Description | Agenda
1. Minutes Minutes of the meeting held on 12 May 1949 to be confirmed [Enclosure A] 1a. Deaths To report the death of Philip Herbert Cowell on 6 June and of Edmund Johnston Garwood on 12 June 1949
2. Arising from previous Minutes a. Minute 15 of 7 October 1948 b. Minute 26 (i) of 4 November 1948 c. Minute 14 of 10 February 1949 [Enclosure B] d. Minute 6 of 12 May 1949 [Enclosure C] e. Minute 14 of 12 May 1949 f. Minute 19 of 12 May 1949 [Enclosure D] g. Minute 22 (iii) (b) of 12 May 1949
3. Medals [Enclosure E]
4. Meetings 1950 [Enclosure F]
5. Second International Biometric Conference [Enclosure G]
6. Microfilm Reader
7. Mathematical Tables [Enclosure H]
8. Bequest
9. Reports of Committees and Boards i. Government Grant Boards [Enclosure I, Enclosure J] ii. Gassiot Committee [Enclosure K] iii. Information Services Committee [Enclosure L] iv. Mathematical Tables Committee [Enclosure M, Enclosure N] v. Scientific Relief Committee vi. Soiree Committee [Enclosure O] vii. Panels A, C, and E of the Defence Services Research Facilities Committee [Enclosures P, Q, and R] viii. Smithson Research Fund Committee ix. Sorby Research Fund Committee x. Symbols Committee [Enclo9sure S] xi. Warren Research Fund Committee [Enclosure T] xii. British Committee for Co-operation with UNESCO in the Natural Sciences [Enclosure U] xiii. National Committee for Geodesy and Geophysics
10. Sealing
11. Items fo Agenda drawn up in the form of Minutes which will become Minutes of Council unless any objection as to form or principle is raised at the meeting a. Archives Permission was granted to professor S C Brown to reproduce six letters from Benjamin Thompson, Count Rutherford to Charles Blagden in the archives of the Society and to publish them in a biography of Count Rumford, subject to the usual acknowledgments being made. b. Archives Permission was granted to Dr S J Macrymichalos to have access to the manuscript diary of Francis Vernon in the archveso of the Society and to publish certain extracts therefrom, subject to the usual acknowledgments being made. c. Permission was granted to Mr M S Briggs to quote from the certificate of candidature of William Tite FRS 1835 in a forthcoming biographical article, subject to the usual acknowledgments being made. d. Gift Reported the gift, through Sir Henry Dale, of a record containing the recent broadcast by Sir Charles Sherrington. Resolved - That thanks be returned to Sir Henry Dale and the British Broadcasting Corportion for this record
12. Bills for Payment
13. Other Business |