RefNo | CLP/1/39/1 |
Level | Item |
Title | Manuscript, 'Specimina quaedam illustria doctrinae fluxionum sive exempla quibus methodi istius usus et praestantia in solvendis problematis geometricis elucidatur ex epistola peritissimi mathematici' [Some illustrious examples of fluxions or examples by which the use and excellence of this method of solving geometrical problems is elucidated, from a letter from the most experienced mathematician] by D Abr [Abraham] de Moivre |
Date | 10 July 1695 |
Description | Paper on quadratures, surface dimensions, and the rectification of curves. The diagrams and equations on the final page appear not to be related to those in Moivre's paper on fluxions.
Subject: Mathematics
Published in Philosophical Transactions as 'Specimina quædam illustria doctrinæ fluxionum sive exempla quibus methodi istius usus & præstantia in solvendis problematis geometricis elucidatur, ex epistola peritissimi mathematici D. Ab. de Moivre desumpta'.
Read to the Royal Society on 10 July 1695. |
Language | Latin |
Extent | 6p |
Format | Manuscript |
PhysicalDescription | Ink on paper |
AccessStatus | Open |
RelatedMaterial | DOI: 10.1098/rstl.1695.0011 Printed in the Philosophical Transactions' Volume 19, Issue 216 (1695) |
RelatedRecord | CLP/1/39 |
CLP/1/39/2 |
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | PersonName | Dates |
NA6806 | Moivre; Abraham de (1667 - 1754); French mathematician | 1667 - 1754 |