Description | Council Meeting in two sections
Agenda 1. Minutes Minutes of the meeting hjeld on 13 January 1949 to be confirmed [Enclosure A]
2. Arising from previous minutes
3. Marine Biological Association Scottish Marine Biological Association
4. Sir John Murray Scintific Trust [Encloaure B]
5. Imperial Cancer Research Fund
6. Natural Sciences UNESCO Committee
7. Edinburgh Meteorological Office Committee
8. Training in Analytical Chemistry [Enclosure C]
9. Reports of Committees and Boards i. Government GHrant Boards [Enclosure D] ii. Informatin Services Committee [Enclosure E] iii. Mathematical Tables Committee [Enclosure G] iv. Travelling Expenses Committee [Enclosure H] v. Armouorers and Brasier's Comp;any Research Fellowship Committee [Enclosure I] vi. Defence Services Research Facilities Committee [Enclosure J]
10. Treasurer's Business
1. Sealing
12. Items of Agenda drawn up in the form of Minutes which will become Minutes of Council unless any objection as to form or principle is raised at the meeting. a. May Soiree b. Symbols Committee c. Yarrow Educational Fund d. Archives Permission was graned to Dr M Pihl to consult the archives of the Society for the purpose of his studies on the history of the exact sciences in relation to the works of the Danish astronomer Ole Romer, subject to the usual acknowledgments being made in the event of publication. e. Sir Andrew Smith's certificate Permission was granted to Colonel S H Cummins to quote from the certificate of candidature of Sir Andrew Smith FRS 1857 in a biography he was writing of that Fellow, subject to the usual acknowledgments being made in the event of publication.
13. Bills for payment
14. Other Business [Handwritten note - 'See Supplementary Agenda'] |