Description | Papers signed by Assistant Secretary DC Martin.
1) Minutes
2) Arising from previous minutes a) International Geographical Congress report b) International Geological Congress report c) List of medallists for 1960 confirmed d) New Council, nomination of new Council and Officers e) Appointment to Committees f) Royal Society (RS) representative to Indian Science Congress g) Gassiot Committee relations with Meteorological Research Committee
3) Auditors. Three members of Council to audit Treasurer's accounts
4) Wolfson Research Professor, Dorothy Hodgkin
5) NATO Advanced Study Institute application from N Kemmer
6) Report from visit to Czechoslovakian Academy of Sciences
7) RS representative to National Institute of Sciences of India
8) RS representative to Pan Indian Ocean Science Association
9) Representation on outside bodies shall not exceed ten consecutive years
10) Reports of Committees and Boards i) Government grant boards ii) Biological Expeditions Committee, grant support given to Charles Darwin Foundation iii) Rutherford Memorial Committee, DJ Tritton to lecture in India iv) Scientific Relief Committee grant to JZ Young v) Paul Instrument Fund Committee vi) Scientific Research in School Committee vii) National Committee for Oceanic Research viii) Royal Society UNESCO Committee
11) Sealing
12) Items of agenda drawn up in the form of minutes a) International Geological Congress grant to L Hawkes b) Radio International Union General Assembly grants to JA Ratcliffe and CW Oatley c) St Vincent prize d) Parsons Memorial Lecture e) Invitation to meeting of West European National Committees for Chemistry f) Yarrow Educational Fund grants g) Archives. MM vol. 16, Commercium Epistolicum letters, Sir Thomas Thorpe and Sir William Barrett papers removed for binding and repair h) Sealing
13) Bills for Payment
Supplementary agenda:
14) Arising from previous minutes a) RS Research Appointment Stipends
15) Item of agenda drawn up as minutes: Jaffe studentship, KL Manchester and MJ Whelan
Additional item: 'the President to report on discussion with Minister for Science and to consider setting up a Committee to consider and report on what steps might be taken to encourage research in biology in the UK'. |