Description | Counciol will first meet at a Cammittee of Papers
Agenda 1. Minutes Minujtes of the meeting held on 12 April 1962 to be confirmed [Enclosure A]
2. Arisding from Previous Minutes a. Minute 5 of 30 November 1961 - Research Profvessors in th e United Kingdom [Enclosure B] b. Minujte 2 of 11 January 1962 - Biographical Memoir c. Minujte 11 of 11 January 1962 - Jaffe Reserch Professorship [Enclosure C] d. Minute 8 of 8 February 1962 - Provisional Biophysics National Committee [Enclosure D and E] e. Miinujte 24(ii) of 8 February 1962 - BIAFO-GYANG Expedition f. Minute 7 of 1 March 1962 - British Chemical Education Committee g. Minute 6 of 12 April 1962 - Emigration of British Scientists [Enclosure F] h. Mmiinute 14 of 12 April 1962 - Travelling Expenses i. Minute 27(xi) of 12 April 1962 - Theoretical Astronomy Institute [Enclosure G]
3. Fellow's Jubilee (Profesor R C Punnett on the occasion of his fiftieth anniversry of his election to the Fellowship)
4. Royal Society Visiting Professorship [Enclosure H]
5. Wolfson Research Professor
6. Jaffe Research Fellow [Enclosure I]
7. Teaching of Biology [Enclosure J]
8. Balzan Prizes [Enclosure K]
9. NATO Advanced Study Institute [Enclosure L]
10. British Council Committee and Panel
11. Cambridge University Committee for Aerial Photography [Enclosure M]
12. Fairchild Lecture
13. Reports of Committees To submit the following reports of Comittees; i. Petavel Bequest Committee ii. Physical Sciences Reserch Committee iii. Nap[les Zoological Station Committee [Enclosure N] iv. National Committee for Geodesy and Geophysics v. Nationhal Committee for C0-operation in Geophysics [Enclosure O] vi. National Committee for the History of Science [Enclosure P] vii. National Committee for Mathematics [Enclosure Q] viii. NAtional Committee for Space Reserch [Enclosure R]
14. Sealing
15. Items of Agenda drawn up in the form of Minutes whi8ch will become Minutes of Council unless any objection as to form or principle is raised at the meeting. a. Payne Fund b. Scientific Investigations Grant-in-Aid c. Royal Society Visiting Professor d. Geographers Conference e. Biophysics International Organisation Council f. Space REserch g. Anglo-American Satellite h. David Rivett MEmorial i. East African Academy of Sciences j. Radioactive Substances Advisory Committee k. Sealing
16. Bills for payment [Enjclosure S]
17. Other Business
Agenda for the Committee of Papers
1. To receive the recommendations of the Sectional Committees for; Mathematics Physics Chemistry Engineering Sciences Geology Botany Zoology Physiology and Medical Sciences 2. A list of papers and recommendations is attached
Supplementary Agenda
1A. Death [of Albert Narcel Germain Rene Portevin on 19 April 1962]
17. Arising from previous Minutes a. Minute 18(v) of 9 May 1957 - Down House b. Minute 4 of 12 O~ctober 1961 - USSR Exchange Agreement c. Minute 13 of 12 April 1962 - Hooke Committee
18. Rutherford MEmorial Committee |