
TitleManuscript, 'Account of rainfall at Gresham College [London] from 12 August 1695 to 12 August 1696' by Henry Hunt
CreatorHunt; Henry (fl 1673-1713); Royal Society operator; library keeper and repository
DescriptionHunt collected rain water for an entire year between 12 August 1695 and 12 August 1696, and presents his findings here as a table. The drawing shows a device to collect rain water, which was used by Hunt at Gresham College.

Subject: Meteorology

Read to the Royal Society on 13 January 1696

Published in Philosophical Transactions as 'An account of the quantities of rain fallen in one year in Gresham Colledge, Lond. per month, begun August 12. 1695. Monday morning, and way'd every Monday morning, till August 12. 1696. by pounds, ounces, and grains Troy weight: The diameter of the vessel which receives the rain being 11 inches and 4/10, or 114 tenth parts of an inch, whose area is 102 inches more 11/10. parts, and 1/7 of a hundredth part, being little more then 102 8/10 inches.'
PhysicalDescriptionInk on paper
RelatedMaterialDOI: 10.1098/rstl.1695.0059
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