Description | Council meeting in two sections on 8 February 1962 Council will sit first as a Committee of Papers
1. Minutes The minutes of the meeting helkd on 11 January 1962 to be confirmed. [Enclosure A]
2. Arising from the previous minutes a. Minute 3 of 2 March 1961 - Sir Geoffrey Taylor b. Minute 15 of 12 October 1961 - Bulgarian academies c. Minute 36 of 12 October 1961 - Indian Science congress [Enclosure B] d. Minute 8 of 9 November 1961 - Ad Hoc Biophysics Committee [Enclosure C] e. Minute 8 of 14 December 1961 - Accommodation [Enclosure D] f. Miinute 7 of 13 January 1962 - Amendment of Statutes g. Minute 9 of 11 january 1962 - Candidates for the Fellowship
3. Marine Biological Association
4. Scottish Marine Biological Association
5. Malpighi Manuscripts To consider a report (OM/4(62) ) from the Oxford University Press for the Loan of the Malpighi Manuscripts for use ini illustragting a book by Adelmann entitled 'Marcello Malpighi and the evolution of embryology.' [Enclosure F] To consider a recommendation by the Officers that the request be granted provided that the manuscripts are looked after by t he Bodleian Library (subject to the librarian there being agreeable) and to all expense, including inisurance for £30,000, being met by the Press.
6. Wolfson Research Professor
7. Exchange with Polish Academy of Sciences [Enclosure G]
8. Fellows and Representatives visits overseas. [Enclosure H]
9. Reports of Committees and Boards To submit the following reports of Committees and Boards: i. Government Grant Boards [Enclosure I] and Copies of the applications received [Enclosure J] ii. Biological Expeditions Committee [Enclosure K] iii. Medical Sciences Reserch Committee iv. Scientific Research in Schools Committee [Enclosure L] v. Smithson Research Committee vi. National Committee for Co-operation in Geophysics [Enjclosure M] vii. Nationjal Committees for Geodesy and Geophysics viii. National Committee for Geology [Enclosure N] ix. National Committee for Space Research [Enclosuire O]
10. Sealing
11. Items of Agenda drawn up in the fornme of Minujhtes which will become Minutes of Council unless any objection as to form or principle is raised at the meeting a. Wolfson Fund b. Antactic Reserch National Committee c. Biographical Memoir [Dr J Kenyn] d. Committees e. Naples Zoological Station f. Discussion Meeting g. Space Research h. Warren Research Fund Committee
12. Bills for payment [Enclosure P]
13. Other Business
Supplementary Agenda 13. Arising from previous minutes a. Minute 49 of 12 October 1961 - Royal Swedish Academy of Science b. Minujte 17(i) of 30 November 1961 - Biological Reserch Committee
14. Sealing
Agenda for the Commmitte of Papers To receive the recommendations of the Sectional Committees for; Mathematics Physics Chemistry Engineering Sciences Geology Botany Zoology Physiology and Medical Sciences A list of papers and recommenddations is attached.