Description | Agenda:
1) Minutes
2) Deaths (Percy Williams Bridgman, Morris William Travers, Martin Alister Campbell Hinton)
3) Arising from previous minutes a) USSR Exchange Agreement (report from Professor B Katz) b) Report on Astronomical Union Assembly c) Report on Chemistry Union Conference d) Report on Biological Sciences General Assembly e) Delegation from Academia Sinica Peking to the UK f) Scientific Investigations Grant-in-Aid g) Travelling expenses h) South Indian Ocean Expedition (application to Treasury refused) i) Scientific Research in Universities in the United Kingdom (consider sending statement to Fellows) j) Henry Dale Professorship k) Discuss proposals for Medals
4) Nominations to new Council
5) Proposals for membership of Sectional and Standing Committees
6) Report of Council
7) The Royal Society and International Relations
8) Meeting with representatives of Academies (discussion on international relations between academies, role of ICSU)
9) Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey Scientific Advisory Commitments
10) Representative from Royal Society (RS) to Indian Science Congress
11) Representative from RS to London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
12) NATO Advanced Study Institute grant application
13) Meeting Room platform
14) The teaching of Modern Science in schools, suggestion for establishment of a National Committee for Chemical Education
15) Bequests (Frank Russell East, Percy Morris)
16) Gift of a box microscope belonging to Henry Baker (FRS, 1740)
17) Newton's Mathematical Manuscripts
18) Reports of Committees: i) Browne Research Fund Committee ii) Gassiot Committee iii) Scientific Relief Committee iv) Committee on University Computer Needs v) National Committee for Antarctic Research vi) National Committee for Scientific Radio vii) National Committee for Space Research
19) Sealing
20) Items of agenda drawn up in the form of minutes: a) Brown bequest b) Royal Society Visiting Professor (Professor R Couteaux) c) Newton correspondence editorial arrangements d) Astronomical Union Assembly expenses granted from Scientific Congress Grant-in-Aid e) Travelling expenses f) Cruelty to Animals Act Advisory Committee (Sir Robert Platt) g) Travelling expenses h) Rutherford Scholars i) Invitation from Bulgarian Academy of Sciences j) Royal Society Visiting Professor (Professor M Szwarc) k) British Council Science Advisory Committee l) Royal Society Charters, condition report m) Scientific Publications Board n) Jungfraujoch Research Station Council (grant for expenses) o) Space Research (expenses) p) Royal Society equipment (grant from Gore Fund) q) Geodesy symposium, sherry party for delegates r) Jaffe Research Fellow (Dr G Hoyle) s) Stothert Research Fellow resignation (Dr WD Butt) t) National Committees u) Parsons Memorial Lecture v) Graz Technische Hochschule 150th anniversary message w) Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences exhibition x) Sealing
21) Bills for payment
22) Other business