Description | Agenda:
1) Minutes
2) Death of Herbert Westren Turnbull
3) Arising from previous minutes a) Foulerton Research Professor (Professor AL Hodgkin) b) Exchange of scientists with the USSR c) Applications for Sophie Fricke Royal Society Research Fellowship in the Rockefller Institute, 1961/1962 d) Report on Naples Zoological Station e) Offer of £100,000 from Wellcome Trust for professorship f) Invitation from Pro Helvetia Foundation to visit Switzerland
4) Considering nominations for Royal Society Visiting Professorship
5) Review of Royal Society Research Appointments
6) Consider setting up committee to consider series of Royal Society lectures
7) Bequest to the Royal Society
8) Gift of Rosa da Tivoli paintings to the Royal Society
9) Grant application from Freshwater Biological Association
10) Computers Users Committee ('to examine the needs of university scientists for the use of large computer machines')
11) Invitation to Bosovich Anniversary in Dubrovnik
12) Invitation to Vallisneri Tercentenary, Padua
13) Possible loan of Lord Rutherford portrait by Oswald Birchley to Whitworth Hall, Manchester
14) Possible loan of John Wallis portrait by Gerard Soest to Royal Museum of Painting, the Hague
15) Removal of portraits for cleaning and repair
16) Travelling expenses
17) Delegate from the Royal Society to the International Biophysics Congress
18) Reports of committees i) Biological Research Committee ii) Petavel Bequest Committee iii) Rutherford Memorial Committee iv) Scientific Information Committee v) Royal Society and Nuffield Foundation Commonwealth Bursaries Committee vi) Sorby Research Fund Committee vii) National Committee for Antarctic Research viii) National Committee for Co-operation in Geophysics ix) National Committee for Oceanic Research x) Royal Society UNESCO Committee
19) Sealing
20) Items on the agenda which will become minutes a) Wolfson Fund (professorship) b) Rutherford Lecture (NF Mott to lecture in African territories of the British Commonwealth other than South Africa) c) International Geographical Congress d) Honorary librarian of the Royal Society (Professor EN da C. Andrade) e) History of Science f) Supplying apparatus for Foulerton Research Professor g) Jaffe Research Student (Dr KL Manchester) h) Grant for attending conference for Rutherford Scholar i) Membership of Newton Letters Committee j) Report on sales and distribution of Royal Society's publications
21) Bills for payment
22) Other business |