Description | Signed DC Martin (assistant secretary)
1) Minutes confirmed
2) Deaths (Arthur James Ewins, Ernest Laurence Kennaway, John Anderson, Walter Elliot Elliot)
3) Arising from previous minutes a) Grant for books to RNIB b) Grants c) Sorby Research Fund Committee membership d) 'to report that the m.v. Tottan reached the Royal Society's base at Halley Bay with relief personnel and stores' e) Organisation of the International Crystallographic Congress 1960 f) Biographical memoir of AJ Rowledge g) Appointment of lecturers for 1958
4) Candidates for the Fellowship
5) Travelling expenses
6) Ordinary meeting travelling expenses
7) Marine Biological Association grant application
8) Discussion meeting 'Experimental results with the ZETA apparatus on controlled thermonuclear reactions' (Sir William Penney, Sir John Cockcroft)
9) Centenary of birth of Sir James Swinburne
10) International Council of Scientific Unions meeting
11) Representatives from the Royal Society to the Imperial Cancer Research Fund
12) Reports of Committees i) Mathematical Tables Committee ii) Publications in Chemistry Committee iii) Tercentenary Celebrations Committee iv) Joint Permanent Eclipse Committee v) Scientific Information Conference (USA 1958) Committee vi) National Committee for Geodesy and Geophysics vii) National Committee for the International Geophysical Year viii) National Committee for Scientific Radio
13) Sealing
14) Items of agenda drawn up as minutes a) International Geophysical Year grant payment b) Yarrow Educational Fund grant payment c) Royal Society Research Professor (AL Hodgkin) grant d) Archives rebinding and repair (Blagden, Miscellaneous Manuscripts 15, council minutes, James Hooker) 15) Bills for payment
Supplementary agenda:
16) Arising from minutes. Regarding proposals to be submitted to HM Treasury for 'programme of observations of artificial earth satellites'
17) Exchange of scientists with the USSR, lecturers
18) South Pacific Expedition Committee report, grants paid |