Description | Council will sit first as a Committee of Papers
1. Minutes Minutes of meeting held on 16 December 1961 to be confirmed [Enclosure A] Appendix B to the minutes of the meetiing held on 30 November 1961 to be circulated herewith [Enclosure B]
2. Deaths
3. Arising from previous minutes a. Minute 4 of 10 March 1960 - Report by Dr J A Clegg b. Miinute 19 of 12 OCtober 1961 - South indian Ocean Expedition c. Minujte 11 of 14 December 1961 - Academia Sinica Peking d. Minute 12 of 14 December 1961 - Amendment of Statutes e. Minute 17 of 14 December 1961 - Lecturers [Enclosure D] f. Minute 18 of 14 December 1961 - Candidates for the Fellowship [Enclosure E]
4. Travelling Expenses [Enclosures F and G]
5. Jaffe Research Appointments
6. Embossed Scientific Books Fund
7. Emigbration of British scientists
8. Bequest To report a bequest to the Royal Society by William Pinckard Delane Stebbing of a silver tray and gold watch which belonged to his grandfather the Rev. henry Stebbing, D.D., FRS (elected 1845) The tray is inscribed 'presented to the Reverend Henry Stebbing, DD. FRS, Rector of St Nicholas Gate Abbey London by a number of his friends in recognition of his long and devoted services as Chaplain to university College ?Hospital frm the foundation in 1834 until his retirement in 1879. ' The gold watch by Dent was presented to him 'together with 325 commemorate the completion of a period of 25 years Ministry at St James's Chapel, Hampstead Road, and to express the affection, esteem and gratitude of his Congregation and the admiration felt by his numerous Friends. 24 November 1854.'
9. Birmingham College of Advanced Technology [ Enclosure H]
10. Imperial Cancer Research Fund
11. Reports of Committees i. MEdical Sciences Research Committee ii. North Borneo Expedition Committee [Enclosure I] iii. Committ on Scientific Information [Enclosure J] iv. Smithson REserch Fellowship Committee v. NAtional Commimttee for Antarctic Reserch [Enclosure K] vi. National Committee for Geodesy and Geophusics
12. Sealing
13. Items of Agenda drawn up in the form of Minutes which will become Minutes of Council unless any objection as to form or principle is raised at the meeting. a. Biographical MEmoir (of Mr M A C Hinton) b. International Geophysical Year
14. Bills for payment [Enclosure L]
15. Other Business
Agenda for the Committee of Papers to receiv e the recommendations of the Sectional Committees for; Mathematics Physics Chemistry Engineering Sciences Geology Botany Zoology Physiologyu and Medical Sciences A list of papers and recommendatins is atteached.
Supplementary Agenda 3(c) Arising from minute 17 of 14 December 1961 - Lecturers [Enclosure D1]
4. TRavelling Expenses [Enclosure F1]
15. Biological Expeditions Committee [Enclosure M]
11(iii) Committee on Scientific Information [Enclosurfe N] |