Description | Papers signed by Assistant Secretary, DC Martin.
1) New member of Council
2) Minutes confirmed
3) Death (David Randall Pye)
4) Arising from previous minutes a) Application for grant, Dr JA Clegg at the Hebrew University b) Two Fellows of the Royal Society (RS) to serve on the Gassiot Geophysics Fellowships board c) Exchange of Scientists with the USSR. Consider appointments of two research workers to go to USSR to work on the physics of polymers and the embryology or morphology of fish d) Candidates for the Fellowship
5) Birth of a Prince, telegram to the Queen
6) Election under statute 12
7) Preliminary consideration to candidates for Foreign Membership, with list of names
8) Parliamentary Grants-in-Aid. Grants allotted to the RS for 1960-1961
9) Consider financial assistance to Federal Botanic Garden, Salisbury
10) Renewal of grant for World Power Conference
11) Egerton bequest
12) Invitations to organisations to attend RS Tercentenary celebrations
13) RS representative to Volterra Centenary
14) Reports of Committees i) Browne Research Fund Committee ii) Medical Sciences Research Committee grant iii) John Murray Studentship Committee, travelling studentship Mr IE Efford iv) Scientific Information Committee report v) Scientific Relief Committee grants vi) South Pacific Expedition Committee, regarding film 'South from Chiloe' vii) Committee on Scientific Research in Schools grants viii) National Committee for Biology
15) Sealing
16) Items of agenda drawn up as minutes: a) Stothert Fellowship, JA Hunt b) Scientific Investigations Grant-in-Aid, JF Sutcliffe c) Rutherford Scholarship, SL Surange d) Scientific Investigations Grant-in-Aid grants made e) Sealing
17) Bills for payment
Supplementary agenda:
3a) Death (William Edward Garner)
7) Foreign membership, LEF Neel
18) Special Lecture expenses
19) Sunday Times, request to take and publish photograph of Council |