Description | Signed DC Martin (assistant secretary)
1) Minutes confirmed
2) Death (William Joscelyn Arkell)
3) Arising from previous minutes a) Selection of 'borderline' or 'general' candidates to Fellowship b) Appoint of lecturers and research workers under the USSR exchange of scientists scheme
4) Fellow's Jubilee (congratulations to Earl Russell, fifty years a Fellow)
5) Treasurer's business
6) International Union of Biological Sciences grant application
7) Artificial Earth Satellites, research in the UK
8) Representative from the Royal Society to the University of Malaya Scientific Congress
9) Representative from the Society to the Armourers and Brasiers' Company Research Fellowship Committee
10) Reports of Committees i) Antarctic Research Committee ii) Petavel Bequest Committee iii) Publications in Chemistry Committee iv) Rutherford Memorial Committee v) Scientific Relief Committee vi) Royal Society and Nuffield Foundation Commonwealth Bursaries Committee vii) Warren Research Fund Committee viii) National Committee for Astronomy ix) National Committee for Chemistry x) National Committee for the International Geophysical Year
11) Sealing
12) Items of agenda drawn up in the form of minutes: a) Chemistry National Committee b) Biographical Memoir of Sir James Swinburne c) Library of the Royal Society, purchase of books on the history of science and not only of 17th and 18th centuries d) Travelling expenses grants e) Locke Fellow grant paid f) Biochemistry National Committee grant paid g) Representative from the Society to the Pepys Commemoration Service h) Representative from the Society to the Biology National Committee i) Report on visit to Royal Society Base, Halley Bay (Nov 1957 - Feb 1958) j) Sealing
13) Bills for payment
14) Other business |