Description | Council will sit first as a Committee of Papers
Agenda 1. Minutes Minutes of meeting held on 1 March 1962 [Enclosure A]
2. Arising from Previous Minutes a. Minute 6 of 20 April 1961 - Professor D M S Watson b. Minute 15 of 20 APril 1961 - Nationality of Candidates for the Fellowship c. Minute 14 of 11 January 1962 - Emigrationof British Scientists [Enclosure C] d. Minute of 8 February 1962 - Amendment of Statutes e. Minute 11 of 1 March 1962 - Candidates for the Fellowship [ Enclosure D, E, F, G, H, I] f. Minute 13 of 1 March 1962 - Statute 12 [Enclosure J] g. Mionute 14 of 1 March 1952 - Foreign Membership h. Minute 15 of 1 March 1962 - Amendment of Statutes 23 and 24 [Enclosure K] i. Minute 20 of 1 March 1962 - Hooke Committee
3. Travelling Wxpenses [Enclosure L and M]
4. Relativity and the Theory of Gravitation [Enclosure N]
5. World Power Conference [Enclosure O]
6. Jaffe Research Student [Enjclosure P]
7. Academie Nationale des Sciences, Belles Lettres et Artd De Bordeaux
8. Loan To report the deposit by Captain A K Totton of the British Museum (Natural History), with the Royal Society on long loan of the correspondence of James Jurin (FRS 1717) consisting of approximately 200 letters written by and to him.
9. Reports of Committees To submit the following rep0orts of Committees; i. Browne Reserch Fuhnd Committee [Enclosure Q] ii.. Finance Committee [Enclosure R] iii. John Murray Studentship Committee [Enclosure S] iv. Rutherford Memorial Committee [Enclosure T] v. Scientific Relief Committee vi. Southern Zone Expedition Committee [Enclosure U] vii. Committee on University Computer Needs [Enclosure V]
viii. Joint Permanent Eclipse Committee [Enclosure W] ix. Royal Socity and Nu8ffield Foundation Commonwealth Bursaries Committee x. Nationakl Committee for Astronomy [Enclosure X] xi. National Committee for Crystallography xii. National Committee for Geography xiii. National Committee for Physics xiv. National Committee for Space Research
10. Sealing
11. Items of Agenda Drawn up in the form of Minutes which will become Minutes of Council unless any objection as to form or principle is raised at the meeting. a. Indian Science Congress b. Scientific Investigation rant-in-aid c. Henry Dale Reserach Professorship d. Foulerton Research Fellow e. Nationhal Physical Laboratory f. Scientific Investigation Grant-in-Aid g. Admission of New Fellows h. Manned Space light i. Isaac Newton Observatory
12. ills for Payment
13. Other Business
Agenda for the Committee of Papers, 12 April 1962 To receive the recommendations of the Setional Committees for; Mathematics Physics Chemistry Engineering Sciences Geology Botany Zoology Physiology and Medical Sciences
A list of papers and recommendation attached
Supplementary Agenda for Council Meeting on 12 April 1962 2. Arising from previous minutes e. Minute 11 of 1 March 1962 - Candidates for the Fellowship [Enclosure E1]
13. Reports of Committee i. Soiree Committee [Enclosure Z] ii. National Committee for Geodesy and Geophysics
14. Sealing
15. Item of Agenda drawn up in the form of a Miniute which will become a Minute of Council unless any objection as to form or principle is raised at the meeting International Library Bulletin