Description | Signed DC Martin (assistant secretary)
1) Minutes confirmed
2) Deaths (David Leonard Chapman, Alexander Gibb, Robert Whytlaw-Gray)
3) Arising from previous minutes a) Arrangements agreed 'by HM Treasury and the Admiralty that a 100 in. telescope be sited in a special building in the grounds of the Royal Greenwich Observatory [...] to be known as the Isaac Newton Observatory' b) Jaffe fund grant renewal c) Attendance at Special Committee on Antarctic Research grant d) Payment to Libraries Assistance Grant-in-aid e) Biographical memoir of Viscount Waverley f) Candidates for Fellowship g) Centenary of Sir James Swinburne h) International Relations Committee meeting delegates 4) Advances to staff for house purchase
5) International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry expenses
6) Scottish Marine Biological Association annual grant renewal
7) World Power Conference annual grant renewal
8) Bequest by Sir John Simonsen
9) Reports of Boards and Committees i) Government Grant Boards grant payment ii) Finance Committee iii) Medical Sciences Research Committee grant iv) Newton Letters Committee, price of volume v) Committee on Scientific Research in Schools vi) National Committee for Astronomy grant expenses vii) National Committee for Biology delegates
10) Sealing
11) Items of agenda drawn up as minutes a) Sorby Fellowship appointment b) Travelling expenses c) Sealing
12) Bills for payment
13) Other business
Supplementary agenda:
13) Scientific Relief Committee, grants paid
14) Sealing |