Description | Present at the Council: The President; Earl of Northampton; Sir Paul Neile; Sir Anthony Morgan; Mr Henshaw; Mr Colwall; Dr John Wilkins; Dr Jonathan Goddard; Dr Wren; Dr William Croon; Dr Ball; Dr Pope; Mr Henry Oldenburg
Votede, that the Treasurer pay thirteen pounds (£13) to Mr Hook for four cabinets to be used in the Society's repository.
Sir Anthony Morgan gave an account of Mr Coale's title to the land belonging to Chelsey College, which not being found clear, it was ordered that he should be asked to speak with Mr Coale from the Council, to discuss that if he did make a legal conveyance of his lease of the land to the Council of the Society, and procured a release from those that pretended to it, or got any such pretender to join with him in the conveyance of his lease, they would then pay him a hundred pounds. And Sir Anthony Morgan was asked accordingly to do so'
Sir Anthony Morgan was asked to consider a a deed of gift for the Library which Mr Howard had presented to the Society.
Dr Wilkins was asked to consider 'the instances that may be fit to be inserted in the History of the Society' and having done so, to present them to the Council. |