Description | Agenda
1. Minutes of the meeting held on 8 April 1948 to be confirmed [Enclosure A]
2. Deaths To report the death of Francois Antoine Alfred Lacroix on 16 March, of Frederick Orpen Bower on 11 Apriland of Herbert William Richmond on 22 April 1948
Professor E A Milne has offered, with the assistance of Mr F P White, to prepare an obituary notice of Mr F P White, to prepare an obituary notice of Dr Richmond.
3. Arising from the Minutes 3a Minute 19 of 10 July 1947 [Enclosure B] 3b Minute 17ii of 1 December and 6 of 11 December 1947 3c Minute 12 of 15 January 1948 3d Minutes 24 (vii) of 12 February and 10 April 1948 [Enclosure C] 3e Minute 2 of 4 March 1948 3f Minute 11 of 4 March 1948 [Enclosure D] 3g Minute 15 of 8 April 1946 [Enclosure E] 3h Minute 16 of 8 April 1948 3i Minute 27 (x) of 8 April 1948
4. Committee Appointments
5. Lister Medal Committee
6. Fellow's Jubilee To authorize the despatch of a congratulatory letter to Professor H F Baker on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of his election into the Fellowship.
7. Freshwater Biological Association
8. Scientific Investigations Grant-in-Air
9. Will of Sir Gilbert Morgan To consider a resolution intimating that the Royal Society consents to the terms of a compromise agreed in connexion with the will of Sir Gilbert Morgan [Enclosure F]
10. Reports of Committee To submit the following reports of committees: (i) Pacific Sciences Committee [Enclosure G] (ii) Travelling Expenses Committee [Enclosures H and I] (iii) Scientific Societies Accommodation Committee [Enclosure J] (iv) Symbols Committee [Enclosure K] (v) National Committee for Geodesy and Geophysics [Enclosure L]
11. Treasurer's Business
12. Sealing
13. Items of Agenda drawn up in the form of minutes which will become Minutes of Council unless any objection as to form or principle is raised at the meeting (i) Amendment of Statute 17 (ii) Fairchild Lecture (iii) Admission of New Fellow [Professor W Heitler] (iv) Hopkins portrait Permission was granted to the Chemical Society to reproduce the Royal Society's oil painting of Sir Frederick Hopkins by Meredith Frampton, subject to the usual acknowledgments being made. (v) Price portrait Permission was granted to Professor C B Cone to reproduce the Society's aoil painting of Richard Price by Benjamin West, subject to the usual acknowledgments being made. (vi) Laing miniature Permission was granted to the Principal of Queen's College, London, to borrow for exhibition the Society's miniature of the Reverend David Laing, FRS, provided that it was insured for the sum of £50 during its absence from the Society's apartments between 3 and 7 May 1948. (vii) Archives Permission was granted to the President of the Ecuarorian Athenaeum to reproduce the following documents relating to Pedro Vicente Maldonado from the archvies of the Society, subject to the usual acknowledgments being made in the event of publication: (a) Certificate of 27 October 1748 proposing Maldonado for election (b) Entry from Journal Book of 27 October 1748 (c) Account by Martin Folkes of Maldonado's map, read to the Society on 14 June 1750. (viii) Bills for payment
14. Other Business 14. Berzelius Centenary To consider appointment of a representative to attend the Berzelius Centenary Celebrations at Stockholm on 20 September 1948. The organizing committeee is offering 150 Swedish crowns (10 guineas approx) towards the expenses of each delegate.
15. Cambridge Observatories Arising from minute 11 of 12 February 1948, to report a letter stating that the Vice Chancelor of Cambridge University has made application to the University Grants Committee for a grant of £50,000 for the re-equipment of Cambridge Observatories. |