Description | Agenda 1. Minutes Minutes of the meeting held on 7 April 1949 to be confirmed [Enclosure A]
2. Deaths To report the death of Birbal Sahni on 9 April, of Wyndham Rowland Dunstan on 20 April, of Robert Robertson on 28 April and of Frederic Stanley Kipping on 30 April 1949.
3. Arising from previous Minutes a. Minute 8 of 16 December 1948 [Enclosure B] b. Minute 21 of 16 December 1948 c. Minute 14 of 7 April 1949 d. Minute 16 of 7 April 1949
4. National Institute of Oceanography [Enclosure C]
5. Bristol University Court
6. International Anatomical Congress [Enclosure D]
7. Travelling Expenses [Enclosure E]
8. Radium
9. Queens University of Belfast
10. National Committee for Geodesy and Geophysics
11. Treasureship
12. Reports of Committees i. Browne Research Fund Committee ii. Scientific Releif Committee iii. National Committee for Chemistry [Enclosure F] iv. Nationjal Committee for Physics [Enclosure G] v. National Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics [Enclosure H]
13. Items of Agenda ddrawn up in the form of Minutes which will become Minutes fo Council unless any objection as to form or principle is raised at the meeting. a. Admission of new Fellkows b. Scientific Publications Grant-in-Aid c. Gabb Bequest d. Archives Permisison was grnated to Mr A E Richards to quote in full at the summer conference of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy a letter in the Society's archives dated 11 March 1846 from Percival Norton Johnson to the President of the RToyal Society describing a method for separating palladium from Brazilian gold, subject to the usual acknowledgments being made upon publication.
14. Bills for payment
15. Other Business |