Description | Agenda
Council will sit first as a Council of Papers
Seating Plan of Council for 1961-1962
New Members to sign the Declaration in lieu of the Oath prescribed by the Charter
1. Minutes Minutes of the meeting held on 30 November 1961 to be confirmed
2. Vice-Presidents
3. Arising from Previous Minutes a. Minute 5 of 12 December 1960 - Applicationof Grant b. Minute 5 of 15 June 1961 - USSR Exchange Agreement c. Minujte 8 of 15 June 1961 - Pacific Science Congress d. Minute 18 of 9 November 1961 - NATO Advanced Study Institute e. Minute 6 of 30 November 1961 - Academia Sinica Peking f. Minute 14 of 30 November 1961 - Assistant Secretary's Title
4. Possible Vacancies amongst the Officers
5. Committees and Boards
6. Lectures
7. Candidates for the Fellowship
8. Gift To report a gift by Professor R S Hutton of a collection of letters of Sir Arthur Schuster from and to Sir Joseph J Thomson, Lord Rayleigh, Sir Henry Roscoe, Lord rutherford and others.
9. Reports of Committees and Boards i. Scientific Publications Board ii. Tsaxonomy Committee iii. Naples Zoological Station ommittee iv. Royal Society and Nuffield Foundation Commonwealth Bursaries Committee v. National Committee for Crystallography vi. National Committee for Mathematics
10. Sealing
11. Items of Agenda drawn up in the form of Minutes which will become Minutes of Council unless any objectin as to form or principle is raised at the meeting. a. StVincent Prize b. Scientific Investigation Grant-in-Aid c. Biographical Memoir [for Professor H B Squire] d. USSR Exchange Agreement e. Foulerton Research Fellow
12. Bills for Payment
13. Other Business
Includes Agenda for the Committee of Papers of 14 December 1961: to receive the recommendations of the Sectional Committees for; Mathematics Physics Chemistry Engineering Sciences Geology Botany Ecology Physiology and Medical Sciences A list of papers and recommendations is oisted