Description | Present at the Council: The president, Lord Brouncker; Sir Paule Neile; Mr Aerskine; Sir George Ent; Mr Dudley Palmer; Dr John Wilkins; Dr Jonathan Goddard; Dr Whistler; Mr Matthew Wren; Mr Colwall; Mr Neile; Mr Creed; Mr Henry Oldenburg
Mr Matthew Wren was sworn as one of the Council
Mr Palmer was asked to consult with a lawyer about the following case; 'whether the President, appointing our Deputy, in his absence and another in the absence of the said Deputy, and so further; these Deputies be not one in law, and may be all sworn together, and act with intermission, as occasion serves, without being sworn anew; the form of the Oath being as followeth - 'A A.B. do promise to deal faithfully and honestly in all things belonging to the trust committed to me, as Vice President of teh Royal Society of London for improving Natural Knowledge during my Imployment in that Capacity.' '
It was ordered that the clause, which contains the power of deputation, be transcribed by the Amanuensis out of the Charter and showed to the same lawyer, together with the recited case.
Ordered that the Secretary bring in a draft of a Diploma for Monsieur Auzout.
Ordered that the Philosophical Transactions Number 13 be printed
Ordered that the Committee of the Mercer's Company be spoken to by Mr Harrington, Mr Colwall and Mr Graunt, for flooring the West Gallery of Gresham College. The form of the order as follows; 'June 4 1666. At aMeeting of he Council of the Royal Society. Ordered That Mr Daniel Colwall, Mr William Harrington, and Mr John Graunt do waite upon the Committee for the affaires of GreshamCollege London, to desire that they would please to repair the Floor and Windows in the West Gallery of the said College, where the Society's Repository is to be.' |