Description | Agenda items; 1. Minutes of the meeting held on 1 December 2008 2. President's Business; 2.1 Report of the Board Meetings held on 7 January and (to follow) 11 February 2009 2.2 Physical Secretary 2.3 Other Presidential business 3. Council and Fellowship Business 3.1 Anniversary Meeting held on 1 December 2008 3.2 Honours, deaths and biographical memoirs 4. Corporate Business 4.1 Budget 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 4.2 The Society's Plans for 2010: A Progress Report for Council 4.3 Convocation for the Fellowship 4.4 Developing the communications plan for the 350th Anniversary celebrations 4.5 Kavli Royal Society International Centre for the Advancement of Science a) Purchase b) Finance c) Proposed Main Contractor Procurement Strategy 5. Sectional Business 5.1 The Royal Society Policy centre: a) Strategic Plan 2009-2011 b) Science Policy Centre Advisory Group meeting held on 8 December 2008 5.2 The path to Copenhagen: Royal Society engagement in climate change policy in 2009 5.3 Proposal for a new Joint Project funding scheme for UK - South Africa collaborations Approvals 5.4 Hooke Committee proposals Significant items to note; 5.5 Summer Science Exhibiton Committee 2008 5.6 Putting Science and Engineering at the heart of Government Policy 5.7 Update on the study on service sector innovation 5.8 Science and Poliltical change 5.9 Royal Society response to the IUSS committee enquiry on students and universities 6. Items for Confirmation, Report or information 7. To note the next meeting of Council will be held in the Council room on Thursday 2 April 2009 at 2.00 pm, preceded by lunch in the President's flat at 1.00 pm. Papers for agenda item 6 will be available for inspection from 112.15 pm in the Council Room |