Description | Agenda:
1) Minutes
2) Death (Arthur Mannering Tyndall)
3) Arising from previous minutes: a) Issac Newton Telescope b) Publications of the Royal Society (RS). Increase in price of journals. c) ICSU General Assembly d) Report on Biochemistry Union Assembly e) Report on Vallisneri Tercentenary f) Report on International Biophysics Congress g) Jaffe prizes h) Microbiology Internal Congress (grant amount) i) Biographical Memoir (Mr MAC Hinton) j) USSR Exchange Agreement k) Delegation from RS to Academia Sinica Peking l) Medals, list of medallists drawn up and confirmed m) Nominations for new Council n) Committees o) NATO Advanced STudy Institutes 4) Auditors
5) Application for grant
6) Discussion meetings, expenditure
7) Gift of photostat copies of letters to Julius Plucker, ForMemRS, 1855)
8) Amendment of standing orders
9) Dalton bicentenary
10) Invitation to Lomonosov Anniversary 11) Birch's History of the Royal Society, permission for Professor D McKie for access to archive
12) Reports of Committees and Boards i) Government Grant Boards ii) Biological Expeditions Committee iii) Biological Research Committee iv) Browne Research Fund Committee v) Head Bequest Committee vi) Newton Letters Committee vii) Paul Instrument Fund Committee viii) Scientific Research in Schools Committee ix) National Committee for Geography x) National Committee for the History of Science xi) National Committee for Oceanic Research
13) Sealing
14) Items of agenda drawn up in the form of minutes: a) ICSU General Assembly b) Charles Leopold Mayer Prize c) Yarrow Educational Fund grants d) London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, review of charter e) Phillippines Academy of Science and Humanities f) Committee on University Computer Needs g) National Committee for Geodesy and Geophysics
15) Bills for payment
16) Other business |