Description | Agenda:
1) Minutes confirmed
2) Arising from previous minutes a) Jaffe Fellowship and studentiship (Dr G Hoyle and Dr KL Manchester) b) Sir Geoffrey Taylor c) USSR exchange agreement d) Invitation to Bulgarian Academy of Sciences e) Bakerian Lecture (MJ Lighthill) f) Candidates for the Fellowship g) Amendment of statutes
3) Election under statute 12
4) Foreign membership
5) Royal Society Research Fellows and Students (letter sent out asking research Fellows and students to seek permission from Royal Society before carrying out visits overseas)
6) Nomination of representatives from the Royal Society to the council of the Imperial Cancer Research Fund
7) International Congress of Mathematicians (Edinburgh) fund
8) Invitation to Mawson Institute for Antarctic Research
9) Reports of committees i) Biological Research Committee ii) Medical Sciences Research Committee iii) North Borneo Expeditions Committee iv) Scientific Research in Schools Committee v) National Committee for Biology vi) National Committee for Chemistry vii) National Committee for Geology viii) National Committee for Physics ix) National Committee for Space Research
10) Sealing
11) Items of agenda to become minutes a) Volterra Centenary b) History of Science National Committee c) Pepys Commemoration Service d) National Committee for co-operation in Geophysics e) Sealing
12) Bills for payment
13) Other business
Supplementary agenda:
13) Arising from previous minutes a) Jaffee Fellowship (Dr J Owen) b) Travelling expenses c) ICSU General Assembly arrangements
14) Foreign membership
15) Sophie Fricke Royal Society Research Fellowship, Rockefeller Institute
16) Reports of committees i) Biological Research Committee ii) National Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics |