Description | Papers signed by Assistant Secretary DC Martin.
1) Minutes confirmed
2) Arising from previous minutes a) Professor AV Hill grant application b) Dinner at Wadham College, Oxford c) Sophie Fricke Royal Society (RS) Research Fellowship, Dr G Jones of Rowett Research Institute d) Selection of Royal Society Visiting Professorship e) Medals, names proposed and seconded
3) Discussion meetings 1961, subjects considered
4) Special lectures 1961, subjects considered
5) Travel expenses
6) St James's church, Piccadilly, anniversary fundraising
7) Royal Academy restoration exhibition. Loan request for the RS mace, portrait of Christopher Wren, and Newton's reflecting telescope
8) St Vincent prize competition
9) RS representative to the Royal Vetinary College Council
10) Signing of sealed documents
11) Reports of Committees and Boards i) Scientific Publications Board ii) Gassiott Committee, work at Kew and Eskdalemuir Observatories approved iii) Library Committee subscriptions, destruction of Fellows' reprints iv) Newton Letters Committee v) RS representatives to Pacific Relief Committee vi) Armourers and Brasiers' Company Research Fellowship Committee, Dr JH Brunton appointed vii) Scientific Research in Schools Committee grants viii) National Committee for Crystallography delegates, including Kathleen Lonsdale, Lawrence Bragg, Dorothy Hodgkin ix) National Committee for Scientific Radio, appointment of delegate CF Booth to assembly
12) Sealing
13) Items of agenda drawn up as minutes a) International Geographical Congress grant b) Scientific Investigations Grant-in-Aid payment, FH Pollard c) International Geological Congress delegation grant d) International Geodesy Union Assembly delegation grant e) Medical Sciences Research Committee nominations f) International Geophysical Years payment to Mr A Blackie g) Rutherford Scholar grant to Dr RC Kumar h) Oceanic Research National Committee representative, Mr NB Marshall i) Officers to act on behalf of Council j) Treasurer's business k) Sealing
14) Bills for payment
Supplementary agenda:
2) Arising from previous minutes d) Visiting professorship
5) Travelling expenses
15) John Scott award nominations
16) Reports of Committees and Boards: National Committee of Antarctic REsearch
17) Sealing |