 1947 and 6 of 12 February 1948 3e Minute 5 of 15 January 1948 3f Minute 24 (i) of 12 February 1948 3g Minute 24 (i) of 12 February 1948 3h Minute 7 of 4 March 1948 3i Minute 8 of 4 March 1948 3j Minute 12 of 4 March 1948 3k Minute 17 (ii) of 4 March 1948 [Enclosure C]
4. Foreign Membership
5. Amendment of Statute
6. Obituary Notices
7. Scientific Investigation Conference
8. Exhibition of Science and Technology To consider an invitation from the Lord president of the Council to appoint two representatives of the Royal Society on a council set up to supervise the arrangements for an exhibition of science and technology at the Festival of Britain in 1951.
The composition of the council will be: Ssir Alan Barlow |(Chairman), representatives of the Depaftment of Scientific and Industrial Research, the Medical Research Council, the Agricultural Reserch Council, the Royal Society, the Royal Society of Arts, the three leading engineering institutions and the Chemical Council.
9. International Wildfowl Research Institute [Enclosure D]
10. X International Congress of Limnology
11. Austrian Chemical Society
12. Legacy To report that the late Dr Charles Bolton has bequeathed to the Royal Society for general purposes one fifth of a trust fund after the death of his wife.
13. Reports of Committees 13.i Browne Research Fund Commmittee 13.ii Head BEquest Committee 13.iii Medical Research committee [Enclosure F] 13.iv Petavel Bequest Committee 13.v Publications Committee [Enclosure G] Scientific Relief Committee 13.vii Soiree Committee [Enclosure H] 13.viii Yarrow Research Fund Committee 13.ix Smithson Research Fund Committee 13.x National Committee for Geography [Enclosure I] 13.xi NAtional Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics [Enclosure J] 13.xii Scientific Information Conference Committee [Enclosure K]
14. Sealing
15. Items of agenda drawn up in the form of Minutes which will become Minutes of Council unless any objection as to form or principle is raised at the meeting. 15.i South American Chemistry Congress 15.ii Jaffe Bequest Reported that, in accordance with Statute 89, the seal of the Society was affixed on 24 March 1948 to a form of undertaking relating to payment of monies to the Royal Society from the estate of the late J J Jaffe. 15.iii Folkes Portrait Permission was granted to Mr R B Beckett to reproduce the Society's oil painting of Martin Folkes by William Hogarth in the 'Masters of British Paintin' seies, subjedc to the usual acknowledgments being made. 15.iv Admission of new Fellow Extension of time for admission into the Fellowship was granted to Dr E W R Stoacic. 15.v Bills for payment
16. Other Business |