Description | Signed D C Martin (assistant secretary)
1) Minutes confirmed
2) Deaths
3) Arising from previous minutes a) proposed dissolution of Scientific Societies' Accommodation Committee b) report from international conference on the peaceful uses of atomic energy (Geneva, 1958) c) report on General Assembly of the International Mathematical Union d) grants for attendance at General Assembly of the Internatational Union of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics e) letter from Secretary of State for the Colonies regarding base at Halley Bay f) report on 10th General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union (Moscow, 1958) g) grant for expenses h) appointment of a National Committee for Antarctic Research and suggestions for membership i) discuss proposals for medals j) grants for travel
4) New council. Preliminary consideration to nomination of the Council for 1958-59. With lists of suggested names
5) Sectional and Standing Committees. Proposals for membership
6) Report of Council (draft)
7) Tercentenary celebrations, publication discussed
8) Application for grant from Dr A H Gregg
9) Freshwater Biological Association, grant renewal
10) British Participation in Research using Artificial Earth Satellites. Meeting to be held, with list of invited Fellows
11) Chairman to be appointed to the National Committee for the International Geophysical Year
12) Representative from the Society to A J C Bose Centenary
13) Representative from the Society to British Council: Science Advisory Committee
14) Representative from the Society to Walcott Fund
15) Reports of Committees i) Biological Expeditions Committee ii) Browne Research Fund Committee iii) Gassiot Committee iv) Mathematical Tables Committee v) National Committee for Mathematics
16) Sealing
17) Items of agenda drawn up as minutes a) Scientific Research in Schools Committee grants b) Locke Research Fellow resignation c) Exchange of Scientists with USSR, lecturers appointed d) Jaffe Fund, Mrs C E Work e) International Geophysical Year Auroral Conference grant f) Scientific Relief Committee grant g) Defence Services Research Facilities Committee h) John Scott Awards i) Portraits, removal for cleaning and reframing j) Representative from the Society to unveiling of Soddy Memorial Plaque k) Representative from the Society to Gesellschraft Deutscher Naturforscher und Arzte l) Sealing
18) Bills for payment
19) Other business
Supplementary agenda
19) Representative from the Society to Committee on Space Research
20) Sealing |