Description | Agenda
1. Minutes of ,eeting held on 14 June 1962 to be confirmed
2. Death To report death of Hugh Hamshaw Thomas on 30 June 1962
3. Matters arising from previous minutes 3a Minute 13 of 13 October 1955 - reprinting of publications 3b Minute 5 of 15 June 1861 and 6 of 17 May 1962 - USSR Exchange Agreement 3c Minute 13 of 14 December 1961 - Possible vacancies amongst the officers 3d Minute 10 of 1 March 1962 - ASccommodation 3e Minute 12 of 1 March 1962 - Polich Exchange Agreement 3f Minute 9 of 12 April 1962 - Candidates for the Fellowship 3g Minjuhte 27(iv) of 12 April 1962 - Rutherford Scholarships Regulations 3h Minute 11 of 17 May 1962 - Biographiucal MEmoirs 3i Minute 4 of 14 June 1962 - Annual Cpntribution 3j Minute 5 of 14 June 1962 - Research Professorships in the United Kingdom 3k Minute 11 of 14 June 1962 - Medals Names suggested for Copley, Rumford, Royal A, Royal B, Davy, Darwin,Buchanan and Hu8ghes medals
4. Ordinary Meeting AMendments 1963
5. Travelling Expenses
6. Application for a grant
7. Freshwater Biological Association
8. Council for 1962-1963
9. National Physical Laboratory Executive Committee Chairman
10. Trend ommittee
11. Royal Society Leverhulme Professorships in India
12. Indian Science Congress
13. International Measduremetn Conference
14. Lubbock Correspondence To consider a recommendation by the Officers of the acceptance of an offer by Mr Eric Lubbock, mp, on permanent loan of correspondence of Sir JohhnLubbock (FRS 1829, Treasurer 1830-5, and 1838-45) consisting of about 3000 to 4000 items covering approximately the peeriod 1839-1865. The offer is made provided that the Society will index the correspondence and look after it.
A report (OM/52(63) by the Librarian on a visit to Mr Lubbock on 28 May 1962 is circulated hereiwht [Enclosure M]
To consider a proposal by the Officers that the offer be accepted is not be be recalled, say, 50 years.
15. Signing of sealed documents
16. Paul Instrument Fund
17. Reports of Committees and Boards 17i Scientific Publications Board 17ii Gassiot Committee 17iii Library Committee 17iv John Murray Studentship Committee 17v Rutherford MEmorial Commmittee 17vi Committee on Scientific Information 17vii Scientific Relief Committee 17viii Tristan da Cunha Expeditions Committee 17ix Smithson Reserch Fund Committee 17x National Committee for Antarctic Research 17xii National Committee for Chemistry 17iii National Committee for Space Resderch 17viv National Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
18. Sealing
19. Items of Agenda drawn up in the form of minutes whicih will become minutes of Council ujless any objection as to form or principle is raised at the meeting. 19a. Scientific Investigations Grant-in-aid 19b. Rutherford Lecturer 19c. Travelling Expenses 19d. Jaffe Research Student 19e. Space Research 19f. British Chemical Education Committee 19g. Wolfson Research Professorship 19h. Royal Society Research Fellows 19i. International Institute of Science and Technology 19j. Officers to act on behalf of Council 19k. Treasurer's Business
19. Bills for Payment
20. Other Business
Agenda for the Committee of Papers, 12 July 1962 To receive the recommendations of the Sectional Committees on 27 Jiune 1962 for; Mathematics Physics Chemistry Engineerign Sciences Botany Zoology Physiology and Medical Sciences
Lilst of papers and recommendations is given overleaf.
Supplementary Agenda 1. Minutes of the meeting held on 14 June 1962 [Enclosure A]
3. Matters arising from minute 6 of 17 May 1962 [Enclosure AA]
5. Travelling Expenses [Enclosures H1 and H2]
17. National Committee for Antarctic REsearch
20. Arising from Previous Minhutes
21. Henry Dale Reserch Professorship
22. Isaac Newton Observatory
23. Reprts of Committeesd 1. Southern Zone Expeditions Committee [Enclosure AD] 11. National Committee for Oceanic Research [Enclosure AE]
24. Items in the form of a minute.... Stothert Reserch Fello0w |