Description | Present at the Council: The President; Mr Aerskine; Sir Robert Moray; Sir Paul Neile; Dr John Wilkins; Mr Hoskyns; Dr Balle; Dr William Croone; Mr Henry Oldenburg
Dr Croone was sworn a Member fo he Council
Ordered that the form drawn up by the President about the promises to be made by Mr Hook, for observing the ends for which (according tot he Report of November 9, 1664) the fifty poounds per annum were given him by Sir John Cutler, be delivered to the said Mr Hook. This was done. The form was as follows; 'Whereas upon consideration that Sir John Cutler Knight and Baronett hath setled upon me Fifty pounds per Annum during my life, I have promised and undertaken to read, in the vacation times in Gresham College, or in such other place as the R. Society shall meet in , Sixteen Lectures per Annum, in order to the Advancement of Art and Nature, the said Society having been desired to direct the particular matter of the said Lectures, by reading one, each week, during the so many weeks successively, next after each of the four usual Termes in the year, as were weeks in the then last preceeding terme, upon such day of each week, as the said Royal Society shall meet upon; I do hereby renew the said promise, and undertake to read the said Lectures upon such particular matters, as the said Society shall direct. In Testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seale. '
Ordered that a copy of this report, as also of the thanks to Sir John Cutler be made, and delivered to Sir Robert Moray or Sir Paul Neile, to give to the Bishop fo Exeter, to show to Sir John Cutler, so he can declare whether it was really his intention to entrust the Society with the management of the £50 given by him to Mr Hooke.
The letter to be sent from the Council to the Earl of Sandwich at Madrid was signed by the President and Council.
The Council apparoved of the particulars for the Supplemental Charter of the Society, also the Alterations in the Statute for Electing a new Member into the Council, in case of vacancy, in the intervals of the Anniversary Elections.
' The Heads of particulars for the Charter are these; 1. That the power in the President, of substituting one Vice-president, may be inlarged to the substituting as many Vicepresidents at one and the same time, as to the President shall seem meet: And that all the clauses in the Charter, any way relating to the Vice -president may be made to relate to each of such Vice-presidents respectively.
2. That the several Powers which cannot be exercised but by the President and Council, or seven or more of them, may be exercised by the President and Council or Five or more of them.
3. That the Authority of meeting within London or tem miles of it, may be enlarged to all England. '
The Council licenced Number 21 of the Philosophical Transactions, consisting of four written sheets in folio, together with a Scheme; Mr Marty having undertaken again the printing, as being somewhat resettled after the late fire of London. |