Description | Papers signed by Assistant Secretary, DC Martin.
1) Minutes confirmed
2) Death (Harold Spencer Jones)
3) Arising from previous minutes a) Foulerton Research Professorship research expenses (Professor AL Hodgkin) b) Report by Sir Gordon Sutherland on Physics International Union Assembly c) Leverhulme Medal d) Mathematical Tables Committee membership e) Committee on Research in Biology membership
4) Auditors' report received
5) Royal Society (RS) to submit evidence to Pilkington Committee on future of broadcasting in UK
6) Representative of RS to the National Oceanographic Council
7) Representative of RS to the Scott Polar Research Institute
8) Reports of Committees i) Browne Research Fund Committee, grant applications invited ii) Scientific Relief Committee, grant to R Whiddington iii) South Pacific Expedition Committee funding grant application iv) Royal Society and Nuffield Foundation Commonwealth Bursaries Committee, movement of bursaries v) National Committee for Space Research. Applications for grants
9) Items of agenda drawn up as minutes: a) Scientific Investigations Grant-in-Aid, grant to JF Talling b) Simonsen Fund c) Royal Medals to Roy Cameron and Alfred Charles Bernard Lovell d) Rutherford Scholar, RC Kumar e) Warren Research Fellow, BJ Mason f) Sealing g) Professional auditors
Supplementary agenda:
10) Representative of RS to the Medical Research Council
11) Scientific Investigations Grant-in-Aid, purchase of Monroe Calculating Machine, DR Bates
12) Sealing
13) Gift by Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd (ICI) of Charles Pickard's paintings 'Salute to the Royal Society' (for tercentenary) |