Description | Council will sit first as a Committee of Papaers
1. Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 17 May 1962 to be confirmed [Enclosure A]
2. Arising from the previous minutes a. Minute 36 of 12 October 1961 - Indian Science Congress [Enclosure B] b. Minute 12 of 12 April 1962 - Amendment of Statutes c. Minute 9 of 17 May 1962 - Research Professors in the United Kingdom d. Miinute 13 of 17 May 1962 - Biophysics National Committee e. Minute 22 of 17 May 1962 - Visiting Professorship [Enclosure C] f. Miniute 28 of 17 May 1962 - Balzan Prizes
3. Medals [Enclosures E and F]
4. Meetings 1963 [Enclosure G]
5. Application for a Grant [Enclosure H]
6. Photobiology Congress [Enclosure I]
7. Charles - Leopold Mayer Foundation [Enclosure J]
8. International Prizes for Communications [Enclosure K]
9. British Empire Cancer Campaign
10. Reports of Committees and Boards i. Government Grant Boards [Enclosure L] [Enclosures M and N] ii. Biiological Expeditions Committee [Enclosure O] iii. Gassiot Committee [Enclosure P] iv. Mathematical Tables Committee [Enclosures Q and S] v. Medical Sciences Research committee [Enclosure S] vi. Sooiree Committee [Enclosure T] vii. Committee on University Computer Needs [Enclosure U and V] viii. Armourers and Brasiers' Company Research Fellowship Committee ix. Royal Societ and Nuffield Foundation Commonwealth Bursaries Committee [Enclosure W] x. Scientific Research in Schools committee [Enclosure X] xi. National Committee for Physiological Sciences [Enclosure Y]
11. Sealing
12. ITems of Agenda drawn up in the form of Minutes which will become Minutes of Councill unless ay objection as to formor priinciple is raised at the meeting. a. Jaffe Research Fellowship b. British Chemical Education Committee c. International Geophysical Year Analysis d. Space Research e. Foulerton Reserch Professor f. Portraits Authority was granted for the removal of the following portraits from the Society's apartments to the studio of J Bostrom, 11-12 Dover Street, Lonmdn W1 for cleaning and restoration' Thomas Hobbes, Thomas Young, Sir John Herschel, Abraham de Moivre, Nevil Maskelyne, Sir William Watson, Samuel Chandler and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. g. Committees h. Commonwealth Universities Congress i. Parsons Memorial Lectures j. Sealing
13. Bills for Paymend [Enclosure ZX]
14. Other Business
Agenda for the Committee of Papers
To receive the recommendations of the Sectional Committees for; Mathematics Physics Chemistry Engineering Sciences Geology Botany Zoology Physiology and Medical Sciences
A list of papers and recommendations is given. |