Description | Agenda
1. Minutes Minutes of meeting held on 12 July 1962 to be confirmed [Enclosure A]
2. Deaths
3. Royal Society Research Professorshhips Regulations
4. Arising form Previous Minutes 4a Minute 9 of 16 April 1959 - Short History of the Royal Society 4b Minujte 6 of 15 June 1961 - USSR Exchange Agreement 4c Minute 21(vi) of 14 December 1961 - International Mathematical Union Assembly [Enclosure D] 4d Minute 6 of 11 January 1962 - Academia Sinica Peking 4e Minute 8 of 8 February 1962 and 13 of 17 ?MAy 1962 - Biophysics I?nternational Organization [Enclosure E] 4f Minute 27 of 17 May 1962 - Biology Teaching Committee [Enclosure F] 4g Minute 37(vii) of 17 May 1962 - History of Science General Assembly [Enclosure G] 4h Minujte 28 of 14 June 1962 - Consolidated Iinvestment Pool 4i Minute 9 of 12 July 1962 - Accommodation 4j Minujte 11 of 12 July 1962 - Candidates for the Fellowship [Enclosujre H] 4k Minute 16 of 12 July 1962 - Dopwn House [Enclosure I] 4l Minute 20 of 12 July 1962 - Annual Contributions 4m Minute 21 of 12 July 1962 - Research Professorships in t he United Kingdom [Enclosure J] 4n Minute 22 of 12 July 1962 - Proposals for Medals (Copley, Rumford, Royal A, Royal B, Davy, Darwin, Buchanan, Hughes) [Enclosure K] 4o Minute 31 of 12 July 1962 - New Council 4p Minute 33 of 12 Julyl 1962 - Trend Committee [Enclosure L]
5. Sectional and Standing Committees [Enclosure M]
6. Report of Council
7. Scott Polar Research Institute
Bengough Bequest
9. The Horace Le Marquand Trust [Enclosure P]
10. British Heart Foundation Science Committee
11. British Standards Institution Committee
12. Walcutt Fund
13. NATO Advanced Study Institute [Enclosure Q]
14. Reports of Committees i. Finance Committee ii. Gassioit Committee iii. John Murray Studentship Committ iv. National Committee for Astronomy v. NAtional Committee for Biology vi. NAtional Committee for Mathematics [Enclosure S] vii. National Committee for Scientific Radio [Enclosure T] viii. Royal Society UNESCO Committee [Enclosure U]
Items of Agenda drawn up in the form of minutes which will become Minutes of Council unless any objection as to for or principle is raised at the meeting. 15a. International Crystallographic Congress 15b Academica Sinica Peking 15c. Physicsd International Union meetings
15d. Travelling Expenses 15e. Interanational Library Bulletin 15f. Jaffe Research Fellows 15g. International Physiological Congress 15h. Indian Science Congress 15i. Scientific Inmformation Committee 15j. Wolfsdon Research Professor 15k. Accommodation 15l. Mackinnon Fund 15m. Rutherford Scholars 15n. Foulerton Research Fellow 15o. William Marsh Rice University 15p. UNESCO 15q. Library Association 15r. Radio National Committee 15s. Parsons MEmorial Lecture 15t. SEaling
16. Bills for Payment
17. Other Business
Also includes Agenda for the Committee of Papers of 11 Ocvtober 1962
Supplementary Agenda 6. Report of Council [Enclosure O]
13. NATO Advanced Study INstitutes
17. Arising from previous minutes a. Minute 5 of 12 January 1961 - Pilkington Committee Report b. Minujte 27(i) of 12 April 1962 - Browne Commimttee c. Minute 38 of 12 Jully 1962 - Paul Instr4ument Fund [Enclosure W] |